Alright leftypol, I'm new to the far left and there's some things I can't rap my head around, I'm very open minded and I want you to show me why your pro-DPRK
Alright leftypol, I'm new to the far left and there's some things I can't rap my head around...
Other urls found in this thread:
By pro-DPRK, do you mean anti-invading everyone that makes America mad?
Only some tankies are, the majority here only defends it from western aggression.
I don't know how anyone here can think that toppling the Kim Jong regime is worse than letting the fatsos remain in power out of their own interests.
Take of that flag, faggot
Take the fucking flag off moron.
Trying to depose the Kims would kick off a massive war. Seoul would be leveled by NK artillery within the opening week of the war.
Whatever will replace it would be far less reactionary.
That's the most inane reason to support NK, you cretin.
Again, take off that flag. You're not a leftcom, you're a liberal
I don't "support" NK. I also don't think a US military invasion is good for anybody in either NK or SK.
Because that's exactly how it's worked out in every other attempt at regime change over the last few decades.
You still haven't learned your lesson after Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and the rest?
Non-sequitur, the middle east and East Asia are two very different geopolitical areas. I don't support deposing Assad, but defending the Kim is going too far.
You can no longer say you don't care whether north korea gets taken down or not, because that would be "defending imperialism".
The dumbest rule ever implemented here.
Anyways OP, North Korea did nothing wrong, everything you've ever heard about DPRK is US imperialist propaganda. Truth is DPRK has the highest standard of living in the world with about 99.85% of the country supporting the socialist ML rule. In fact I'd say Kim family was more influential for Marxist-Leninism then either Marx or Lenin. I support the DPRK based invasion of the US
Did they really do that? Holy fuck. These people are *precisely* what we need.
I'm a leftcom arguing with the idiot so don't paint us all with that brush.
But didn't the North invade the South first?
Ending the DPRK is accelerationist tbh
It's interesting how twisted burger discourse is. The one who has a vaguely bad feeling about a US/NATO attack killing millions of people is put on the defense by default: "Why do you love Kim? Why are you a KIMSEXUAL XDD"
Why do you hate NATO interventionism so much? Were you molested by a NATO intervention as a child?
user, please show us on this doll where NATO touched you
The DPRK is shit, but the U.S. has had every option of de-escalating the situation. They just had to quit doing bombers over their country, and they would ratchet down their nuclear program. That's a deal that has been on the table for a while. The U.S. refusal to take it should make them extremely suspect.
You can trashtalk North Korea (as long as you don't parrot propaganda) all you want but calling for regime change is not ok
The Kim's are despots and morons. I would never support US/NATO intervention but I would support some kind of coup that overthrew them, so long as it wasn't some CIA op. That being said tho I doubt it will ever happen as the Korean people are cucked
Jesus, just because one has the insight to see that modern 'anti-imperialism' is a travesty of support for nepotist autocrats to piss of your parents or feign the relevance of your slowly dying ML party - does not mean one has to go full retard and support US invasions.
War is war, revolutionary defeatism means the refusal to support any capitalist war, to refuse to support humans lives being wasted for any bourgeois, any state. What you're shilling for is mass death and potential nuclear annihilation of millions for what, replace Ceaușescu with Pinochet?
Take off your fucking flag, this is in no way or form the leftcom position, or any communist position for that matter.
What this guy said
I suppose this thread answered your request. This is what leftists' opinions are really like: mixed and convoluted. Basically NK support is nazbol tier and to be for the khmer rouge would be even more extreme so why don't you try asking for that next?
t. false-flagging tankie, likely the one below.
Kill yourself
True, because M-L has nothing to do with Marx and Lenin.
They're an okay nation and one of the few nations to have achieved socialism. However, I mostly defend them because they are anti-imperialist. Their overauthoritarian nature, while necessary in the current situation, is not something I think we should aspire to emulate.
I hope to God you're just trolling
No one ITT can name a single bad thing NK has done
We need to purge all fucking brainlets
Corrée du Nord est N A Z B O L
Because most of what you've heard about the regime is propaganda bullshit. Most of their shortcoming are due to the embargoes imposed on them, and I guarantee you that no matter what their living standard is today, it will drop a lot if neoliberalism is established in the region. just look at what happened in libya
it's a pretty shit place to live, being an authoritarian hereditary monarchy in all but name, but the most outlandish stuff is so obviously propaganda it's ridiculous, you can see the us' trigger fingers itching at the thought of killing gooks again, so despite them sucking i am not cheering for the capitalist side at all.
Supporting the DPRK doesn't do much good for the reputation of the far-left. Besides that it's also quite immoral to support such a regime, that includes the US.
I've heard it all, apperently the DPRK is fascist, capitalist, liberal, feudal, NazBol, etc., what is going to be the next accusation? You liberals should all consider going back to reddit. I'm a Marxist-Leninist and I don't like the leader worship and similar shit they pull but the DPRK is a real existing socialist country with no exploitation and production for use without the law of value regulating production. It also has a workplace democracy and many institions that facilitate polticial participation. It's streets are the cleanest in world, they have modern skyscrapers despite having an African tier GDP, it's proof that socialism works. And their economy is booming. Prove to me that this bullshit about Kim feeding his uncle to the dogs, people being beheaded for watching an American movie or children eating grass isn't just laughable propaganda.
Uphold Kimilsung-Kimjongilism you fucking cucks.
this. Any and all Leftcom and nu Socialist lies about the country is pro America and pro Imperialist propaganda.
North Korean music is a cure for depression.
Beautiful women singing about advancing socialism fill my heart with joy that I never felt before.
Also compare the second video to how SNSD looks. Many kpop stars did plastic surgery. A woman in socialism does not need plastic surgery to be beautiful.
SNSD drives in convertibles. And their lyrics try to seduce to your basest urges.
Moranbong band has jet planes, tanks and satellite carrying rocket models on stage.
The leader worship really ridiculous and I fail to see the point of it. Maybe reading some Gramsci might explain it.
Only this video helps to somehow understand it.
Yes! North Korea is evil and has many weapons of mass destruction, and need to be invaded in the interests of mineral resou- I mean liberty and democracy.
Moranbong band is pretty good
No country in the world is so bad that the US invading or toppling the rulers wouldn't make it much worse. I struggle to imagine a country that could be improved by US Imperialism.
NorK is N A Z B O L
Mods… Y-you didn't really ban that leftcom did you?
tbh that avatarfagging leftcom does nothing but shit up threads and be smug as shit
Openly advocating for the US to bomb the shit out of a poor country should be banned. It's a leftist board. At least post with the Nazi flag or some shit if you are serious about it.
Wait, was that the Leftcom that posts smoking anime girls and claimed in the other thread that the lower phase of communism has markets? He really had it coming.
I only recognize two Leftcoms, one is a Bordigist theory poster, he's decent, the other one is shit.
So, Nazbol.
Tbh Juche is kinda shitty and I dont exactly like their leader, but they are the only thing openly opposing US influence on Asia right now
Why don't you like Kim? He's easy to make fun of because of his appearance, but is actual politics are somewhat decent. He also purged the Songbun fuckers and announced to go back to his grandfathers system, which is a good thing.
the government systematically misinforms its people and enacts cruel, disproportionate punishments on criminals
I unironically am an adherent of Juche and Kim Il Sung thought and this is why:
Kim Il-Sung didn't want NK to become a Chinese puppet state and was hesitant to accept aid from China
Kim Il-Sung was fucking based.
The reason DPRK is so independent and economically secure today is their nukes.
I don't support the dprk and if there were a worldwide socialist movement it is likely both the prc and dprk would be opposed. Of course a us backed coup would be an all around disaster so that shouldn't be advocated for, but defending dprk's reputation online is a waste of time and doesn't do anything.
They are both worse. I also miss calvary user.
It's so easy though. It's not like anyone needs to pretend it's utopia, you just need to show that most of what people think they know comes from Radio Free Asia (literally American government agitprop) and South Korean tabloids. These guys report things that are demonstrably wrong all the time and get no criticism because of people like you who worry about how it looks. It really isn't even about "supporting North Korea", but preventing war and sanctions that have already killed millions of people.
Except that didn't happen.
Except it did because I've seen screencaps of the banned posts you fucking nerd.
Yes, because "gets taken down" means genocidal war that's already killed millions you sick fuck.
When was this again?
Only tankies do, and only some of those tankies actually support the Juche system. Most just don't want another war of US aggression.
Still though tankies should be ignored and you'll pick up quickly on how to identify them.
Yeah, a few people got banned, but most people didn't notice or care. Users dropped, because it was the 4th of July. You can look at the saved Holla Forums pages that the bans happened around the 2nd or 3rd. All in all, it really isn't out of keeping with general Holla Forums pop trends where people come and go in waves, especially when something political is happening.
July 1
July 2
July 4
July 5
pic related
July 6
pic related
July 8
July 10
pic related
July 11
pic related
Next time use your brain instead of believing contextless screencaps, you dumb fucker.
Most of this is true, except for the part where you ignore the part where the North Korean post-wwii government is constructed in the image of the USSR with all of its bureaucratic anti-democratic shortcomings, and the intense censorship that takes place under the Kims.
O-okay. Some of the bans were very fucking silly though.
I don't disagree with you there. The BO has done some things that deserve criticism, yeah, but saying stuff that just isn't true rubs me the wrong way. It's the same with the bunkerchan migration imo. It was really contentious and upset a lot of people, but there there are people that try and paint it like the BO going mad with power, running roughshod over the poor users of Holla Forums, when the evidence shows that just isn't true.
So, sorry for calling you a dumb fucker. That was pretty rude of me. My bad.