Alright Holla Forums, post your flag and try to sway me to your idealogy
Tankies need not apply but I'd like to find a solid label for myself
Alright Holla Forums, post your flag and try to sway me to your idealogy
Pol Pot was justified
I feel like this is gonna start some shit
Orthodox Marxism or fuck off
Life is meaningless, which means that we have a responsibility to ensure that everyone reaches their full potential and is able to live a meaningful life.
Literally nobody besides his detractors refer to communalism as "bookchinism". All in all that image is pretty meme worthy
Now that that's out of the way, I'm just leave you with a couple of pdfs and you can decide for yourself what you think
Why? Seems like you're looking to build an identity rather than seek solutions to political problems. Do you really want to end up like this guy?
Labels are usefull sometimes, but will also restrict your ability to adapt and think critically if you give them to much power.
No equality without freedom and no freedom without equality.
What about automation?
I don't want you to follow my ideology, I just want you to read. (Assuming you've already familiarised yourself with Marx:)
I can't post my flag because we still don't have a simple eco-socialist flag for some daft reason. Basically the point is that the tragedy of the commons won't be wiped out in a communist utopia, we still need to regulate our excess use of natural resources.
leftcoms are less democratic.
what the fuck is "Castroism"?
This one speaks the truth.
It is silly to treat one's politics as being part of one's identity, even if it is connected to one's identity. You are not bound to the social markets here as much as you might be elsewhere; feel free to take a unique (if not special) path.
If someone is made redundant due to automation and no other jobs suitable for them are available, they will be discharged, dismissed and be listed as retired.
my flag pls r8
It's more left wing than anything to the right of it.
if someone's job is automated you can just keep those people employed by reducing everyone's working hours, stop thinking like a cuckitalist
You are the one that seems to be thinking like a capitalist, friend.
Freeing someone from their obligation to work and allowing them to enter an early retirement with no reduction in buying power is an inherently good thing.
shit jobs are demeaning
This is actually the surest way to communism tbh, maximise ecology on earth or space travel to evacuate the human species and colonise planets in the galaxy
ansyn boii
Can you come up with a plan for socity that isn’t extremly undesirable to live in.
Well the medium term plan is to start constructing a dyson swarm comprised of o'neill cylinders around our sun (and to a much lesser extent, the gas giants of the solar system).
While I certainly would love to terraform and colonise planets.
We currently lack the technology to both terraform any of the planets in our solar system or travel to near by solar systems to colonise any planets that they may have.
An o'neill cylinder based dyson swarm however would not only provide millions of planets worth of living space, but we currently do have the technology to actually build them, we simply lack the required space infrastructure.
I can personally assure you that my ideology takes space colonisation very seriously.
I could say the same for most of you reds.
Hell, the anarchists here have a habit of wishing for what I would consider a dystopia.
Can you expand on the O'Neil cylinders and Dyson swarm never heard of this technology
how is decentralized direct democracy a distopia
I think a Dyson swarm has to do with aa Dyson sphere in which a giant sphere is built around a str to capture all of it’s solar energy.
Capitalism sucks, economic planning doesn't work.
O'Neil cylinders are basically just big cylinders in space that people would live on the inside of.
These cylinders would spin and that rotation would create centrifugal force that would allow those living inside it to have earth normal gravity.
As I said before.
The technology to create them already exists and has so for decades.
We simply lack the required space based infrastructure to build them currently.
A Dyson swarm is a huge number of objects in orbit of a star.
These objects would absorb the stars solar energy output.
If we were to make a Dyson swarm around our star out of O'Neil cylinders (even if we dedicated a large amount of them to things like wild life preserves or research stations), we would have millions of earths worth of living space, all perfectly tailored to human life.
Take a guess, friend.
'Dyson sphere's as you likely imagine them are works of science fiction.
Building a solid shell around a star is quite impossible.
sionistas are gay
What the fuck?
Centralization alienates people from governmental laws. Same with lack of democracy.
What's important if that the people obey those laws.
Strict, legalistic enforcement of laws ensures that they are always quite fresh on the mind of the populous.
Under heaven all is chaos.
I have a hard time reconciling my desire for total freedom with my knowledge that people are dumb as fuck
I had problems with that back when I was a communist as-well.
I can assure you that the majority of people are indeed rather dumb and quite dead to the world.
If you put such people in a state of 'total freedom', you only condemn them to languish and decay.
If you cared about building a society that would provide the leadership, care and guidance that the majority of people really do require a great deal of.
Then I would consider my ideology to be a natural option for you to consider.
It’s called education.
Libertarian Ultra Marxists-Bookchinist with Anarchists characteristics.