Mfw liberal hipster bourgeois studying in prestigious universities feel entitled to lecture me on muh privilege just...
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American liberalism and conservatism are both very stupid.
Liberals only focus on the positives and ignore the negatives
While Conservatives only focus on the negatives and ignore the positives
This is why both ideologies seem so cancerous and ignorant.
Moderate ideology is way underrated in American society, because moderates realize reality isn't all black and white.
Well, it turned into "make the other side suffer".
That not politics , that tribal wars. The only thing that kill faster than ideology. Thanks god amerifats are impotents , else it would Rwanda.
A bit off topic but is anyone else super fucking tired of Eastwood? It's seriously the most predictable propaganda every time he makes a movie now but fucking normies always eat it up. Even the newer Tom Hanks movie ended up being almost as bad as American Sniper somehow.
Actually they're mostly rich white kids using these appeals to new cultural norms/beliefs/spooks as a sort of moralistic tool of control.
Eastwood made 2 supreme kinos: Grand Torino and Unforgiven.
American Sniper is the worst piece of shit I ever saw, I was literally kicked out of the cinema and arrested after I had a brawl during a screening of that fucking thing.
He's one of only right-wingers having any sort of cultural clout. He don't care if his shit is terrible, his public has nothing else except souless superhero flick.
When you feed a crocodile, it will get big and end up eating you.
aka something that portrays something i don't like positively>>2078149
lol my bad he's just really into earnest, sincere pieces about how amazing the US military and government is, about the beauty of this country and the selflessness of devoting yourself to its ideals over all else
God bless america I would die for this flag! o7
Jack? It's not you? Is It?
t. american scum
Asshole. Chris Kyle deserved worse. Read his fucking book he's a fucking criminal. Tbh the question when the guy shot shouldn't have been "why you did it" but "why his family is still alive".
Also justifing the iraq invasion is objectivly pork propaganda
Are movies that portray the U.S military in a bad light communist propaganda?
I have never seen this outside Holla Forums memes.
so what? he's a bad ass and that's what gunslinger movies are about. if you want a moral lesson go to bible class.
Yeah absolutley. A movie about PTSD and Iraq is a gunslinger movie tho? Also he's such a badass
that died like a little bitch.
i bet you like tarantino movies
Idk how many commies are paying shit tons of money to have movies produced and even rewriting scripts?
Also where exactly are all these pro-commie movies anyway? "War is hell" isn't a communist message
I bet you liked 300 and wouldn't stop quoting it for years
No my dear american friend, I fucking hate tarantino. Look, I love westerns and I love john wayne the difference is that American Sniper is a propaganda movie and really bad at that. I don't even hate the movie as much as I hate the guy and his books
Eastwood's biggest crime are his movies being boring. Though that's hardly reason for the reddit edge itt.
I unironically like Taratino for making new Spaghetti Westerns.
It's hilarious that this is always the go-to insult when every reddit-tier normie in existence was sucking his entire shaft over Sully and Sniper. The movies are bad normie shit son, it's ok to hate on them.
You should fucking kill yourself pleb. Plus tarantino doesn't do spaghetti westerns. Also
Mystic river sucks pretty hard tbh
now isn't this sort of the mocking of the petty-bourgeois precisely what tiqqun meant with it's deconstruction of the Young-Girl?
what i liked about it was how unapologetic it was "THIS IS SPARTA", none of that whining like how commies always do.
who the hell cares. shakespeare was a propaganda writer. and isn't everything ideology anyways?
he doesn't make spaghetti westerns. he makes fapfests for fat nerdy SJW's needing their libinal release. it's violence for those who can't throw a punch.
I was talking about his work as a director.
I do hate them, I just don't sperg out like a redditor about it.
You should read a book instead of getting triggered.
I fucking miss David Bowie.
He doesn't make movies for Holla Forums.
Are you implying that I need to read a book to understand a redditor like tarantino?
Me too
No, I'm saying you need to read a book instead of posting here. Or just go back to reddit.
not liking 300 is like not liking hulk hogan in his prime.
The fuck do you mean by this? You should read a book instead of sucking tarantino's dick. Also tarantino is reddit as fuck my dude
So not being a closeted homosexual.
I mean it's clear you're a newfag and given your butthurt over burgers I'm assuming you got bussed in with the other tankies.
I'm reading Eclipse and Reemergence as we speak.
I doubt that.
how will you share a foxhole when you give your position away by constantly shouting "no homo"?
Try watching American Sniper somewhere that isn't in the south, or Midwest, and you'll be fine. Better yet, stop paying money to have your hearing damaged, and just torrent films at home.
Really no comment
Stop doubting
Or argument. Take the rest of your tankie brethern and fuck off back to reddit.
Go back yourself cunt
It would seem you're illiterate as well.
Ultras like you are so fucking tiring
First you call me tankie then ultra.
I bet you use Amerikkka unironically.
I'm not even the same user, shut the fuck up already
damn that pic is way too high quality
It's even more ironic because universities specifically seek out people from those groups. When I was at college it was sad hearing from a hispanic woman that she was insecure about whether she deserved to be there because she suspected she got in on identity points.
A bad leftist is one that thinks there's a difference.
There is a difference if "anti-imperialism" means supporting brown porky just because white porky has it in for him. The point is to get rid of porky, not help out the bullied runt in hopes of more fair capitalism.
Tell us more about the fight.
Also, I like Gran Torino, but is it really that great?
I mean, there's a lot of really awful acting in it. I get that the film seems to use this in an effective way, but still.
Gran Torino it would be really great if he stopped living or working after. It's really great if you are fan of the young badass all american eastwood, Gran torinos it's his legacy mvoie. Same goes for unforgiven, that movie tho is the end of a genere in a certain sense. I used the word kino as meme. It was great, important, end of a important figure in cinema. It certanly wasn't the new citizen kane
Basically I enter the cinema half drunk and started laughing out loud every time I saw something too american, the people infront of me didn't appreciate. When the last scene started with the parade and all the shit I basically started screaming and laughing a guy in front of me tired of my bullshit grab me and that started a little brawl. Police arrived and they arrested us. It wasn't a big cinema so they still remember me and I still can't enter.
top kek
Keep crying economy-posters.
Oh! Oh! I know! Your definition of "socialism" is being proud of taking bribes from capitalists!
Can't badmouth the Routh
Left twitter raids is even worse than the fucking \pol\yps
Tankies are ultras
A lot of the Sturmabteilung and Schutzstaffel we're proletarians too. Doesn't matter, our struggle is ultimately an ideological one, counter-revolutionary proletarians are still the enemy as they have betrayed their class.
This is exactly what's wrong with the modern "left".
It's based on the trash can of ideology, not class.
Why exactly should we give a shit about class traitors? Our politics are ultimately for the liberation of the working class, we're under no obligation to to humor proletarians who've fetishized their chains.
And yet this entire board is "European faggots try to explain to me whats wrong in the USA" especially if the OP post in amy particular thread has absolutely nothing to do with that subject. It almost smells like shilling especially with how nobody around but me seems to bat an eye at anons using fucking RT & Sputnik as sources (which is something Holla Forums also does)
its no surprise at all that most of you hypocrites are Ex-Holla Forums users. Memeing about Stiner and Zizek while clinging to ideological bullshit, allowing tankies to run amok, all while being unaware of the irony
This sentiment has become an echo chamber as all the Americans go to 420chan Holla Forums. But by all means give me a snarky, /int/ tier reply you fucking middle class teenagers
Holla Forums is russophile
He's right about everything except "Weird Twitter is cool and good".