Jason Unruhe's Memoirs of a Minimum Wage Security Guard

Can we get Batko to do a video of a dramatic reading of certain passages in this funny and insightful text?

Chairman Kim Jong Unruhe wrote this in 2007 about his time working as a hospital security guard.

Other urls found in this thread:


Right there at the title his first mistake, how do you fuck up something like that? This is gonna be a fun read.

YES. This excerpt is particularly cringey. He sounds like an edgy emo kid:

"This actually really scared me. It had been quite a while since I had really felt the urge to kill someone. It really takes something drastic to make me feel this way. I felt that such a thing had happened. As far as I was concerned B4S and the Gideons hospital staff had cost me the woman I loved, the part of my job I wanted to do and my financial "security". What really made this urge to kill those assholes was the fact I felt I nothing left to lose. I already wanted to die anyway so I felt as though there would be no real consequences for murder. This made my killing them all the more a real possibility. I really struggled to bring those thoughts under control."


Jesus fucking Christ Jason.

It's pretty fucking obvious Roo is mentally unstable. Good thing guns are difficult to get in Canada.

Well no sane person can be a M3W tbqh.

Honestly M3W strikes me as highly irrational, like in order to believe it you have to first dismantle pretty much every aspect of Marxist orthodoxy and embrace something which more closely resembles primitivism. How the FUCK does a barely developed nation like Mali have more revolutionary potential than a fully developed nation with an actual history of militant class struggle like France or Spain?

Plus, throwing around terms like "decolonize" is pr0blematic because it's just sloganeering. Maybe indigenous people DIDN'T have a better way of life than we do now, so why the fuck would it be a socialist imperative to"decolonize" the west and return to an indigenous way of living?

I recall Jason going to a gun store in Ontario in an earlier video. They only sold hunting rifles though. I feel like Jason wouldn't qualify to get one, what with his ex having a restraining order against him for stalking and threatening her.

Typical anarkkkist, I bet you read Marx instead of Mao for theory as well. Imperialism is the PRIMARY CONTRADICTION and can only be solved by third world nationalist movements waving red flags rebeling against Amerikkka. Read Settlers and self-crit.

Typical for first world "Marxists" to spend their time trying to tear other Marxists down with slanderous lies rather than do revolution. Pathetic.

the fuck am I reading

LMAO. And Jason claims to be a feminist. This shit is gold, keep it coming.


First worlders treat activism like a hobby or social club. This behavior is to be expected.

You're retarded.

what an asshole

What are you saying? That feminists can only hit men or that feminists shouldn't hit anyone?

We must stand with Gulag Starwars in his struggle against Roo imperialism.



I'm getting the distinct impression that Jason doesn't like being Jason.

Reminder that Jason nearly went Columbine on the hospital he worked at.

Self-hating white folks make up most MTWs.

Requesting a drawfag paint Jason spraying BBQ sauce on his bare chest and screaming "FORCE FIELD:ON!"




Roo confirmed for violent psychopath.

Pff, he makes himself look bad

I'd expect this sort of behavior from an angry 15-year old, not an angry 23-year old.


The very existence of this tantrum thread says otherwise.


Hoochie Minh makes herself look like less of an ass then Roo does.

This is the most prominent marxist on youtube. First as tragedy, then as farce.

Is Hoochie a ciswoman or a transwoman?


Stop defending the worst poster on this board, she makes afroplasm look smart

And Roo makes them both look smart.

The person who originally posted his book on here a few months ago said they got it from a former friend of his who bought it years ago and had it saved away forgotten on his computer.


He wasn't defending Howard_Scott.



Seriously why does he force himself to grow a lame mohawk

He isn't so bad



He is only beaten by milo and n1x as worst tripfags.

good times

You're the Roo fan girl who wants to tell us how much you love him.

Let's get this party started.

Well we don't have that many tripfags or notorious posters

Address: 42 Rice Road Suite 35, Welland Ontario, Canada, L3C 5Y6

Mother's address: 289 Wellbrook Blvd, Welland, Ontario, L3C 7M8

Mother's phone: 905-733-0803 (confirmed)


You guys should go fuck yourself, doxing comrades it's a nono

It's always the same butthurt feminists coming in from other sites trying to get us to personal army for them.

There used to be more. Yui was always terrible, AW was worse than yui, tripstash was a faggot yet the only good poster to have used the stash flag, Rebel was an attention whore, jim profit was ok, and megyn was retarded stormfag and probably a tranny as well.

This is great Batko material.

Doxxing Roo is a tradition here though

Jason is no comrade of mine.

Go blog about it to your sisters, girlfriend.

Have Jason's TERF fans seen this?

Address: 42 Rice Road Suite 35, Welland Ontario, Canada, L3C 5Y6

Mother's address: 289 Wellbrook Blvd, Welland, Ontario, L3C 7M8

Mother's phone: 905-733-0803 (confirmed)

Truly breathtaking prose.

fucking kek

not surprised in the least

This isn't even funny, just plain sad


Mods pleas ban someone for doxing.

I love how by making this thread, so many people are actually reading his memoir. Or at least parts of it. I'd say that's a win for Jason.

Don't worry, everyone's going to read his memoir now.

Kek. I just called the number and his mom picked up. She literally sounds like the female version of him. I asked if Jason was home and she said she kicked him out months ago.


This has got to be like those totally real Hillary book screencaps. This is great.

It's really not a tradition. That's something I just saw recently & figured it was Holla Forums doing it or something. Y'all need to get over this hateboner you've got for him. Just laugh at him like the rest of us do.

This was written long before he became a third worldist interestingly, and you can tell by a lot of the language and assertions made in the book. Really Roo has only been third worldist since 2014 or so. I think him becoming one was out of him being rejected by the marxist community as opposed to any of the typical reasons ones become a third worldist



Why was he rejected

Because they were cancerous red lib SJWs looking for the next outrage porn topic to fap to. You know, maybe Jason isn't a great person or even a good communist but he didn't really deserve all the hate he got on Leftbook that he got for saying the word faggot. I was sorta a passive onlooker during the whole debacle.

You can tell that they are still assblasted about it, every time his name is mentioned the anti-Jason brigade starts flooding out of the woodwork even here in this hive of brosocialist villainy. IRCC his videos aren't even allowed on any of the major communist subreddits on reddit because he made a boo-boo by offending the intersectionalists. Maybe the only thing worse than Jason is the Jason-haters which is different than simply criticizing him

Anyone remember when Xirxist memes used to raid the board all the time and talk shit about us? Then they went full "a black eye for every feminist lie" brosocialist in one post? It really makes me think that the same screen from their brouhaha with Jason with even the same file name gets posted every time this comes up.

We were called racists, red nazis, and all the rest and now the rest of the Left online has slowly come around to the position that both we (Holla Forums) and Jason held a while back. The IDpolers lost the debate but that doesn't mean their not still angry at both us and Jason. It's a lot easier to smear an individual than it is an anonymous image board though, I think maybe they still hold the hope of assimilating us.

That's like being the skinnest kid in fat camp.

Well, I think it's telling that out of all the Left Youtubers that only Jason actually does a daily show. So, many people are arguing that they are more communist than thou and more communist than Jason and he's the only one who does a real daily news and commentary show on YT.

Ya, honestly it is a bit shit, but why is it with all the communist organizations and all the self-proclaimed communists out there that he is the only one? Bush-era "leftist" conspiracy theorists were more effective at their use of the internet than it seems most communists are today.

I feel kinda sorry for him. He is what 36? No family, fat,makes a fool of himself online , his own ideology says his life style is evil and at best maybe he could be of slight announce to the big bad 1st world. I suppose a lot of this is his own doing but imagine how sad he is going to be in 10 or 20 years.

She is a lesbian woman. She's not trans.

It was a shitty joke by Unruhe, but these people have been assblasted about it for several years now.

Yeah, there have always been people on Revleft, libcom, and the like who are not into Mao or who don't see any value in theories about imperialism and they have had a couple chuckles about him (without ever making their own faces public with some YT stuff or anything themselves with all the risks that entails), but there are some people flaming about him who really come across as mentally unhinged, and perhaps it's just one or two people actually. We recently had a thread with endless posts about Unruhe, going like this:
and then one mod pointed out they came all from the same IP.

holy shit

It was over 100 posts, too. He was doing it for literal hours. Urhue may be a fag, but his hatebase seems to be far, far worse.

Do you remember the time they samefagged as both Roo and butthurt OP? They're always at it.

who cares, you dont dox lefties

he's not a leftist

For all his flaws, Jason certainly is leftist. I don't think the same could be said for his detractors.

His views were a lot different when he wrote this book, like with Third Worldism he hadn't yet started drinking the TERF coolaid yet. Back in the late 2000s/early 2010s he was actually less idpol and closer to the mentality of the tankies of Holla Forums than he is now.

dude, it's leftypol, not a torture chamber

So you're saying you'd want a guy who stalked and threatened his ex to be in a position of power within a "legitimate" revolutionary movement? Not even idpol'ing here.

Going to need a citation for that.


also hmm, appears I've discovered a wordfilter with the ``torture chamber'' remark

Random posts about Jason don't count as proof here, I would have called them out and not you if I saw it earlier. This board regularly gets raided by at least one person with a vendetta against him, so I'd disregard anything you hear about him not backed up with official records.
I don't agree with much he says but there's a pretty blatant attempt to astroturf leftypol into harassing him that springs up here from time to time, it's been going on sporadically for months.

I'm not Bat'Ko, but I'm gonna go ahead and try my hand… ahem…


test: reddit r/socialism r/communism

Even if that were true, we've all done things we're not proud of. I'd wager the ones in this thread jacking off their own moral superiority are the ones who've done the worst. Get over yourself.
We're tired of this lynch mob you're trying to form for Jason. You're more insufferable than he'll ever be. That should tell you a lot. I'll be sure to watch out for your shitty trip in the future & remember this nonsense.


synthesizer is a nice touch, user.
but wait… I don't think you're black! :O

Oh god. The music is brilliant.


faggot = fascist
it's just a broader used term to describe them, so it's a fitting insult for faggots like unroo

Amazing work comrade

Unroo is a fucking assclown and an embarrassment
he's the left's equivalent of Gavin Mccines

Not sure it works tbh, it should be read in a dead pan, monotone voice, since that's how I imagine Chairman De la Roo would read it.

Tweet ALL screencaps to anarchopac, Muke, BadMouse, and Mexie.



Wow… Whoever made this mspaint image is the biggest faggot of all. You're bitching about an offensive word, meanwhile there are pressing real world issues you should be preoccupied with. You should leave, liberal; never come back.

Concern isn't a zero-sum game.

Because Mali is Muslim and Islam is inherently socialist. The Rashidun Era was the closest the world has ever been to FALGC.

Friendly reminder that the Unrooo has never been beaten in a debate

This meme was debunked by a lenin hat poster days ago. Also islam is trash



Roo is chimping out on Twitter. This is hilarious.


The amount of concern & reaction can sure be misplaced. That's not genuine concern, either. That's someone who's clearly personally butthurt about something else, just looking for a reason to tear someone down.



Fucking love the end.
Can we get like a mountie when he talks about the recruiter, though?


Papa Wolff has more subscribers and annihilates the Roo on views.

Yeah, it would be more accurately to say Roo is the most prominent marxist youtuber, that is to say a person who is mainly known for their presence on youtube. Wolff is a professor who puts videos of his talks on youtube.

Wonderful. 10/10



I legit kek'd




I'll be doing a reading. I'm hoping to do a live reading on Discord for it in preperation.

is so beautiful