This man did nothing wrong
This man did nothing wrong
Other urls found in this thread:
mass murderer, there is no excuse
Fuck off city dweller
Can't troll the Pol.
Rec me some book were I can read fucked up shit the pot brothers did. Don't give me no anglo or american journalist pls
Who are you supposed to be exactly?
Nicolae "Stand With Comrade Pinochet Against Succdem Aggression" Ceausescu?
Henry "The Nazis Are Why I'm a Machiavellian Psychopath But I'd Be Fine With a Nazi-Ruled West Germany" Kissinger?
Olof "Revolutionary Reformist" Palme?
Mao "Communism Is a Hammer Which We Use To Exclude The Proletariat" Zedong?
Ronald "I'm Not An FBI Agent I Swear" Reagan?
Margaret "I'm Not An MI6 Agent I Swear" Thatcher?
Zbigniew "Bin Laden" Brzezinski?
Alain "Pre-Modern Love" Badiou?
Jason "First Worldists Can Suck My First Worldist Dick" Unruhe?
Yeah, allying with monarchists and ditching communism for liberalism is cool.
Unruhe isn't a Pol Pot fan, he just doesn't think he killed trillions of people
what did they mean by this?
one of these things doesn't belong
Pol pot was a cia agent. fuck this shit thread
Go back to reddit. I'm tired of ultra left trolls like you. People like you deserved little vietnam s-21
Pick one
Dumping my /Kampuchea/ folder.
He looks like an Asian-American father/grandfather in that picture.
Olof "Did literally nothing wrong" Palme, obviously.
so hoxhaism is now separate from one of the mill ML? sweet
What did Hoxa though about PolPot?
He's old man from Asia. What else should he look like?
He usually looks much more "native"
I think it's the hairstyle + greying and the impression he has a t-shirt. (Contrast the hairstyle in , militaristic outfit in and general Asian farmer look in #3 )
At a first glace I thought that was Judith Butler.
How dare you compare her to Pol Pot. Pol Pot did nothing wrong.
he didnt mention him much at all
He thought of him as a psychotic monster
Lmfao holy shit I love tankies
well fuck
i guess yet again
Bunkerman was right
looks like this is where Hoxhas first major split with mao began on the issue of cambodia
Truer words have never been spoken.
t. vietnamese subhuman
was that Hoochie? Holy shit.
Fucking brutal