The transition of communism and socialism has failed historically (New harmony Indiana, Memezuela, USSR, cuba, etc) but I wonder which branch has been the closest to transition into a stable socialist economy?.
Which one has been the closest to get shit done?.
I think I saw someone saying that Marxisist-Leninism is the correct step into becoming a socialist economy then communism and star trek or space gay communism or whatever comes next.
tl;dr: Which branch of ideology and structure gets shit done the most?
Which school of ism to follow that has been successful or the closest into achieving its aims.
Landon Baker
Mondragon and Emilia-Romagna are pretty close to some form of market socialism, if you're into that sort of thing
Parker Brooks
New harmony is a meme and memezuela is less "socialist" than fucking europe, socialdemocracy is not socialism. M-L are the only one around here who got shit done for good. USSR and Cuba were socialist.
Jeremiah Powell
What do you mean?
Angel Stewart
Jaxon Flores
You do realize that if you only care about what historically "got shit done" you'll have to defend the USSR and other failed states? Look to the future instead, check out cybernetics and communization.
Brayden Cox
He is being realistic. Anarchism has gotten the closest to implementing socialism and has good numbers in the west. ML can hold a state or few for a while, but it is vulnerable to revisionism and if it isn't crushed will regress into capitalism in the likely event it is contained.
Will Marcos' inevitable millennial/gen z successor vape through his balaclava instead of smoke?
Grayson Flores
top kek
Camden Wood
From what I know, EZLN is a giant cooperative company of farmers that sell coffee and has a welfare state deal with the Mexican government.
Marcos is an intelectual so his son will either:
Jose Adams
Lol. I'm Italian, emilia romagna is the proof that coops are not socialist
Oliver Jackson
How so?
Nolan Wood
It's like you drank the ancap kool-aid about communism but decided it's a good thing
Andrew Hall
Nathaniel Wright
Doing communes. Prove your system can work to the normies and give a sense of community lost by modern society.
Noah Jenkins
Look, I like the squats, anarchist cafes and autonomous cultural sites in my city but "muh communes" is pure utopianism, I don't delude myself into believing that some squatted building means we've achieved communism.
Joshua Torres
Jackson Richardson
He's right. Anarchists have gotten closer to socialism than anyone else
Robert Cook
My first time ever on leftypol and someone mentions new harmony. Quite interesting, I actually grew up in that area and have friends who still live there. I went to the university nearby and we had a "communal studies center". I even had a class with the head of the center and he frequently spoke of new harmony.
Anyway. Go back to being faggots.
Colton Reyes
How to build socialism 1) Crowd fund the purchase of some land in the middle of the woods 2) Get around 500 comrades or so all trained in stuff like farming, construction , and engineering. 3) Build a self sufficient commune.
but muh utopianism Utopianism is Nazbol Comrade.
Jayden Flores
Hunter Watson
So, founding a business?
Benjamin Martinez
Charles Davis
Have you ever thought for one second that there are billions of people in the world and that mankind is a few years older than you? Simple ass solutions like that have been thought of a trillion times. There are reasons why that is a dumb ass idea, and no it's not going to work this time you petit-bourgeois sounding fuck.
James Long
USSR never even once thought about abolishing commodity production the only reason Cuba got anywhere closer is because like the DPRK they've been under siege for half a century.