Non-whites of Holla Forums what is your honest opinion of white people? Do you believe in things like white muh privilege and such?
White people opinion
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white person here, lgtss
I'm in a country where I'm considered white as hell and as soon as I cross a border I would no longer be considered white, which is why people are actually right when they say "white people" isn't really a thing
I think that white privilege is ultimately rooted in private property and that muh privilege is contingent on nepotism, akin to how ashkenazi Jews practice nepotism, but my concern here is *not* to outcompete whites, but to abolish the very system that props up this kind of behaviour.
I'll be watching this thread.
This isn't a troll thread so that is much appreciated of you.
Slav here. Anglos smell bad. Thanks for listening.
You're white though
Are you Arab?
I think it's hilarious that some of them get really fucking mad when you point out the sun is trying to fry them.
Filthy subhumans. Fortunately only the whitest of the whites have to worry about that, but those guys tend to have several chips on their shoulders.
yeah, with blue eyes and light hair
I like them.
I'm not white but I was raised by whites.
Sometimes I forget I'm not white.
I am from the baltics, but I guess we count as white, but not white enough for daddy Hitler.
I personally think that white muh privilege as a concept is fucking stupid because most white people have historically been peasants or factory workers, which only started to change by the second half of 20th century, by the time in which also japanese and some other asian countries started to git it gud.
Just people did some horrible things in the past. But horrible shit isn't unique to any one "race" Does white muh privilege exist? Today it probably does to a small extent but not by much. Even so the need for capitalism to be destroyed ASAP over rides id pol struggles of race.
Reminder white people aren't the problem, it's the 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧ANGLOS🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧.
And the list goes fucking on and on…
half-black half-white here
No. There is only class muh privilege.
White muh privilege exists we are objectively superior. Having high Autism Level and emotional intelligence is the muh privilege of whiteness.
If you're not white I feel bad for you.
No different to other people, I don't see any reason to think of them otherwise; people ought to be defined by their actions.
That white people are in general having a little easier start in some places and activities? Of course, but not all of them do.
Sometimes I am sad to see the racism here and there.
No, because I'm not a racist, unlike you fucking white devils. :^)
Feel bad if you like, we all pity twats like you here.
On a personal level most white people I meet are fine. I think that white muh privilege is real, in the sense that when a white person commits a crime there isn't a clamour for collective punishment of all white people.
Only americans can really be white or black.
It's not just a description of color or genetics, it's the dynamic between two groups that used to be segregated casts with in the same nation.
Why do nonwhites find whites more attractive than their own race?
Do they really? I often tend to see non-whites with their own kind and same with whites
If you're speaking from experience in a majority white country you need to learn fucking stats
>USA represent all of the white race
I dunno.
I'm not from a racist country like the USA so I never even think about people in terms of race.
It's a class issue. Black man getting with a white chick is seen the same as a 19th century factory worker getting with the factoryowner's daughter. This will stop being a thing when racial wealth distibution stops being a thing. But if you want your spooked explanations, Holla Forums will be happy to give you their own.
You aren't asking these questions in good faith, implying belief in white muh privilege is an opinion on white people. This 'social justice is deeply triggering and problematic' sentiment is right-wing idpol.
god bless
I was raised in a black nationalist family, but rejected that as I grew up and started reading. I have no problem with white people, but I do believe in white muh privilege.
Sadly alot of american terms like cultural appropiation is coming here to Sweden. I saw cultural appropiation term be used in a article from our public news network (SVT kinda like BBC) that had that term in it. Also Black Lives Matter has come here. USA is really a shit country
This is why white muh privilege is more of an American issue. Despite the majority of white Americans also being descended from retarded corn farmers and the like there's still a myriad of problems that black people experience to a greater degree or exclusively. Cops are racist, juries can be racist, landlords are often racist, your dialect of English can be considered "unprofessional", etc.
The issue of being descended from slaves is trickier than anything that I've mentioned above. Of course there were some plenty hard fucking times that white families also experienced but nothing was as bad as chattel slavery.
Do i really have to belong to the non-whites colective now? How isn't this shit idpol?
Anyway do you consider shit like black nationalism an issue?
I think we are responsible to fight against this "leftists" far right ideology since we do not hold that retarded white guilt shit.
grow the fuck up or go cry to r/socialism kiddo
The retardation of the Swedish debate climate is all of these fucking eggheads directly importing an America-centric view of the world and shitty american sociology and trying to apply it to our context.
What the fuck are you even talking about? And yes, the Communists who don't have their heads up their asses DO take issue with black nationalism, obviously.
Our culture is very americanized. KFC has even started to appear more lately. Alot of people who wear New York Yankees caps etc etc. Mountain Dew officially got here pretty recently too
I'm the one you replied to, and I agree. I think that not making right the mistakes of your ancestors is just as good as repeating them. Racist discrimination today in western countries is sometimes even worse than some retarded corn farmer yelling "nigger" or actually lynching one, since in modern society, denying black man a job or incarcerating him because of weed will fuck up his life for a long time, sometimes even for a lifetime, as opposed to him just outrunning the lynch mob to safety.
I have enough evidence to claim this is not only a burgerland issue. In some ways, we in baltics are discriminating against our local russian community too, even though russians have discriminated against us for centuries, I still think any form of xenophobic discrimination is fucking inhumane, especially when the distinctions are as arbitary as just different-sounding name and looks, and it's not even a language distinction. Even the last one can be eradicated via access to decent education.
no, I don't. I probably care less about racism than most of the idpol "antiracists" on the left.
White people are a spook so I don't really have much of an opinion on them per say
We had Mountain Dew in Iraq decades ago, it was probably the most popular drink. I'm glad it's finally made it to Sweden.
I hate racist people so that's like half of all burgers on my shit list. Plus they're reactionary as fuck. They've always got something stupid to say on Facebook like "Obamacare is socialism cuz it's taxpayer funded!" or "George Soros is a Marxist!" It's always some mum of 5 from Bumblefuck, Missouri in a fucking MAGA hat that's got something like this to say.
Europeans are cool though I guess. Europe's had enough experience with socialism to know what is and what ain't communism and in a lotta countries the only black people they see are on telly. It's kinda retarded to think that a guy from Germany, Croatia or Belarus would hate people he's never even seen face to face before. Maybe I'm naïve, but personally I don't hate people from fucking Greenland or Burma cuz they just ain't part of my world tens of thousands of miles away from them.
That's how I feel, mane.
All people have good and bad. "Whites" are no different.
I just hate cappies.
opinion discarded
Yuros are becoming more Americanised though. White people* think everyone is obsessed with them when most likely someone in Greenland or Burma could not give a shit what they do.
*not neccessarily all white people
How do you feel about Bongistan? We have black people but we don't kill them as much as Americans and we like Grime and stuff
I'm from London.
Don't insult Slavs by calling them white
lucky you, life out here in the provinces is shit.
You that guy from Hertfordshire?
Glad you mods are more active
nah, devon. A few years back flooding destroyed the rail lines out and it took months for them to fix it. Not like there weren't other ways to leave but still it just shows how little anybody cares about the southwest
Burger detected.
I've been told that being a spic is a cultural matter and not of race, so I guess I'm not white.
That said, down here in Argieland people are much more wary of colored people than of whites. The term "poor niggers/negros pobres" is not a rare sight. Plus the usual "bolivians/peruvians/the chinese are stealing muh jobs and have to leave".
fuck the chinks tho
It’s not. It’s seen by white men and black women as a reduction in there chance of finding a partner and thus reproducing. Because White Women and Black Men are more likely to date each other then Black Women and White Men. For whatever reason why?
But user, I’m descended from retarted horse farmers.
Are you mentally handicapped?
Nice anecdote :^)
This analogy would be better if black people actually worked.
just kidding
nigger here. i honestly would have much more sympathy for whites if poor whites weren't so reactionary. i went to college in a small new england town and was regularly verbally and twice physically abused by the local poor whites even tho i came from similar class background. as for the bourgeois whites who attended school with me, well the townspeople were in fact always polite to them because they inspired to be them. white muh muh privilege exists but its not as existent as class muh privilege. A wealthy black will always do better than a poor white. And yet i can understand why many young blacks like myself abandon trying to organize poor whites. In my experience they are by and large very racist. How do you hope to establish a united proletariat with these people?
Remember New England is one of the most leftist parts of the US. I’m glad you didn’t go to college in Oklahoma.
don't criticise white people they are very sensitive.
if you're white you're white. you probably had Spaniard colonist ancestors.
nah northerners can actually be a lot more racist in many ways.
It's weird because where I grew up in Alabama it was poor white people that were anti-racist and the rich white people that were really racist. It does vary depending where you are in the state though.
I mean if you really want I can find evidence of London's complete domination of the British economy and political system but do you really want me to go to the effort when we all know it's true
White people who live in first world countries and still live miserably have failed as people tbh. How do you have all the muh privileges of wealthy countries and still make nothing of yourself?
I'm in amerikkka and not white, living in a small town with mostly whites. It's pretty sad seeing amerifats struggling to walk into a grocery store. They're better off than blacks but that's not saying much. The vast majority of proles probably have hard lives.
Were you from that one county that was so anti-slavery that when Alabama succeeded from the US, they succeeded from Alabama. And why did you leave.
Because most wealth from imperialism goes to Porky and not prols. Also westerners tend to have long working hours.
it would be great to get some responses to hwo to deal with racist poor whites that you would actually like to make your comrades besides "well at least you don't live in the south."
im not saying poor blacks are better but since this thread is about how us melanined feel about whites, i'm just telling you my opinion. Many poor whites are cucked by by nationalist and racist discourses. I don't know how to commie them because they think i'm a shitskin and won't align with shitskins. they woudl rather bootlick the mlitary, the police, and rich whites
Implying anglos are white
t. Starbucks-sipping white liberal
Why should anyone make something of themselves? That is a bourgeois mentality
not a burger, but tbh most of the black americans I've talked to or met have been pretty reactionary too - including racist (especially about east asians and indians weirdly), though obviously in less of a position to act on it meaningfully - and substantially more overtly sexist and homophobic even than the white americans.
it was mostly sailors though since I used to live in a port town where we got american warships pretty frequently so maybe it's a military thing. even had one black dude off a ship, who i'd picked up on fucking grindr even, go on a rant about how much he hated faggots just minutes before he was pulling me into his motel room to fuck his ass. Bizarre shit.
Because it's the only way for elites of all colors to justify disdain for white proles while simultaneously vilifying them for benefiting from white muh privilege, aka "you got handed a winning lottery ticket and traded it for a sixpack of beer"
White proles are pretty much the last group that white liberals can feel good about selling the tired "just bootstrap yourself into prosperity" meme
This, I've been pulled over multiple times for bad driving and I just tell the officers I'm autistic and they let me go, I doubt that would be the case if I was Puerto Rican or even French Indian, let alone black
Increasingly less true for Appalachians though. People who don't have their heads up their asses understand that Bayer is basically responsible for an entire lost generation due to Oxycontin.
like again, this thread is about white so either tell me how to deal with racist h-whites or don't. (protip you cant) leftypol doesnt wanna deal with teh fact that the white tradesman they worship is no longer a thing and that whites were only in that position to be working class and yet get a house, car, and nice neighborhood because they were white. Now these whites who can no longer have those dignified jobs and either can work at mcdonalds getting spat on by the upper class (like blacks have done for years) or do heroin. the issue is that because they had a taste of the decent life they are now fucking reactionary, yea ive met some homophobic stupid niggers but most dont suck the dick of capitalism like whites do. there is some counter culture, some fuck the system in minority communities. turn on your local country radio. its all "muh military, muh, flag, muh bootstraps." the issue is leftypol wants to ignore white racism and then suddenly get to class consciousness. as much as i fucking hate libs, whites need to be taken down a peg in this country and de idpolled before you see any class consciousness happening
Holy shit this is reactionary, put down Settlers for a minute bucko
literally what
Settlers is a good book, tbh.
what even is the difference between a maoist and liberal anymore
bro im high as fuck and i literally just want someone to answer my question of how to deal with white workingclass people when most of the ones i encounter are racist. I organize with WWP, i seriously try my best to come at them from a standpoint of solidarity and everyone is getting fucked over by capitalism. what do i get for it? called a nigger, or told to get a job like them (even though they hate their job and i work), ive gotten my ass kicked by good ol boys doing this shit. sorry its just getting tiring as fuck.
I don't know, you tell me?
you cease this impotent activism and read a fuckin book
you cant even define labour aristocracy
it's not even defined in Settlers
its a fuckin boogeyman for you to blame shit on
maoists get the bullet
im assuming youre a troll. but in case your not whats wrong with my understanding?
Like Settlers, for one. Good suggestion.
Basically the bribed members of the working class by the bourgeois of imperialist countries, making these groups take a petit-bourgois outlook on the world in opposition to a proletarian outlook. Ties in with buisness unions like the AFL-CIO.
Black workers never went on "hate strikes".
are you stupid
your understanding that you can undo decades worth of cultural capitalism and it's effect on people with a fucking conversation?
Keyword is "can". That hasn't been historically how class manifested in the US. This is why your average white soccer mom is a "Blue Lives Matter" type of person, it's because it's in their interest to be.
I do not care about white people. I don't like rich, urban liberals though and those come in droves of whiteys. So perhaps I am a prejudiced against whites that look college aged and hipsterish.
Explain the proletarian soccer moms vested material interest in upholding her masters
I'll wait
yea motherfucker so then how do we start to undo it. its not even cultural hegemony anymore porkies claim to be antiracist. another point why should i even give a shit about poor whites? they are hostile and seem to love lapping porkys cum
well neocon and reactionary porkies
that's the debate among all leftist schools of thought
workplace sabotage
spontaneous revolution
the automation crises
Cheap consumer goods, for one.
Who do you think is buying muh iPhones? I do tech support, I know what I'm talking about on this issue.
mein gott this post
It's in her self interest to maintain the exchange of capital for consumer goods why
Read Marx
Literally everyone thats why people are on phone plans
fucking kek
youre basing your position off the number of people that contact you because they do not know how to use/fix their devices?
trust me bro I quit tech support
t. Can earn more in a day cleaning floors or working at mcporkys than I do in a week as an engineer but decides to overdose on meth instead
If the grasp on oppressed nations were released, they'd see their quality of life go drastically down.
Honestly, you butthurt you get in response when you mention that white people might be at all reactionary just sounds like pic related.
t. standard "converted" Holla Forumslack
good sassenach
t. Isn't a starving Somalian or Yemeni, therefore has no right complaining about his life
That answers none of my questions and still manages to betray how little you understand of capitalism
You've never read Marx
Who do you think makes your cheap garments and why do you think even American "proles" on the dole can have iphones and cool sneakers?
Certainly not by the people that claim $10 per hour is too low for them.
Yeah, fuck off. 1st world nations objectively benefit from oppressed nations at home & abroad.
Read Lenin, faggot.
How do Third Worldists live with the fact that there's always someone in another Third World nation that's worse off than they are?
It's a bit rich to bitch about #FirstWorldProblems while Somalis, Yemenis, Nigerians etc face starvation
>the first world prole does have interest in their escape from capitalist chains
First world socialists are hilarious. They don't even realize the proles in their countries are much better off than the world median (10k USD per year, by the way) and in a world revolution their living standards would necessarily have to go down.
Even the 'exploited' people in Europr and America are beneficiaries of and complicit in imperialism. That is why even the so-called poor can afford cheap food and consumer goods. But please do go on about how the revolution will happen in Europe firsts when they can't even share with people fleeing war.
Capitalism can't be destroyed without destroying imperialism, & the lifestyle people in the first world live is a result of imperialism. That's why (particularly white people) are so reactionary in the US.
We don't benefit from imperialism like the people in the first world though. We actually have factories and farms and work them to survive.
Countries like the UK and Singapore are parasites on the world running on bullshit 'jobs' that are able to live only because of capitalism and imperialism.
Good lecture on the subject, btw.
Maybe by first realizing that not all whites are like that and you have reactionary elements within all ethinic groups because people are people and you just can't determine someones political position based on their race? Like, I know some very racist blacks who would love to take out (and sometimes do) their resentment in other races, but I also know people who are black that are some of the nicest people I've known. It starts with realizing we're all products of our conditions and race antagonisms are a result from the frustrations brought on by class. Its critical we focus on class in our rhetoric because its something we all commonly share and we can unite on becuase in the end most people want similar things (security, a happy family, freedom to pursue work they feel fufilled in, the ability to lead the authentic life they desire, etc.) and they have to be brought to realize that all these things are in direct conflict with capital. If you just discard people to the side because of their skin color because you had sour encounters with those of a similar one, you wont find a class war in the end, just a race one.
The unconventional proletarian solidarity between the Maoist making 10k/year and the Somali facing famine
You cannot destroy a consequence of capitalism you dumb fucking mongoloid
Imperialism is not some separate international function, defeatable during the continued existence of private fucking property
Nor is 'anti-imperialism' somehow socialist in nature - the usurpation of an imperialist power does not end imperialism on its own
Read a fucking book you dipshits
You literally cannot end imperialism before ending capitalism
This, but unironically
Cost of living is much higher. Monetary income doesn't tell you anything.
Capitalism doesn't leave anyone alone in the West
Are you people implying people in third world countries are relatively richer and its okay we earn cents on the dollar because rent and food are cheapers?
Whew lads I found the solution to first world white alienation: Move them all to Nigeria and tell them poverty is relative anyway.
>You like having your labour exploited because you have a computer!
Countries who got a headstart on the capitalist train will reap both the benefits and detriments of late-stage capital, those who are in development or work in exploited third world countries will also experience certain benefits and (harsher) detriments. These are conditions created by capital, not just by some outside esoteric force or people.
L m a o
nigga wut
is this a fucking joke
youre just trolling now
im a canadian tree planter now anyway im literally a farmer
your brain on maoism
Literally everyone exploits someone in capitalism, ethical consumption doesn't exist. Is who is a worker or not no longer decided by their relation to the means of production now?
Nope I'm saying most Westerners earn cents on the dollar as well and they have to spend all their income to sustain themselves.
Most of the relative wealth for the bottom 40% of workers from first world countries at this point is education and health care.
Unless you want to forcibly resettle doctors and teachers to Nigeria Western regions will continue to have that advantage
Holy shit you're retarded.
How useless do you have to be to overdose on meth because you think you are oppressed by brown peoolewhen you are a beneficiary of imperialism? When millions would die (and indeed tens of thousands have died, ask Mexico) to have been born in your position? When immigrants that arrive with absolutely nothing are able to better themselves?
And the ones that aren't are simply liberals working in bullshit jobs. Take a look at the big american cities like New York and Los Angeles and see who's actually working and producing and who's playing in make-believe jobs. It's a quasi-apartheird not too dissimilar from Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
First world white people are truly a decadent, parasitic labour bourgeisie that needs a collective reeducation after the revolution.
This is nazbol tier. Why haven't the mods banned you yet?
t. middle-class white burger
Even if we are to assume first world workers are exploited (while also engaging, consciously or not, on the exploitation of thr third world), it cannot be compared to the superexploitation of the workers of the third world.
Isn't this the reason that you claim social democracy isn't sustainable? Even if it were desirable, it's built on the backs of the third world.
literally nobody did this
we're calling you, specifically you, a fucking idiot for throwing the material basis for socialist revolution out the fucking window in favour of your feels cuz white ppl r meen
Stop replying to someone is very clearly taking out their frustration through petty attacks on an easy target that is unavailable to defend itself.
Which is why you shouldn't compare 10k in Western countries to 10k in Africa which you shouldn't compare to 10k in China.
Social democracy isn't sustainable because it's inherrently corrupt and does not sufficiently address rent seeking behavior and as time goes on in a social democracy rent extractors absorb larger parts of the surplus value.
It's built on many backs so that few people can sit on the top. E.g. Chinese princes who got a Porsche from dad on their 18th birthday
user, literally no one is comparing the conditions workers in the first world work in to the conditions third-world workers work in. What we are saying is that capitalism creates the conditions for all of this to occur as the bourgeosie will always look for ways to obtain cheaper labor, wherever that may lead them. Social democracy isn't sustainable because its still capitalism and comes with all the contradictions of capitalism still intact.
how can you ever give class consciousness to people that aren't even self conscious?
Class and nationality connected. Oppressor nations have no buisness telling oppressed nation's how to revolution.
"But muh whyte pippo" is exactly the reason trade unions are so class-collaborationist in the developed looter nations.
You can't, that's why you have to organize against them.
Baby steps. And it's more useful than the typical white guy praxis of blaming everyone but themselves for the failure of organized labor.
I like whites tbh. No qualms against them. I've gotten no insults from a white but I've gotten a few from blacks.
I'm 3/4 asian tbh. Specifically Japanese. My skin tone looks euro but I have eyes like this dude so people often ask if I'm mixed.
My family is highly assimilated into American culture to the point where my grandfather adopted an anglo last name.
Every white I've met has seen me as an equal and has treated me like they would a white. As for blacks it's kinda iffy. A lot of them would use slurs to describe me and sexualized asian women as though they were trophys. They often did the same with any other race that wasn't black women. Tbh looking back at it now most black guys at my school didn't date in their own race and often went after white and mexican girls. I always felt bad for the black girls because I noticed they either didn't get into relationships or they wouldn't last long if they did get one.
Mexicans would occasionally make a joke but they normally made the whole "I thought you guys were supposed to be geniuses joke". I've had a few whites make that joke but they were close friends so I never considered it racism. One joke I remember was between me and a Mexican who made a joke that our family's should have a rice off and the losers race has to denounce rice forever.
Add to this that post-colonialism is really just a cottage industry of wealthy Indian intellectuals…
Don't you have some white in you. I feel like you posted your arm before and it didn't look black. It looked more mixed/brown
Forgot pic
It's probably just burgers that think like what is described above. Why do you hate chinks tho?
Point being?
I'm not trying to make a point I'm just asking if he is fully black or not because I feel like the pic I saw looked more mixed
White people raped a lot of brown people back then, what else is new?
Same poster, btw.
How do you know it is the result of rape from geneartions ago. His parents could simply be of differant races. Nothing wrong with that. Also if it was the reault of rape from let's say the late 1800s wouldn't those european traits have gone away as his family would have married into/had kids with other african americans unless of course those said african americans were interacial children.
Did you just assume in-group preferences you fucking racist
t. Jason "Dead First Worldists" Unruhe
I'm a mixed-race guy; specifically, of mestizo and Jap ancestry. I have had a varied experience with "whites" before and after becoming a socialist, but that's to be expected from Burgerstan. Fuck bourgie liberals though, kill them all tbh.
I am Greek and I could pass for an aryan since I am blond, but I have not have had any kind of muh privilege in my life other than that middle-class muh privilege that so many of my countrymen had as a safety net, even though I am currently unemployed. Comparing whites vs nonwhites in terms of muh privilege shows the utter stupidity of identity politics, a Japanese prole could very well be much more muh privileged than me due to wealth level or even a Chinese worker because of the availability of jobs. Whenever I hear the term white muh privilege I laugh because even though we are mostly white most people in the Balkans are below the poverty level and are even considered "half human"(see Greeks are lazy freeloaders by German media propaganda), but at least better than refugees who are considered non-human-homo-sacer individuals. The only muh privilege we have as Greeks is our country not being completely destroyed by foreign agents like in Syria or reactionary elements like in Turkey. American politics are fucked up, and it still amazes me most Greek-americans are reactionary and consider themselves white , when they were called "dirty Greeks" by Wasp americans some 40-50 years ago.
The myth of the evil white rapist. Still haven't seen any actual historic claim that goes beyond hearsay and dramatic creative writing experiments based on perceived, but not actual, historic events.
It reminds me of the emotional power stories of brave independent black women fighting against oppressive white patriarchal natalist southern conservatism with rudimentary contraceptive methods that can serve as a great analogous message for the modern day pro-choice rainbow capitalist campaigns of today. It's so topical and convenient it's almost too good to be true!
When something conforms so fantastically to your worldview you should be vary that it might actually just be that. Fantasy.
You know those numbers are actually fucking high? How many rape babies do you think are born these days?
Compared to what?
You don't compare rape babies of the 1800's to modern day first world societies. The fact you try to do so betrays the reality of the situation you are unable to confront.
Either you know nothing of the history of rape and actually believe these numbers to be high or this is just a kneejerk emotional reaction to information that goes against your preconceived notions drilled into you in public education when you where 9 and learning about the evils of slavery through dramatic English literature written by self-hating white liberal cat ladies "based on true testimonials".
How many rape babies do you think there where in Africa in this time where the slaves came from? Hell, even today. Make that comparison and then start crying about how hard it was to be a slave in the richest colony on earth. Try doing so without using "historically inspired" literature based on Barrows. Who, in his sadism, administered roughly 0.7 whippings per slave per year.
Stop the regurgitation of nonsense libtard history. Why do you still believe the bullshit narratives that porky deemed important to brainwash you in when you where a kid?
You idiots compare the rate of rape of slaves to those of non slaves during the same period. It's fucking high.
Like I said, it only looks high compared to first world nations. It's not high compared to Africa. Chance of pregnancy following rape is around 10-20%. 60% of women in Ethiopia report being subjected to sexual violence. Or we can compare directly to one of the ancestral homelands of US slaves: the rape capital of Congo where in MODERN DAY CONGO an estimated 400.000 women are raped annually.
1-2% of the population US slaves is not high compared to that annual rape-fest. It is actually very low.
To ward against rape being a southern slave was one of the safest thing to do for an African.
The only comparison that makes your case is to compare the slaves not to their country of origin but to the muh privileged class that bought them as slaves and by proxy saved them from that place. It's a retarded argument to make.
Now go foam at the mouth some more that the public school narrative financed by porky you bought hook line and sinker of evil rapey-whitey doesn't conform to reality.
Where are you getting this number?
oh i am laffin. You're specifically cherry picking one section of a coffee table book for righties. You're talking about the "myth of the evil white rapist." in it's totality, not just 1860. The spanish and portugess fucked so much they created new designations of humans, the mestizos and mulattoes. Not to mention the brits.
Slaves were being raped so much the brits colonizing america had to create a law passing making the child the mother's problem so that the raper father didnt' have to deal with the kids. Partus sequitur ventrem. There were so many mulattoes they had to pass a law. At least the rape babies were treated a little better, getting to work with the white indentured servants.
Yes. We should start selling our children and need more privatization.
african american
unironically suport anuddah shoah on the internet but irl they are okay for the most part
you'd have to legitimately be a deluded retard not to
hapa reporting in. MY honest opinion is that its fucking retarded to have an opinion about an entire race.
It exists but phrasing it as white 'privilege' is fucking horrible from a marketing standpoint. One it implies not being shot by the police is a 'privelege' secondly it has a hectoring/ 'fuck white people' vibe to it. finally, it misdirects from the real problem, which is not that white people have some magical muh privilege that came from nowhere, but to the extent that minorities are treated badly it is mainly a symptom of capitalism.
The number comes from Time on the Cross. Laugh till it hurts. Trying to paint the book that quotes the primary source is not an argument against the primary source you retard. It's not surprising you try such tactics given you provide no source material on your own but instead just rely on shared emotional indignation since the propaganda you regurgitate is not historically accurate.
Yeah, don't quote any economic data just regurgitate the just-so story that: because this law was put in place there must have been massive amounts of rape! Even though there is no evidence of said rape. The changing of the terms relating to the birthed children of slave mothers does not in any way prove any amount or number of rapes.
Yeah let's just create fictional arguments to whine against since we can't address the ones that actually exist. Maybe it will lend more weigh to your appeals to emotion and baseless claims that have already been debunked.
Well Americans in general, regardless of race are reactionary.
You do know most poor whites live in rural small towns and not suburbs.
No it isn’t. The author admit it was shit.
Come back when you’re not on drugs
The labor aristocracy refers to celebrities who technically get wages produce less value then they consume. It does NOT refer to the working class in first world nations.
That’s the problem. Most people do NOT read Marx so they DO not know that capitalism is NOT in there self interest. They think Socialism = USSR police state.
I like how even though I’m white none of those stereotypes apply to me.
If you destroy American Imperialism then Chinese Imperialism ill take it’s place.
You know that an average African American is around 20% white.
The problem is your look at the rural parts of America where massive amounts of food is being produced.
Spend trillions on the military so we can bomb foreign countries to the ground, steal their oil and cause massive problems in the future (terrorism, fundamentalism, refugees, etc).
Invest trillions on infrastructure in foreign countries so we can sort of help them in exchange for some metals and shit.
I'll take Chinese imperialism over Murrican imperialism any day tbqh.
Now if I made a thread like this about black I would have been banned and send directly to Holla Forums. Is this the power of liberal newfags?
They treat the natives like dogs. Literally. I have a hard time wrapping my head around how people can imagine Chinese imperialism as being better than western imperialism when the Chinese treat their own workers worse than the western imperialists treated the colonized.
Chinese imperialism is occupying Tibet and becoming the new economic predator of Africa
As long as the boot isn't on a white foot you seem perfectly willing to lick it.
But really, is this supposed to be in defense of Chinese imperialism or just imperialism in general now? Because the western imperialists did exactly what you celebrate the Chinese for doing and much more. You aren't making a point here even though you labored to gather propaganda videos. We already know of the infrastructure projects, finished and ongoing, by western hands in Africa. The point is that things such as worker rights exist in the west while comparatively in China they don't. The Chinese don't have misguided hopes of dragging Africa up by the waistband. It will be total economic domination from A to Z along with demographic replacement like they are doing in Tibet.
Latino here
Swell people, love the Italians, French and Irish.
I do believe there are some perks to being white, however it is grossly exaggerated.
indebted servitude, retard, they don't even have a reason to feed, clothe, and house you.
This never happened and it's pathetic to try to claim that it did so you don't have to argue against the book.
It is literally impossible to end exploitation under capitalism
It's not a fucking baby step
It cannot happen
of course
Does that mean you speak in a West Country accent and your hobbies include brewing cider?
Fuck off with your Irish slaves myth, grandma.
Look at what China did to Tibet. Not pretty.
America is a falling empire, where China is a rising one.America will do more atrocities then China, because it needs to. When China in seventy years starts to fall and say Brazil becomes the next empire expect China to pull similar shit to what America is pulling now.
Socjus' notions like white muh privilege are rooted in a fundamentally flawed understanding of causality.
They look at the numbers in America and see that poverty rates among blacks are higher than among whites. Now from this data alone, you can make the hypothesis that these two facts are correlated, and you would be right. Slavery, lack of reparations, Jim Crow, various hidden and even unconscious ways in which the State deals more harshly against blacks than whites and so on.
However, SJWs make the crass mistake of conflating correlation and causation. They see that a given black person is more likely to be poor than a white one and wrongly conclude that this happens because he's black. Altho obviously a black person is still subject to a level of racism (the best example probably being racial profiling and police treatment), it's absolutely nowhere near that suffered by his ancestors, and they are the ones who were subjected to open, legislated, socially-enforced material and psychological degradation. Since all the way back then, his lineage has had severe obstacles placed on its material advancement, and as we all know, inheritance is one of the core mechanisms of capitalism, and essential to its accumulation. Thus, the modern black man still suffers the reverberations of those old, strong racist measures infinitely more than he feels the current, milder instances of racism.
So even tho these obstacles have decreased with time, and hopefully will keep on decreasing, there is still correlation, but no longer causation, between white and black poverty rates.
new york
Are you fucking retarded?
kys Padraig
I'm a mutt and I don't have a problem with pure breeds as a group.
Anybody remember when this nation killed more people than the Nazis and then basically got off scot-free?
>muh only first world white nation this was prior to the 80s
Isn't a bit funny how the propaganda that the Japanese fascists used which alleged that communism was a conspiracy by the white race to take over the world is a lot like what we hear from SJWs today? Isn't it funny that post-colonial intellectuals talk about "muh evil nahtzees" and the evils of British/French capitalism but never seem to talk about the crimes of the Japanese Empire? Why are post-modern intellectuals always crying about Hiroshima and not the genocides carried out by the Japanese?
Isn't it funny how people can talk about American imperialism without mentioning that prior to the rise of China that Japan was the other great neocolonialist power and that Japan had more investment in the Third World than the US, which has net-negative capital flows?
Now, the crimes of Japanese imperialism have been more thoroughly exposed by their victims against the will of the US and so this increasingly looks like another foolish late 20th century discourse. But it does give us some idea of how Chinese imperialism can now flourish without seeming to run into censure from post-colonialists and alleged anti-imperialists.
*non-white nation
Most of the critique against fascism in the west is based in French and Russian theory. Those nations and thinkers had the most direct interaction with Nazism, so it makes sense that they would focus on Nazi Germany and Italy.
I don't know much about Japanese and Nationalist Chinese World War II ideology. Could you link to an article about the theory that white people planted Communism in Japan. I'm familiar that the government argued that the USSR was using communists in japan to usurp power, but I never heard that it was linked to white people in general.
They did? Any sources on this? Sounds very useful to know.
im a mexican. white people are like every other individual some are spooked assholes & others are their own/authentic
I hate gringos through most of them fall under "spooked assholes" easily.
black burger here. The term "white' has had such a vague and inconsistent meaning over the years that it seems useless to try and categorize people using the term outside the US. However I have no problem with white people, I just despise capitalists and their reactionary bootlickers. It's a shame though that poor whites in America seem like the most classcucked by nationalism and "The American Dreamâ„¢" but then again that's most of the country. Ivory tower academics, idpol liberals, and LARPers seem to use talk about privileg.e to deflect any criticisms of capitalism onto the players of the game and not the game itself, so I've been wary of it ever since I started hearing it. I won't deny that discrimination still exists but I'd argue that it's partly a bi-product of capitalism that is reinforced by it. The poorest of society are the most despised because they lack the means to put themselves on equal standing with other groups. Adam Smith even said that great wealth required great poverty. In America it just so happens that the poorest of society are or historically were minorities that fell victim to the old imperialist plan of "smash and grab" then had to deal with porky and his spooked attack dogs.
Some starter sources.
Young talks about it in her book. It was basically the Japanese version of the Protocols theory about Jews being behind communism.
You can thank McCarty for that.