The "Leninist" Xexizy shows his true colors


I feel like that was probably ironic?

How fucking sad does your life have to be that this shit is the highlight of your pathetic life?


Why is this a bad thing? It's literally the most practical pursuit you can have in these circlejerks.

A talking shop for a bunch of book obsessed shut-ins is a practical way to get laid? There's a reason most students spend their spare time getting plastered in the union bar rather than these clubs, you know?

Less competition in niche markets is the reason why you go into circlejerks with expectation of getting laid. I am surprised that after reading all that Marx people still struggle with this concept.

You can literally just buy a guitar.

Hardly a valid argument in a market already oversaturated with fellow neckbearded autists. If that was the strategy being applied, Muke would have taken up crochet.

nobody like guitarists

shit I mean nobody *likes guitarists

That's where you're wrong, kiddo.

t. drummer

Hit me with your rhythm stick


Xexizy has made couple of great videos, unlike like majority of leftypol
At least he does something for leftism. Does OP?

the level of sadness it takes to roleplay political conflicts in internet circlejerks. this is a little world in which someone like jason unruhe is the most prominent figure, if muke keeps it up he can be him in 10 years.

Infantile take.

Traps and Trannies make up a lot of leftcom twitter so this is more likely than many would think

No offense to Muke and all them other Twitter lads but my gott lefty Twitter seems like trash.

doesen't make it any less right.

Aren't that population a band of dick withering mutants?

How can it be right? It's an idiotic assertion.


He liked the first 10 replies in that thread. How the fuck is anyone at the point where you're trying to smear people over likes alone? It's pathetic.

Go make a bitchy tweet about it.

take it to /leftytrash/


This kind of thread is allowed.

muke is great trap material

Because girls won't fuck you because you agree with them. Girls would rather fuck a good looking guy who's on the opposite of the political spectrum than average guy they disagree with.