Hunger meme

Where did the whole 'LE USSR NO FOOD HAHA' meme come from? The USSR at some point had much more caloric intake than that of the US

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Holy shit. If Glasnost and Perestroika had turned out with moderate success rather than total counterrevolution, we might be posting about Commiefats and contrasting them with capitalist american proles on the breadline

From the Holodomor I guess?

Most of it comes from pictures of Russia in the 1990's (democratic yeltsin era)

The collapse of essentially every aspect of the USSR following its abandonment of state capitalism turned to propaganda purposes.

Isn't it true that they had to import grain from the West despite having vast agricultural potential?

That post Stalin USSR was livable doesn't mean it was a good place to live.

Still better than Russia before or after. Eastern Europe always consisted of trashy impoverished dictatorships; comparing them to the West is hardly fair.

who would have thought

The point he's making is that Russia in 1900 was comparable to Africa, and Russia 5 decades later was comparable to the USA. Try doing that without outside help, working in a competitive free market.

Which is wrong.


You are right, that is wrong assumption
Africa is warm and Russia is cold and dark

It originates from the initial requisition of soil
You know, the thing that lead mass amounts of kulaks to starve to death and strike against working for the Bolsheviks


Gommunism btfo again

Anyone have that screencap of a russian user who found a childhood pic of him standing in a breadline being used in textbooks to "prove" the misery of the soviet era while the picture was taken in the yeltsin era?

Or if Gorbachov never came to power.

Gonna need source on that graph. Average 3300 calories a day meant everyone was a fucking lumberjack.


Or an alcoholic. Alcohol is calories too


you need a lot of calories to deal with the cold
dried pig fat is a food there

I actually wanted to put Quotation marks before and after the word democratic. I dunno why does 8ch does this

Then the USSR would have been a nation of fatties even before America was. Also the production of vodka skyrocketed after 1992 when State monopoly ended and calorie consumtpion crashed.

I understand colder environments make you burn more calories, but is the difference that big?

It's true. Russian, Ukrainians and some Muslim republics have very bad diet focused on very fat foods and alcohol.

the need to purge

if you hold shift and press the quotation mark button you'll get quotation marks that don't turn your text into italic

"so like this"
as opposed to like this

It's not actually 3300, it's a bit lower cause the stats don't account for waste
but you have to keep in mind that soviet citizens did a lot more sports and manual labor (they had nowhere to outsource it to, they had to produce most of what they consumed)

What a surprise

If i remember correctly, they preferred to invest into heavy industries, and import grain instead.

Propaganda. Capitalism is so shitty and provides nothing, so they have to go to the worst periods of communism to be able to win with it.

Remind them that feudalism was even worse than worst communism.

Good points.

America is nowhere near Russia. Nowhere is near Russia. Their male life expectancy is on par with sub-Sahaarian Africa, and alcohol is probably the biggest culprit.

That's just part of how liberals see the USSR