November 4th

So what other Americans are going to occupy for November 4th? I'm pretty excited and honestly I'm glad that the alt-right is scared. They're already calling it a "civil war" event on twitter, gab, and their tor boards

#Occupy kind of fell apart but we have enough people pissed at Trump that I think this actually has a shot. It worked in S Korea !

Planning / ideas / strategy thread

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can't murikans just accuse melania of fucking her son like marie antoinette?

Why November 4?

Rather than bitch about something as ambiguous and ethereal as "fascism", don't you think it would be more useful to present people with an articulate alternative to capitalism?

Name one thing trump did that obama wouldn't have done, Name one thing that he did that wasn't in line with what the other presidents did since reagan.
I swear, If you can respond me I will fucking come to america and protest with you
hardmode: Talking shit is not a valid answer

How exactly is Trump a fascist compared to literally any president that came before him?
Criticise him, sure, but calling him a fascist just cheapens the horrors of actual fascism.

obama wouldn't have tweet at 3 am



Now I'm curious too, why November 4?

WTF I have to go with a bunch of liberals protesting the best american president of all time, in america of all places now.
Yeah I unironically think he's the best

It's the 1 year anniversary of Trump winning the election, for one thing

most presidents have done bad stuff, but are you really defending Trump? Which Holla Forums am I on again?

hah, i haven't heard about this before

you probably never heard of eisenhauer

He literally did nothing different from anyone since reagan, plus he destroy the concept of capitalism with a human face, and it's ok for me

Who gives a shit about americans. We have had civil war and communist have died in concentration camps but all the world is watching the most class cucked population on earth.

This is being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian. Quit bitching.

I'm not a liberal. That's the difference

Putting your own emotions or how you see yourself into a debate over if people should or shouldn't hate the president of the United States is so fucking stupid that a liberal might as well do it. Trump is a neoliberal shill anyways.

So instead of red liberals these are black liberals.


Shut up Holla Forums

Really that's the point. He enmbodies post capitalist america so well that it's impossible to ignore how rotten is the system. That's why I like him, he's the natural consequence of everything that happened after reagan

Occupy some random military base. Preferably area 51 so all the Alex Jones right-winges will have to support you.



Lel, the aut-right is always on the verge of hysteria. They predict civil war at the drop of a hat.

Imagine being this naive.

I was hoping that after Occupy there'd more action based on class and economy-related issues, but it seems there's no brakes on the idpol train. "Fascist USA", who the fuck do these people think they are?

me to
not likely t b h

This is stupid for a few reasons:

1. We all agree Obama was shit, US presidents are generally shit.
2. It wasn't about OP's personal opinion of Trump, it was about the public's. The public mostly abhors Trump, and liked Obama considerably better by comparison. Also, Trump won with a 3 million popular vote loss to the 2nd most hated candidate of all time. He was the first and won, which is really something to consider.
3. Taking your (stupid rhetorical) question in earnest: opposing net neutrality simply because Obama supported it, attempting to get as close as he could to banning members of an entire religion from entering the country, inflaming division by going soft on outright racists, attacking the press consistently from the getgo in favor of even shittier sources than the MSM, possibly provoking NK with off-the-cuff idiocy, positioning himself to renew old provisions of the Patriot Act (ramping it up rather than just allowing them to remain expired and agreeing to renew what's left, which was the already-shitty approach taken by Obama), pardoning Joe Arpaio (a sheriff who engaged in illegal treatment of prisoners and corruption) on the basis that he was "tough on crime," putting a global warming denier as head of the EPA, etc.
4. The net effect of all of the above is good, but only if we act. Just sitting around saying Trump is great because accelerationism or something is genuinely retarded. Like in the literal sense, it's retarding the natural flow of revolution by refusing to take part in or acknowledge public discontent.

How exactly will opposing Trump's administration lead to any actual success for radical leftists? The average moderate left winger is liable to absolutely hate Trump. Agreeing with said person that Trump is really bad is not likely to magically convert that person to Marxist Leninism or anarcho-syndicalism. That person is fine with hating Trump and supporting mainstream liberalism. Bernie Sanders is about as radical as they're gonna get.


If there were to be a new election, the left could get someone further to the left than Clinton into power. And the GOP would be mad as hell.

Does Holla Forums hate activism because they're lazy fatass shutins?