What was life in Albania like in Hoxha's time?

What was life in Albania like in Hoxha's time?

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It confuses me as to why Nazis point to the Frankfurt School as an example of cultural marxism, when they were probably the most anti-Marx leftists in existence.

It was like in Sweden but the State doesn't hide its authority, and this social democracy overstayed its welcome well past its expiration date until every wage-laborer in it did a general strike and it fell down.

This song was No.1 in the charts every single week.

They should point out that fuck gramsci. That btw is a great thinker, but a bitch

Fuck off leftcom

Poor fucking dubcek. He's wasn't even that much of a revisionst, he just wanted a more democratic system

Same with Nagy tbh.

It was shitty, but far less shitty than it would have been if it was a capitalist country in the same geopolitical situation.

I had one classmate last trimester in UNI from Albania, it was pretty first world. They had Flat in commie block with electricity, water, food. They were literate.

>tfw you swear to your dying brother during slovak antinazi national uprising that you'll bring socialism to czechoslovakia so you dedicate your life to perfecting marxist theory until democratic centralism recognize you to be greatest ML to lead a country so you start pushing for democratic reforms but then Cornman in soviet union dislike the fact you are against his crypto-fascist reforms so he send tanks to your country because, as he learned in his visit in USA, reading marxist literature is for plebs, lel

Are you american? Eastern europe has its problems but yes, as insane as it sounds, people there have electricity and running water.

But they are.

I am from Eastern Europe studying online.

People didn't have electricity or water before communism, and today in deep Siberia people still live in dark ages.

Before Hoxha, Albanians too lived in stone age, Hoxha made Albania pretty much civilized.

I actually grew up in country side and didn't had internet until I was 16 and had occasional electricity problems ;(

Sad statistic in capitalist Russia there are no toilets. :(

you should go back to reddit already, faggot

strong arguments, comrade

there you are, newfaggot

I don't know what reddit spacing is, I started using the name during flag crisis and decided to keep it and emoticons existed loooong before facebook, so go back to Holla Forums buthurt statist fuck.

Son of Anarchy might be a bit cringey but considering he's not from the anglosphere he's not autistic about stuff like reddit spacing or being anonymous, chill.

I had no idea things in Russia were that bad.

At least he didn't have to see his homeland break up. ;_;

Better than its now. Enjoy the cheap hookers and criminals.

Is there a more JUST comrade than him?

He was Excellent both in his commitment to socialism and Anti-Revisionism and his ability at

albania pre-Hoxha was basically borderline stone age tier in most regions outside tirane with some places being so fucked up that literal tribalism still existed and literal conflicts would occur

and even basically all the "good" areas outside of tirane were basically pre-industrial revolution

and to add to that Albania was occupied and even had plans to be colonized during ww2

Hoxha basically improved standard of living in all regards and industrialized the nation
he also did a number of things mainly unique to Albania Compared to other post ww2 East euro states such as his view on weapons
he allowed the populace to be armed and never performed a weapons confiscation and went as far as to establish and train citizen militas on top of the normal armed forces

Hoxhaist albania was also the worlds only "athiest state"

but he did have his issue such as his cult of personality which was ultimately hoxhaist albanias downfall
once he died people almost immediately lost faith in the goverment as he had basically made himself the goverment
this resulted in the general strike and subsequent chaos that basically fucked up all he had achieved

could you send me a link about the speech? (video or article is irrelevant I´m just intrested)
