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muh replacement!111one
Someone please enlighten me what the orange dorito mussolini is talkin about this time?
He's giving amnesty to almost a million (maybe more) illegal immigrants and now defending it.
How does Holla Forums get played so fucking much
Because these retards bought into "Trump = Hitler" meme, when it turns out Trump is just another rich piece of shit with no morals.
I've been telling people this whole time. Trump is too dumb to be a Nazi/Fascist. Hes a retard who flip flops his beliefs based on his mental state
Would it be better if he was an actual fascist tho
By this point they are already pretending they never considered him their guy. Lolololol
What did /lol/ expected?
Trumps daughter is Jewish and his grand kids have been circumcised and he is known for employing (illegal)immigrants.
No way his porkie friends will allow them do deport cheap labour
If he were an actual fascist america would be under the control of paramilitary groups.
Maybe if those groups were left wing.
Not if the americans were to democratically elect one. You know, like… germany did in 1930's
That's our hero orange hitler the man we blew up trash cans against.
Every time the Trump regime moves right the left grows stronger. This is just a way to make him seem unfashy, appease the liberals, and cuck the left.
Alright lads, place your Sorosbux. How will Ben rationalize it this time?
He and Alex Jones already retweeted the swamp one
This TBH
Disillusioned right wingers can be radicalized too and every time Trump lets them down they get closer to taking the real red pill.
You need to go back
Hitler wasn't elected.
Ben is too innocent for this world, face palm.
Not really, the left only win when the alt-right fuck up. You guys weren't winning jack shit before Charlottesville.
Charlottesville was just the first time you noticed
Stop trying so hard.
You can't deny he was backed by huge popular support tho
Nah. Every liberals already hates Trump and will continue to do so (but not for the reason we would want them to).
As someone who supported trump against hillary/sanders
The fund for sjw's is still out, and that's the only thing i care about.
So i love seeying him to lose against the stablishment over and over and over again. Without that cancer in the labor movement we can build something with real future.
Holy fuck - this is hilarious.
Seriously though, are there any policy positions or slogans left that this guy won't directly steal from Reagan?
Trump was always just the beginning for those guys anyway.
They all jumped on board when he bombed Syria so you can see how weak minded they are. Ultimately, liberals hate the left more than Trump.
so he's still smarter than a nazi who actually believes he's some fucking moral champion because he cares about some stupid genes as if they were more important than his live
What's this? I've been out of the loop for a few days.
Liberals hate the left far more than they hate Trump. Look how keen they were to jump on the Trump Train when he bombed Syria.
They're already radicalised and Trump is just the beginning of their project. The real deal is in the post.
Fascism is a change from normal government processes to being controlled by paramilitary groups.
If the government doesn't switch control it's not fascism.
Hitler could at least somewhat read theory. Trump can't read period
Liberals hate the left far more than they hate Trump. Look how keen they were to jump on the Trump Train when he bombed Syria.
They're already radicalised and Trump is just the beginning of their project. The real deal is in the post.
I don't get how anyone could think Trump was ever a fascist to begin with, everything he has done so far has more or less been in line with every other neoliberal president before him. The only real difference is that unlike others before him he doesn't try to downplay or excuse his actions, he just kind of smugly brags about them. No one would really know or care about the things he did if he didn't tweet about them 24/7, its like if Obama tweeted every time he authorized a drone strike and said "Many children killed in strike, still haven't learned to run faster. Sad."
I don't find the article i read, but it was acusing trump of cutting hundreds of millions.
This will do
answered your own question fam, neoliberals love insincere apologizes
Would have been hella funny to see that posted on twitter though.
Liberals think Zizek is a fascist so I can see them thinking Trump is ultra fascist.
I should have written in Enoch
Swamp: Undrained
Syria: Bombed
Wall: Unbuilt
Compromises: Made
Obamacare: Unrepealed
I hope Zyklon Ben makes a comic of Trump fighting socialist economics next.
He only won 33% of the vote.
7 more years
That's gigantic considering people have been calling Macron's victory a monumental landslide and a huge majority.
The real wall was all the friends we made along the way
Dicks: Out
I have been expelled from the white house press dinner.
It's extremely sad all those people who believed in meme magic are being treated like saps
I think you mean hilarious
It was sarcasm, but yes. It is extremely hilarious
All that posting….gone….like tears, in rain
Just imagine all those people who spent hours and hours reading esoteric literature and performing rituals with candles and shit. They've dropped off the face of the earth as far as their rampant shitposting is concerned.
Implying they haven't achieved what they wanted.
they though trump would turn america into a white ethnostate and he clearly isn't doing that
I didn't know Holla Forums wanted a million more illegal immigrants
Not Holla Forums, the meme wizards. The ones who knew what they were doing were shaking things up with Kek to encourage further chaos. Mission accomplished, no?
Ohhhh, "the meme wizards"
you are better than this
wahh, he's not kicking out all the brown people!
At least Stefan got some cash out of it no refunds
Ah, see you fags have a few months of posting "4D chess" over and over until you disappear completely.
I swear this election cycle has become unending laughs.
First we get to watch Hillary's crowd have a total meltdown when her self-assured victory was annihilated.
Now we get to watch the Trumpenproles have a meltdown as he sells out on everything he promised one by one.
Bruh, there were people on Holla Forums who actually, unironically, believed that Kek was the embodiment of a chaos god and engaged in numerological shitposting in the hopes of generally furthering the global state of chaos.
I'm not defending them, I'm not a Trumper, I'm just telling you how things are. I don't know how much clearer I can be than that.
Holla Forums's so assblasted they can't even form a coherent sentence. business as usual.
I'm going to need a new hard drive for these pics exclusively soon. How do they keep offering themselves up like this?
There's no group of people I have less sympathy for than young republicans. They are by far the worst group of human filth currently exists in America.
These people are psychopaths.
oh my days
Hahaha, what? Where?
Someone please edit the second comic.
Young democrats are pretty dumb, but you're right, young republicans/right-libertarians are some of the most insufferable, delusional bunch I've ever come across.
Trumpfags like to portray him as some superhero when he's really just a whiny old man.
Do we have Garrison's response to Trump making all of these deals with Chuck and Nancy?
It must be cool to do anything and have people cup your nuts and gargle your semen at every turn.
Truly Kek is a capricious god, for he reigns over chaos.
Indeed, Trump is rather lucky.
r/enoughsandersspam did the same thing when Bernie lost New York
the_donald deserves it though
oh my fuck
this really made my day
Half of America should just fucking kill themselves at this point.
Is Ben Garrison still gonna be daddy Trump's loyal little fluffer after Trump's supporter base's down to just him, the admin of r/The_Donald and Alex Jones?
God damn it, I have a million MAGA Wojaks and can't find any now that I need them. Dump more, please.
Why call him that? You're just repeating the retarded 'impreach drumpf le literal fascist' stupidity.
Yes it would be better if Trump was a Not Socialist. This is a socialist board comrade.
That is a lot, it's obvious that you are a burger, in europe there are a lot of parties that get each a share (in the past this was truer) it's not like amierica 50/50 system
Is this the final cucking? Will the Trump shilling finally stop?
you must be new here
you must be new here
*Morbidly Obese, dementia ridden old man
Noted communist organizations CNN and Google.
the alt-right honestly believes that tho
I mean he would still obviously be a shit president but that would actually be hilarious. Tbh if Obama went full cowboy with that shit and talked a big game about blowing up brown people he would easily have support from half the conservatards that hate him
It's because the base level of propaganda that burgers get indoctrinated with makes it really hard to shake the mold of at least dem when you're young, and that usually takes at least high school age to break out of. Being a young repubican though means you have to gulp down such absolute retardation that if you're 8 and believe that shit you should unironically be euthanized early on
So pathetic. It's like those guys in college that would wear the troll face shirts and had rage comic "close enough" stickers and patches. sad frog didn't deserve this.
Is there any Holla Forums salt yet?
Wasn't the deal that there would be no wall too?
Honestly though, answer me this because I cannot wrap my head around it: Do these conservative loonies really believe that these kids raised in America, educated in american schools, most of whom only know english, are criminals that need to be deported to a country they've never even been to? Like, unironically and outside of Holla Forums?
Pls help me understand this as I cannot understand how DACA is a debate at all. Undocumented immigration by people who don't even speak english is one thing, but… Isn't that basically admitting they think only whites can be americans?
Idiot, a wall means nothing if you set a precedent to grant amnesty to a million fucking people
Which anime is that?
Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Yes, they do.
You answered your own question.
This is what they want, and they cant handle that its simply impossible.
Might watch this, good reviews and seems woke
The real reason is that they think immigrants gonna vote democrats, and therefore they gonna be out of power forever.
Politics gonna Politics.
Not really "woke" but one of the characters on the Republic side espouses a lot of anarchist views. It's really just very good, definitely watch it.
This is like watching the political version of people panicking and going all "every man for himself" on the Titanic.
what the fuck is that hat on the second pic
it would have been better to just google a real maga hat
It's a kippah.
i think its supposed to be a kippah
It's a kippah but I agree they should've just made it a normal MAGA hat. The current meme is impossible to use to troll his normie supporters
Make one yourself you lazy fuck.
Lol relax I will, just talking about it first. My bad I guess
Phone posting, someone screenshot where that's from
Trump is 100% what I hoped he was under all those le ebin nazi :-DDDDD memes.
I was reading about Marinetti's Futurist Manifesto and I had a minor epiphany - it really reflects the nature of the online shitposter, particularly of the Holla Forums variety. It makes sense given the fact that Marinetti is essentially a proto-fascist and that Holla Forums types are wehraboos but despite all that it was astounding how closely the tenets of the manifesto matched the actions of the imageboard denizen.
this has been there since trump won, and it's intended for non-trump supporters as a joke.
So seriously.
What does everyone think about the theory that Trump is jut a deeply insecure man with no politics that found a niche to exploit and become president because daddy never loved him?
Looks more like a dunce cap tbh
No one can know what will happen, only that something will happen. Meme magic is unpredictable.
God fucking damnit though. This orange bastard was lying the entire time. I should have known when he would only talk about mexicans stealing jobs, instead of robots stealing jobs. The mexicans stole every last possible job decades ago. Now its the robots you have to worry about. Not one word about this ever from him.
Enjoy my salt you bastards. I hope you choke on it.
We warned you faggots, but you retards got blinded by the memes and cheered on the porky who will cuck burgerland to the saudis and israel.
He's a rich shitposting asshole who loves attention………….. Was there ever any doubt?
you're right OP , we should have voted Bernie amirite faggot?
Your tears have been delicious.
Yes? What kind of stupid question is that?
are you fucking retarded or are you actually a fucking kike?
did Sam Hyde edit this image as a subliminal message
I wish I was a kike tbh. Being apart of the master race would be so much better than being white.
low energy.
Low testosterone.
I gotta say, i almost feel bad for the people who've thought he was some god who can't do wrong, because they're just getting anally reamed 24/7
so when are you gonna do it already mate
What's a picture of drug riddled, suicidal degenerate supposed to accomplish?
He's letting us know he will shoot himself.
nigger what?
He's implying that you'll share the same fate as your idol.
Are you actually retarded?
lol cucked again
So tell me, did you ever consider blaming the people who are replacing American workers with immigrants and robots, rather than the immigrants themselves? Or the very system of private property which allows that sort of thing to happen in the first place? Of course not, your entire ideology is based around hierarchy and submitting to those at the top.
Will Trump's constant betrayals finally get it through your skull that the ruling class cannot be trusted to work in favor of the working class, and that to fix society's problems you must give control of it back to the people? Or will you continue to be a submissive, bootlicking little cuck and latch onto the next messiah figure that gives you some scapegoat to blame for your troubles and tells you what you want to hear?