stupid question i know but i would rather here it from people who are actually MLs
What is marxism-leninism
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Social Democracy.
its the theories of Lenin basically made into an solidified theory by Stalin and the USSR
leftcom fuck off
An immortal science
It's when you as an enlightened intellectual Marxist seize power and lead the dumb and uneducated plebs because they are incapable of doing your job.
The precursor to the immortal dialectic science of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.
And here's how Stalin answers that question in The Foundations of Leninism:
What comes after maxism-leninism-maoism
Marxism-Leninism-Maoism-Prachanda Path or Marxism-Leninism-Maoism-Gonzalo Thought.
Full Cyber-ML
Fuck yeah dude
A failed pseudo-science.
The core leftist idea, and so far the most successful one
Is this the only opinion you have? We should have a counter for how long H&Sfag has gone without saying "the bestest so fah!!"
that's not required. dictatorship of the party do not work in the long term, any decent ML thinker abandoned this idea. multi-party democracy, or direct democracy is perfectly OK
not really, its necessary for the short term, but in the long run you want direct dem.
No, its direct dem > single party ML > multi party bourgeois dem.
Soviet party dictatorship had higher level of political participation and more equal representation than modern mutli party/liberal democratic systems.
state capitalism
this shit is really annoying, in every thread that even mentions ML there's some autist like HURR DURR DA SOVIET UNION WUZ SOHSHUL DEMOCRAZYYY!!!! stop this shit leftypol
Not an argument.
Marx was all "this here is why capitalism sucks shit and why we should switch to communism, but how do?". No one had an inkling till Lenin showed up and "wait I think I have something worth trying" but actually he was mostly improvising on the spot. Since that spot happened to be Russia, everything went downhill fast. For several reasons, none of them good, people took his desperate ad hoc ghetto-rigged socialism and enshrined it as a universal method. Lenin himself would be spinning in his grave, if only he was buried in the first place.
i agree there is always some douche that thinks this is a legitimate claim
basically the S.U and the eastern block (except titoist yugo) until Khrushchev china until the death of mao and NK till the death of kim-il-sung and albania until the death of hoxha
mostly a decent tendency and the one i follow albeit it has a few flaws which need to be sorted out
"Marxism-Leninism" was just a term for the CPSU party line.
These days it just refers to Stalinism, as there's few Khrushchevites in the 21st century. It also used by the ideological descendants of Stalinism, like Hoxhaism and Maoism (though some Maoists like to call their ideology Marxism-Leninism-Maoism "MLM")
A socdem LARP cult for Sovietboos