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The only slightly good succdem was Olof Palme

1929 called, they want their memes back

This better be ironic btw


Read a history book, socialidemocrats become fascists everywere you see when capitalism is endangered

Fuck off collaborationist scum!

Fascism and Socdem are both class collaborationist so the term makes sense

When did you realize that highjacking liberal democratic institutions was 100x more realistic than PPW i the 3rd world or revolution of any kind in the first?

as ironic as nazbol ;)

Your whole ideology is based on mediocrity.

SocDems: "Ok we won this tiny victory now, but there's no way we can gain more, so let's just go back to being wageslaves".

You are the tools of porky.

utopians masturbating to Catalonia lasting 3 whole years (and still not getting past soc. dem.)

pretty hard to kill anyone when you never actually have the balls to grab power


At least I'm not a fucking liberal.
Although I do agree with you that many anarchists obsess a too much over past events.
SocDems:"You know I think the Queen is kinda cozy"
SocDems:"Bosses are people too! And they need exploitation to survive".

ancoms only grab each others dicks due to being so fuckin deviant

little shits made gulags in Catalonia just to please their fetishes, no to use it as an actual prison

fucking ancoms fuck you

gay fags go suck a dick

I'm stealing this.

sharp critique there coming from a nihilist

gotta grab dat power before you destroy the structures of power

being ancom doesnt automatically make you an utopian


Fuck you, I live in a country where SocDems have been in power most of the last century, and they end up betraying the workingclasses every single time.
Among other things they kept registers of known communists that they happilly traded with the USA during the Cold War. And that's only one thing out of many.

Stop being such a fucking burger.

almonds activated

ya quisieras goe

There is nothing particularly wrong with the Queen given she has literally no power

Sweden was actually pretty alright soc-democracy

the anti-communism, the eugenics weren't too nice tho, that history really highlights the connection between fascism and social democracy

I think a lot of Anglos etc somehow think the goals of social democracy are sufficiently utopian. They haven't lived in a country with a genuine successful social democracy. If you have you npotice that there are some inherent limits to what social democracy can achieve. As long as there is parliamentary democracy in a capital dominated world the capitalist will hit back as soon as the social democrats get close to actual socialism. That's the reason Palme lost the 78 (?) elections. His löntagarfonder idea was too radical

l mean you obv. belive that but even Kurdistan and the Zapatitas exist at the mercy of the west but l unironically volunteer w the zapatistas where l live because they're somewhat based


Ok. Let me ask you this; which ideology, that historically places itself on the left, is actively involved in enforcing bonecrippling austerity in Europe?

Not Sweden but close.
I view Social Democracy as being a state of limbo.

only maoists and 3rd worldist have a legit crit of pushing the first world towards soc.dem. lMO

roddit plos

none, just fucking read Keynes boy
u wot

also stop shitting up my thread w/o posting memes >:(

I literally read that fuckhead in school you dumb fuck. SocDems are just lberals with red flags.

Social democracy is kicking the can down the road in terms of crisis, op.

Mexicano? Rojava is closer to me tbh


EPN is socdem gang




I think I have diagnosed your ideology. You live in some Latin American place ravaged by contras/civil war/American imperialism with an unstable political system. So you look to Europe and think: we could be like that if the Americans go away and the FARC and the fascists get out of our country.

If you are Mexican for example Sweden must look very nice in comparison. What you don't realize is that the only successful social democracy that exists has come about as a compromise between the capital and the genuine threat of an organized, potentially militant working class in industrial societies. The European fall of social democracy closely mirrors the fall of the Soviet union. This is no coincidence. Social democracy cannot rule unless there is an ideological competition with genuine powerful "communism" such as the Soviets or the Yugoslavs.

So in Latin America. The backyard of the American empire there will never be a large consensus of soc-democracy such as we saw in post war Europe because there is no powerful force that can convince capital to compromise with labour long term. In such circumstances the social democratic project is doomed to be overturned by the scheming of capital, such as we just saw in Brazil and as we are seeing now in Venezuela. So if you are advocating for bare bones social democracy in Latin America you are doomed to fail. Social democrats rarely build anything long lasting because they are inherently just deal makers between the radical left and radical right.

comprendo amigo?

really? isn't he more of a Blairite?

The only reason SocDems don't kill people is because they become fascists and neoliberals first. :^)

lmagine having no successful exaples of your ideology and still being this smug
If you are Mexican for example Sweden must look very nice in comparison. What you don't realize is that the only successful social democracy that exists has come about as a compromise between the capital and the genuine threat of an organized, potentially militant working class in industrial societies. The European fall of social democracy closely mirrors the fall of the Soviet union. This is no coincidence. Social democracy cannot rule unless there is an ideological competition with genuine powerful "communism" such as the Soviets or the Yugoslavs.
l mean l love the irony of a smashy thinking that the USSR pushed NATO countries LEFT, but you are very very wrong
or even that the USSR represented the interests of labour in anything but name

lf only there were some way for labourers to choose their leaders democratically, some sort of social… democracy?

comprendes*, get this patronizing shiy out of here




If I couldn't distinguish them, then I wouldn't be saying that they turn into something else first would I?

meant to responf to black flag w that one

You killed Rosa and Liebknecht, you fucking liar.

Imagine talking literally like a liberal

the pink wave is collapsing hard as hell right now, it would be great if it would work, but it doesn't, social democracy doesn't emerge from a vacuum, in places like France and Italy the communist parties were incredibly strong post ww2, this is the stuff that scares porky and forces concessions, doesn't have to be MLs but has to be people who are genuinely threatening to turn over the current order, that is the only way you get concessions from the eternal porky

that ugly ass rose you are sporting is the European symbol of stabbing the workers movement in the back repeatedly

oh and sorry for speaking two words of your language, you might be many but you are quite irrelevant as you mainly are the backyard of the Yank

sorry to tell you that m8

slow down buckaroo, nobody's defending the USSR here

the queen brings in more money than she gets from the government and is only a figurehead
but still abolish all crowns lMO

cut their heads of you damn liberal

Don't try to pretend you're Demsocs. There is a meaningful difference between using reform to achieve socialism and using reform to humanize capitalism.

This. You are not a democratic socialist if you're a social democrat.

I just described Social Democracy for you. Even if that goes for the USSR as well.


Don't believe that retarded propaganda. There is no way to accurately determine how much money the monarchy is bringing in.

lmagine being so disillusne w your own ideas that you'll literally betray the core tenet of anti-authiortinaism to force a revolution cause its so impossible to imagine 50% of the populace supporting it

my idea of utopia is ancomistan too, and we both agree its not gonna come w/o a transitnal phase, why would you pick the authoritarian version of this phase?

You mean joining liberal democratic institutions by becoming liberal democrats, with a psychotic streak hell bent on destroying any threats to your newfound power? Because that's all that you ever do.


My point is that for social democracy to come about at all there must be revolutionary pressure

nah mostly l just jack off

Do you actually know the difference between socialism and social democracy?

My point is that for social democracy to come about at all there must be revolutionary pressure
and the entire foundation of my ideology is replacing auth. revolutionary pressure w democratic not just electoral pressure

me big stupid, not know what welfare capitalism, never read marx me not understand like amcom so smart, me think market is building

I'll just mark that down as a "no" then.




l thought it was clear enough it sarcasm, even for a smashy

wtf I love social democracy now!!

redpill me on Olof Palme

tried to turn Sweden's businesses into co-ops, lost election bretty cool guy


fuck yo rules

this thread has been taken over by the Rosa-gang

Why did you not only murder this innocent sweet and poor girl, but also prolong the lifespan of capitalism in every way possible? You have too much to answer for.

you rn tbh

Your point?

i like comics

Me too

David Frost interviews Olof Palme in 1969

he was actually forced to accept this idea by the far leftists in his party and in the unions, he was actually not to keen on it, his heart wasn't in it. None the less, international capital threw a hissy fit and poured money into his opponents and soc-dems lost a Swedish election for the first time in like 50 years

he also had the Swedish secret police establish a list of Swedish communists and communist sympathizers, not very nice Olof :/

still cool guy, sharp as hell and good at rhetoric, Henry Kissinger was mad at him because of his badass speeches comparing Hanoi bombings to those of fascist regimes, during the Pinochet coup in Chile he allowed people fearing for their lives amnesty in the Swedish embassy

he is not some perfect socialist, but he was inherently likeable, witty, humanistic and genuine solidarity for the lower classes

imagine someone with the upper class background, charisma and intelligence of JFK with the politics and anti imperialism of Jeremy Corbyn

he is truly awesome

case in point, this interview, I especially like his answer to when Frost asks him what he wants his legacy to be

Last and not least I shall post his best speech whcih was in response to the American christmas bombings of Hanoi in 1972, it is a rhetorical master piece

resons to love Palme #37

he was the first western leader to go to Havanna


You know that legendary soviet bureucracy is a meme, right? Soviets had less bureucrats than Russian Empire and far less that putins Russia



You're not to think you are anything special.
You're not to think you are as good as we are.
You're not to think you are smarter than we are.
You're not to imagine yourself better than we are.
You're not to think you know more than we do.
You're not to think you are more important than we are.
You're not to think you are good at anything.
You're not to laugh at us.
You're not to think anyone cares about you.
You're not to think you can teach us anything.


Why do leftist memes always have a wall of text ?

Holla Forums is basically just 4chan's /lit/ board redux

so we are wordy and not the best propagandists


and please respond of course


SocDems are at least partially responsible for WW1


so wheres the demsoc flag then m8

Remember comrades, the rose stands for killing Rosa.

why are socdems and neoliberals a different category?

This fucker has read Wilberg.

Even then, there's nothing wrong with walls of text. Learn to fucking read.

Reminder that Holla Forums collectively writes at a middle school level while Holla Forums collectively writes at a college level.

Right here m8

That's an interesting comparison. It'd be fun to analyze this over a larger number of posts.

no wonder I never get replies

You have to know your audience, no one wants to read you wax poetic on the plights of the capitalist mode of production ad nauseam. Or you might just strike the passerby as deliberately esoteric. Most normies are not quite into that sort of thing (barring that it's not them pontificating, themselves)

Seriousposting for a sec: Social Democracy is flawed because its socialist aspects rely on the success of the capitalist aspects of its society. Therein you have a situation where restrictions the capitalist sector strangles the socialist part.

Furthermore, several noble goals simply haven't worked or have been riddled with portent long-term problems in even the best SocDem countries. For example, Britain's attempt to create universal employment under Capitalism ran into unprecedented inflation as the workers demanded higher wages (as they ought to.) This is because unemployment, as seen by the Capitalist class, is a mechanism to drive down wages by increasing competition for jobs.

Read Towards a New Socialism and don't come back till you've at least read the first chapter.

t. former Succdem

best meme


bait and lie fuck man pls go with the shit meme ur forcing like a redditor

Because a SocDem is someone who believes in Social Democratic goals and policy prescriptions, not someone who claims to be a SocDem while pushing neoliberal ones.

The alternative to this is arguing that Tony Blair was a socialist because Labour isn't a Social Democratic party, their own constitution stating that they are a "democratic socialist party."




Following the Nazi-Nazbol naming pattern, shouldn't it rather be called Sozi Gang?

why people seems to forget that one of those circles stands against communism?

ironic seeing commies use it out of all people

Confirmed for brainlet who gets his historical knowledge from American pop culture.

l aint no commie

memes are totally representative of my knowlege of the eastern front

lmplying l haven't read that and "Reform or Revolution"

Your flag says SocDem but your thumbnail says neoliberal contractionary memetary policy.



all social democratic parties support capital though, and have historically hindered socialist progress from ww1 to siriza


shoulda posted the other bit too

Everything could have been solved with Abba Lerner's Market Anti-Inflation Plan.

oops forgot shitposting flag

this is fucking autismal

I love it

the drawing represents socdems tearing Rosa's still-beating heart from her body

*blocks your path*

Stagflation was caused by poor monetary policy and a supply shock. The wage-price spiral began later.
James Callaghan was empirically wrong when he asserted that "curing unemployment at the stroke of a chancellor's pen" always created higher inflation as the next step.

In the UK it wasn't even a Labour administration trying to maintain employment that caused the problem, it was the Heath administration's modification of credit controls. (The intention was that businesses - who had ignored his orders to invest - would invest because the market mechanism made them. Instead, the liberalisation of lending caused a consumer boom that "overheated" the economy, then spiralled into 30% inflation when oil prices went up.)
A case can be made that the wage-price spiral drew stagflation out for longer than it needed to be, but it didn't cause it. Workers demanded higher pay not because they were greedy and feeling entitled, but because prices were rising.

Didn't stagflation happen despite the countries having been using the same successful policies since the end of WW2?
