Karl Marx: Selected Poetry

Which one is your favourite poem from Marx, Holla Forums?

I proudly tip my hat
To the movement growing bigger
Everybody type in the chat
Lasaille is a Jewish nigger
- Karl Marx






I can clearly see that this is false attribution. Karl Marx would have never cover his majestic hair with some hat!

Anti-Semitic… But kinda funny…

Good rhyme fash.


Brecht is our poet

Pictured: anti-Semite fascist.

what a nerd lmao

this is profound..

put me in the screencap

Someone vocaroo this



Wow, this is bad. Really cheesy and pathetic.

Is there a German original somewhere? I want to see if it sounds as bad as it does in English.

well written gomrade


Was Stalin's poetry better?

Damn, Marx had the prose style of MC Ride.