Trump Declares War on the Internet

Trump wants to cut off the Internet:

We the users of the Internet are one family. A ridiculous polarized family, built upon free speech and hacktivism. Holla Forums what are your thoughts on Trump's cheap proposed authority against our turf?

Cheap is the word. Also mind your fucking buisness american

Country before party, but Internet before country. The Internet is one international nation worthy of respect and my cultural upbringing will never change my view on that matter. Trump should not win this war.

The internet is the ultimate late-capitalist, spectacle ridden, petit-bourgeois distracting toy for adults more like, it should be cut off solely for the reason it makes people subservient and distracted.

The internet is a tool. It's up to the people using it to protect themselves against the constant barrage of internet propaganda.

Cutting off the nose to spite the face.

Only because of the base.


This is the future you chose leftypol, with your censorious tendencies.(trump is going after net neutrality and you still have to blame us for it, you deserve to be censored )

We are the Internet. We are Family. We do not Cower. We do not Censor. Never Surrender.

This was the future chose by the last 17 years of bullshit.


That may be so.

But we have been telling you for at least three years that if you continually push this idea of silencing people you disagree with using force, then one day someone will do it to you.

Hey dipshit - we've already been silenced by anti-union actions throughout the states and Europe. You can fuck off with your concern trolling.

If you feel like someone is silencing you that is not an excuse to silence others.


Replace Right-Wingers with any group of people and you'd be surprised how little difference there is. Fam, with all due respect to someone who also backs left-leaning politics, get that weak shit memeing outta here.

Nice liberal moralizing you've got there, would be a shame if someone were to completely disregard it.

Guys, please don't do a revolution. ;_; That would be silencing those in power!

Revolution is not about taking power. It is about realizing the power we had all along.

What, is your superpower communicating to us from 2007?

2007 was the prime of our youth and 2017 is our mid-life crisis. We need to learn from our past to develop an effective future for the Internet as an International Nation.

Gulags would be too good for you.

To be fair, everbody degenerated to "SHUT ANYONE WHO ISN'T US DOWN". I'm le radical centrist I suppose, but US falling into UK vision of individual rights (aka, zero for everybody except corps) is not good news. And you can't really say most leftist places of the internet are enamored with freedom.

The internet needs to die. It's shit now. Any substantial idea of it as a place separate from real life has been killed. Instead all we have is a chimera nightmare where the two have been linked together.

use of the tool known as a rectoscope will always involve a substantial amount of looking at shit.

That's not's an anpriv flag.

cutting terrorist/isis supporting countries from accessing the internet is an attack on the internet?
do you happen to live in the middle east?

Ah, it feels like just yesterday trumpets were shitting their pants over Hillary censoring the internet (which she probably would have done, anyway). This despite Trump having said he was against NN and nominating a partisan hack to head the FCC and immediately chip away at it.

Then they came up with all sorts of nonsense about how "NN hasn't been needed till now so it will just be giving government new powers", and when that failed, "NN is a bad thing anyway".

Remind me of the trumpets crying on Twitter "pls Trump I voted for u to end obamacare, without ACA I'm gonna die".



Fuck you, you're the worst namefag on this board and no one even notices.