You're not a blue racist, right Holla Forums?

You're not a blue racist, right Holla Forums?

I know you're joking but it really is a pretty baffling term.

if cops are a race I propose we build camps for them.

the left's anti police circlejerk is pretty dumb tbh
are cops in lefty countries perfect?
no, they aren't, because many of these issues are endemic to policing in general

With how many racists there are in America, labeling cops as a race might actually help our cause.

blue racism is Nazbol

I hate the whiney attitude American cops developed after #BlackLivesMatter became a thing. Like, people start giving a fuck bout police brutality and comparing them and their training (or lack thereof) to cops in other countries by the numbers and their defence for their fuckery's always "I'm risking my life out there. My only job is to get home to my wife and kids after every shift." No, it's fucking not. Your job's to protect the public, not fill them so fulla holes their corpses whistle when the wind blows. Plus being a police officer don't even rank in the top 10 for most dangerous jobs. Fucking painters and electricians like myself have a higher rate of dying on the job than them good for nothing clowns. Dorner did nothing wrong!

What a dumb term. The US was an error.

wow, you're doing a great job of defending the police, user. lefties btfo yet again.


I actually just got finished telling some white nationalist that "Hispanic heritage" has little to do with race and doesn't exclude white people but alright

Police are racist against communists.

It's hilariousl how incompetent american cops are. They're almost worse than thugs they're supposed to protect against. In europe many cops are able to handle situations without killing more civilians than criminals, sometimes they even take people alive even after doing something as heinous as shoplifting.

How do u,guys feel about the mail, firetrucks, and ambulences btw

pretty good

Fucking based I think. I have a friend who works as a paramedic actually. He said people sometimes conflate them with the cops and attack them which is pretty shitty.


Pretty cool. They aren't guard labor like cops.

I'm not gonna claim that Hispanic or Muslim are races - they obviously aren't, and people who act like the groups are inherently non-white or foreign are dumb. It doesn't mean they aren't also convenient targets for racists in a society where racism is way more despised more than xenophobia and religious discrimination, especially when that society also routinely associates "Hispanic" with Mestizos/Latinos and "Muslim" with Arabs and North Africans.

The american police is as racist as burglar impaling spikes. Both target black people disproportionately.

Theoretically paramedics should be cool, but every one I've met has been a massive piece of shit who seem like they've probably raped more than a few women.



They move in the same circles as cops, they work with cops most of the time, they recruit from guidoVoice families,

If you set "impaling spikes" out in the middle of a busy road and the first person to drive over them gets the death sentence, they may as well have broken into your house, right?



The thing is that people don't.

The thing is that a beat cop is closer to being a lethal trap set out in the middle of the road to get passersby than a lethal trap set up defensively on a house that only gets people who break and enter. Even death row doesn't only get people who are actually guilty.

I think we need to combat pig-on-pig crime first

How hard would it be for robots to take their jobs away from them?

wtf i love racism now!


Classism is good. The bourgeois class deserves to be removed from existance. You cant trust a bourg.

damn dude save the weaponised autism for when the left needs it

Cops defend the interests of a class above their own. They EXIST to defend the interests of state power and the bourgeois capitalists. They are the fucking definition of classcucks. If there is a good person who accidentally ends up in a blue uniform, the best we can do for him is get him the fuck out of it. If there is a person who, like most cops, mindlessly does his job of oppressing the people, he deserves to have his ability to do so removed from him, whatever form that may take. Cops are fascist footsoldiers. Fuck them. God, liberals are the worst.

If you are a minority in the U.S., there is a death sentence hanging over your head constantly. At any time the pigs can enact it, and get away with paid leave for their trouble.


That's a matter of changing the culture. Paramedics at least don't exist to oppress the proles. Their role will exist, and be necessary, after the Revolution. Cops won't.

cant corner the dorner
cant dodge the hodge

LMFAO I love these nicknames and slogans.

Wait does this means Black Lives Matter is part of the Nazbol Gang.

But what about this?

Is that u