Why are the people who own money do the most evil things?
I thought greed meant you were just filthy-rich, not rotting away humanity and culture. Why does money have to make them end up being such evil parasites?
Why are the people who own money do the most evil things?
I thought greed meant you were just filthy-rich, not rotting away humanity and culture. Why does money have to make them end up being such evil parasites?
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Because they have to market to the stupid (the largest and most dangerous faction on the planet).
1) Get corrupted by power and yes men never telling them when they are doing bad (Every CEO ever)
2) Feeling guilty, contracting a messiah complex, and make shit worse cause humanity aren't as moldable as numbers (Warren/Soros types).
How so? They can be assholes no doubt but what about them is "evil"
Read marx faggot.
Humans will do anything to maintain their muh privileges in a hiearchical system. It is why we need socialism. Humans are incredibly evil when placed under artificial scarcity.
Most big industries end up doing horrible shit to humanity.
The golden rule. Whoever has the gold makes the rules. The rich build social systems largely for themselves. What follows from that is generally not good for everyone else.
People with money also don't generally have to work. They have a lot more time to plan-out how to acquire more money - and usually that involves a little to a lot of evil - and they already have the money necessary to put their plan into action.
The real rub of it is, people with money make the rules so that the rules don't apply to people with money. Because they are never punished or disciplined in how they behave, and because they do not know suffering, scarcity, fear for the future the way the poor do, they lack the basic element of empathy necessary to tell them that their actions are in fact parasitic and bad for other humans.
They also generally grow up within communities of other rich people - who likewise don't develop proper empathy.
The very rich view the poor as a lesser species because that's how their rich friends and family treat them - because that's an efficient way to make capital. Efficient capital > anything else to the rich, so this cycle continues - and because they are so able to control society because of their capital, they can afford to hire/train/equip other humans to protect them.
They make the rules. They make themselves above the rules. They make themselves physically untouchable to the poor. They adopt a mindset that doesn't acknowledge the humanity of the people they are exploiting. All of these factors are enshrined to the wealthy because they help them acquire capital more easily and with a clearer conscience.
In the end, they are slaves to capital. Inexorably seeking it to the greatest extent possible. Their greed is cancerous and it is killing the planet. Their greed will ultimately destroy humanity. But at least they had the best seats for humanity's wild ride.
You're exaggerating that. But can you give a specific scenario?
This is simply not true, the spectacle is dominant.
McDonalds is the biggest fast-food company, and is the least healthiest.
The most popular food in supermarkets is also the least healthiest, full of unhealthy ingredients
Most of these organizations don't give a shit that their ingredients make people fat or dumb. In fact, they will deny it and use it more and more.
Would you accept the US military as an industry in this scenario - or perhaps a government at large? You could break down western powers into individualized industrial elements and total the sum of that damage.
I think my post alluded to the notion that cultural elements impact the wealthy - and I'm not saying that the very wealthy are somehow elevated above the spectacle, however, it should also be noted that they are the few who have the ability to greatly impact the spectacle - and stand to make a profit while they're at it.
It's up to you to manage your diet.
You act like they force those shit down your throat you have a choice.
Also don't forget they do have little things on the menu that tell you the calories at least they help you a little.
It's up to you to manage your diet.
You act like they force those shit down your throat you have a choice.
Also don't forget they do have little things on the menu that tell you the calories at least they help you a little.
It's not that the rich are evil, it's that the evil are rich. A sociopath doesn't have the same moral boundaries that a normal person does, so he can easily put profit over people.
This, but in order to become the most important person in a capitalist society, not just anyone, but the one who manipulates the market, you have to overstep most if not all moral consideration.
Power corrupts and this has been true throughout all of human history. It's not a mystery, I guarantee 90% of this board would be just as wicked as the people they despise if they were in the same positions of power. It's not an excuse for them, but just a reality of life. People bucking the trend are an exception.
But the Spectacle is not just culture or the media; they might influence its costume but not its workings.
they feel independent from society by their "own" wealth, it's why sociopathy is such a strong characteristic amongst capitalists
if you are poor you are more reliant on people around you and society in general
A psychopath makes the perfect capitalist
Because they have so much money and influence that if you even think about telling anyone the horrors they did, you would already be dead.
coincidentally, they are mostly jews
nb4 b&
this is a known fact
They're much more subservient to the spectacle than the rest of us, for they have much more to lose to it.
Mostly men as well. Guess men are the problem.
It's not money, fam, it's property. Property divides society into a class of property-holders and a class of non-property-holders. Those who own property enrich themselves by enslaving and exploiting those who do not. This is true for capitalism as it is for every other system of property. Property is inherently anti-social, for obvious reasons, and those who own property inevitably become the biggest fucking scumbags, not because they're inherently that way, but because the anti-social nature of property drives them to act anti-socially
Money doesn't corrupt, those people were pieces of shit to begin with. Most people are pieces of shit, they just don't have the power to act on it.
The issue is that so many capitalist business interests are just plainly opposed to the interests of humanity as a whole. If you are a porky then it is in your economic interest to pay your workers shit, subject them to horrific conditions, pump toxic shit into the environment, co-opt governments to be your lapdog, crush scientific advancement if it threatens your business, etc. In addition, it's not simply that doing these things makes you more money, but market competition ensures that if you don't do these things then your competitors will, and thus will net higher profits and eventually run you out of business. So the market systematically purges itself of any capitalists that might have some kind of social consciousness in favour of inhuman scumbags.
Not so much the guy himself, but his employer and the whole thing the inter-corporate responsibility issue was handled.
Money begets money. If you don't keep up and grow, you'll be stripped of your money by someone more greedy. Some people seem to forget that capitalism and the capitalists are no stranger to cannibalism and will happily eat their own if they appear weak.
Humanity and culture can be commodified into gold mines. Of course they're going to go after it.
If you have loads of money, what are you going to do, NOT spend it on esoteric, hedonistic pedo rituals on a private island?
The bourgeoisie are locked as a class in a fundamentally antagonistic role against the proletariet. They become misanthropic because quite simply it's them versus the majority of humanity.
This really is a point that should be brought up more often. Capitalism like all hierarchies forces the individuals in the hierarchy to be as vicious and ruthless as possible otherwise you'll either descend to or never raise above the status of the individuals at the bottom, in Capitalism that being a wageslave. It forces human existence into a zero-sum game and if you refuse or are incapable of playing, you'll never be more than a wageslave.
Turns out power literally damages your ability to empathize with other people.
miss me with that anti-materialism
Rich people aren't nearly as evil as governments
You can't really separate the two.
What is a poor NEET living in his moms basement going to accomplish?
Poorfags resort to petty crimes like pickpocketing, seling drugs on the streets and spraying Anarchist symbols on other peoples property while crying for gibs from them. The biggest thing they can accomplish stuff like terror attacks that usually cost their freedom after getting arrested or entire life, which means no more chances for "more evil" so the individual is quickly forgotten and becomes part of a statistics or somehow accquire welath and then afford whatever evil they have in mind.
You think you can start genociding your non-muslim African neighbours like some African warlord from your basement without any money or assets? No poorfags are the unremembered numbers in the army who are going to die and dont even own the gun the kill others with.
Your think you can open up training camps for jihadist to commit terror attacks in Europe from your basement without any money or assets? No poorfags are the guys who are going to blow themself up.