New poll has Bernie in first place and Zucc is somehow at 7%. Bernie leads with white, asian and Hispanic people, Biden leads with black people.
Bernie Sanders leads democrat primary
aren't they forgetting Chelsea Clinton? I feel like being extra misanhropic today and would like this information.
I just can't fucking wait for Zucc to get forced to the front of the primaries despite lack of popular support, and for liberals to gnash their teeth and wail and wonder what happened when we get a second term of trump.
I want off this fucking nightmare.
Doesn't matter
Zuckerberg will end up "winning" anyway.
Who the fuck would vote for that muppet shithead? Trump will eat him alive.
zucc has zero charisma how can he win?
Not old enough iirc
I don't think he actually will once the primary heats up for real. He's got all the magnetism of Martin O'Malley.
he could probably have his corporation with a near monopoly on information for some people install some algorithm were everyone would only see pro-ZUCC stories. IF that failed he could probably have his billion dollar company just hack a shitload of voting boots
He's polling at 7% he probably cant
and zucc is?
Why are modern black people so classcucked as a group?
Why do they always go for the establishment shill?
he'll "win" the primaries because only wealthy oligarchs control the democratic party.
*Liberals, it aint a black issue bud
less classcucked than any other race
I thought he had something going with you for that, Satan. He doesn't?
Besides, its very understandable as to why black democrats would go for Biden over the rest of the pack. They shouldnt, but dont be suprised if they do
You just notice it more because black liberals are so fucking vocal.
I do not understand how someone can put Not Sure when Bernie is an that list. Is there any "leftist" candidate as good as Bernie? Do I not understand how good Biden is? Bernie's policies were common sense and simple enough for a baby to understand. Am I a brainlet boys?
He hasn't started the Facebook campaign yet.
You just gotta think like a liberal user
Obama most popular dem since clinton
His VP was Biden
Biden rose to prominence as his own personality in the 2nd Obama term
We can elect Obama all over again by choosing Biden. (Also saw alot of Biden-Michelle propaganda from liberal twitter around the new year, the political significance of having Michelle Obama in the white house again is too much for Dems to resist)
I would respond with Not Sure because the primaries are almost two years away. Sanders could die or suffer massive brain damage and bexome a Clintonite in that period.
That makes too much sense. Wish I could sigh over text without RP fuckery.
Yeah, and Trump could be a secret agent for Socialism. can you imagine Anything can magically happen, I don't think the post was meant for that. Just who you would boy in if the vote was right now. I appreciate your viewpoint though, thank you.
Dems would be insane to not go as far left as politically possible right now, it's an open goal. Surely there's got to be someone more left than Bernie that could do the job?
Conceivably its not a bad call for dems if they wanna win 2020, he has that "insider knowledge" of white house goings on again but actually have a likable candidate this. Its a real risk to elect Bernie imo, not talking about factos like his age or health, but the fact of how cucked america is about "socialism".
If bernie goes head to head with Trump, he'll either win or the Democrats will be all but destroyed because where do you go from there, theres nothing left.
Sanders will be almost 80 by 2020. I'd at least want to know who his VP pick is. Modern VP's tend to be terrible and I hate to elect Sanders and get Clinton just because he felt he needed her appeal or whatever.
In any case, it really is too early to to say. In 2013, Sanders wasn't even included in polls about 2016 and in 2005 Obama was just starting to get his name out there.
Sanders is dead weight honestly. He has not trained or helped anyone to carry on his legacy nor does he seem willing to do so. Once he's gone any left wing movements that are built around him will fall.
That makes more sense to me. Bernie is just such a likable oldie,; I can't imagine not voting for him if you were just going off personality and such. He has his bad moments though, but who doesn't with publicity like that.
I think this survey was as if the vote was right now, I just checked, it says "If held today". I agree though, him cowing to Hillary still gets me every now and then. Kind of miraculous to expect a good president tho.
I kinda think only the somewhat complaint one's were able to survive slavery.
If its actually kind of sick now that I am thinking of it, we were probably only a few hundred years away from domesticating other humans.
They aren't.
I think the reason black voters go mostly with moderates is about reducing what they perceive as risk of loss. This is especially true in the south - race still takes the forefront in politics in black communities, and there's also still some amount of fascination with attaining white collar work when they can look back see a time within living memory when that wasn't really feasible.
Honestly, I would vote for him too.
Who would be Sanders' VP pick? His advanced age makes the VP selection a bit more important.
Sadly yes.
every time the candidates pick their VPs it's someone I've never heard of, but Kamala Harris would make sense.
Apart from being a prosecutor I think it would be alright, she probably has no ideology and just wants to be President, I could see her turning left if that was the way the electorate was going.
You know, there's this meme about selecting a VP that is more detestable to 'the other side' than your presidential candidate is, which would supposedly make any would-be assassin think twice about the ramifications of killing a president if they knew that their successor would be even worse.
If Kamala Harris was Bernie's choice for VP, that may in fact work against garden variety republicans, many of which wouldn't be able to handle the notion of a black female president (who would likely get a big popularity boost after a presidential assassination), however, I would suspect that the dems would be literally gunning for Bernie so that they could get someone more amenable to their positions in place. Kamala seems more than happy to ride the party-line handed down from the big donors. I hope that Bernie would be smart enough to select someone for VP that both the establishment republicans and democrats would despise.
Bernie should name non avakian his vp :^)
I think a lot of them just don't vote and the ones that do tend to be very moderate/classcucked
John McDonnell
who would actually vote for that guy lol
I could see someone like Tulsi Gabbard being his VP. She's as diverse as they come, and fairly anti-establishment, especially when it comes to foreign policy.
Seeing all these white people talk about what they think black people think is absolutely hilarious.
How is Biden that high?