Why are people so upset about the French Revolution?

Why are people so upset about the French Revolution?

which people?

This man cares about it so much that he lies about the French Revolution being a Fascist coup, which proves Socialism (because the French revolutionary government did things) is a form of Fascism and Liberalism.

muh violence and muh royal family

why would you waste your time reading that crap?

Should I point it out or wait for a Holla Forumsyp to do so?

It's an easy read, and it's so dumb it's funny. Why not?

you are a patient person. just looking at the cover makes my blood boil

TBH that title is kinda right, just not in the way he thinks. Liberals are closet fascists

I don't get it either. My liberal and socdem friends think that killing monarchs goes too far.

Because there to dumb to understand the dilectal-materalism of Robs Pierre

Because poor people were the most slaughtered during the course of it.


they fear of a similar purely proletarian revolution

Something that has never happened and never will.
Every revolution starts with some upper class intellectuals stirring shit up. Proles are just too used to get shitted up and too ignorant to stand up against the system all alone.

The Russian Revolution disagrees with you.


The Bolsheviks didn't command the proletariat to take down the Tsarist government in the February revolution. It was largely a spontaneous proletariat reaction to worsening material conditions.


Don't worry, the dust hasn't settled yet

I really don't get the huge malice towards the terror nowadays. It may have swallowed up too many the revolutionaries claimed to have supported, but the kings killed hundreds of thousands through poverty and war and enslaved possibly millions.

Because it's the prime proof that bourgeois liberalism and capitalism did necessitate repression and war in huge amounts in order to rise to dominant paradigm.

Because it was full of misunderstandings, internal conflicts and many other embarrassing moments

Most notably the complete eradications of Girondins who did quite literally nothing wrong

Lest we forget.


Read Emmanuel Goldstein faggot

You're usually more verbose than that, Hoxha poster
But really, their objective is that Paris should be worth the same as other towns

I don't see anything bad in it
I do see a guy who rejoiced at massacres in Vendée in your pic though

Also, the pursuit of aggressive foreign "wars of liberation" which placed the revolution in serious jeopardy.
Please point me to where Robespierre was pleased with excesses committed in the name of the revolution in the Vendeé, when he was so adamant about guarding against those who would discredit the revolution with such acts.

Why am I not suprised

I remember reading that shit back when I was a free market libertarian. All I needed back then to buy the book was the title.

The only people against it are those who are sheltered to the point of hating that which gets results. There is something very important that more Leftists need to do, and that's unapologetically defending terror and violence, (where applicable) especially so, ironically enough, in our current "violence = bad" atmosphere.

Oh for fuck sake, anybody who thinks Robespierre had any inclination of being a tyrants need to have their opinions discarded immediately


maybe because libs are socdems are literally just woke fascists

I'm also of this opinion. I don't understand why people must be killed, I suppose I'm just opposed to it for some spooky reason.

History has shown that monarchs never want to go peacefully, they have to go with a bang. You take away their title, make them a regular citizen, and they start throwing a temper tantrum and calling all his monarch friends to invade cause his interests lie with those of other monarchs, not the nation or people he rules. Might aswell cut to the chase and decapitate them so reactionaries have nothing to rally around.

Marks the start of a brutal domination by Parisian bourgeois elite and the start of a 200 year long campaign to destroy all forms of local government, local languages, local customs and local culture in favour of brutally enforcing a "French" identity calqued on the Parisian one as well as the start of an enforced economic supremacy of Paris.


So in other words…the transition from feudalism to capitalism?

Ironic, because Jews had the most to benefit from the french revolution. Beforehand the aristocracy could effectively confiscate their assets and mark them for death without recourse.


They couldn't handle the powerlevels of terror in service of virtue.

Not quite, during the Ancien Regime, capitalism had already developed. Especially in cities like Paris, the bourgeoisie were already established and growing based on commerce and industry. They were accumulating a steady stream of capital. By the Revolution, the nobility increasingly relied on annual rents, the cens, as income from the peasants. It is interesting that when the Assembly abolished seigneural muh privileges, it framed the cens not as a feudal right of the nobility, but as a contract between lord and peasant. What is the economic system of the Ancien Regim in 1788 is essentially the husk of feudalism coexisting with capitalism.

That is debatable. The peasants and urban workers also stood to tremendously gain from the revolution, since they were on the receiving end of the Ancien Regime's very regressive taxation system (including the corvee, salt tax, etc.), duties and taxes from both the clergy and nobility as well as suffering the harmful effects of the recession. Crop failures from several bitter winters further exacerbated the situation for the peasants and urban workers. They were in an extremely tenuous situation prior to the French Revolution.

They'll stop talking in their native languages and adopt elite/foreign culture sooner or later, user. Use of force is irrelevant. Cultural domination will only ever become bigger and bigger a factor now. The ruling culture is the culture of the rulers.

