I am being allowed to make a leftist youth Club in my high school if i'm able to get like 6 or more people to join it. Can you guys help me, i need to make it appeal to normal people. What should i say when explaining it? All i have said so far that it is a club dedicated to discussing and understanding stuff on the far-left of the political Spectrum ,social and political issues of the day, and mentioning Bernie Sanders.
How do i pitch a leftist youth club
save yourself the embarassment and dont do it, we have enough campus socialists as it is
just tell them to read bordiga, not even joking.
read Marx instead left com
free hat
1. put up flyers around campus advertising the first meeting. be honest that it's for leftists.
2. at the meeting, have everyone introduce themselves, explain their political views, and explain why they're interested in socialism or anarchism.
3. have a discussion topic set up (could be vague like asking everyone about a current event they think is important)
4. make a list of suggested readings (pick some short stuff from Marx and Engels for sure)
4. link up with a local socialist organization and start participating in their events/protests
5. continue to hold meetings. have some fun meetings too if you want, like movies or shit like that.
Seems like a lot of work for no reward user. I don't want to demoralize you, but I can't imagine this ending well for you.
bet you'll get bullied to be honest
he could easily end up making good friends. lots of young people are starting YDS chapters in high schools and I haven't heard anything about bullying.
That sounds pretty cool OP. My only advice is to push people away from lifestylism. Most highschoolers are "anarchists" and "communists" for rebellious reasons, so try to push them to read or at least get them to think.
yeah if you can get them to read Critique of the Gotha Program and Socialism, Scientific and Utopian that'd be great
This spooks me user. To be a good socialist you would have to understand quite a lot, and be even better to defend those points. It is incredibly easy to get embarassed politcially/socially. OP is also in an undeniably vulnerable(sic) part of his life. I do not want OP to affect his standing with his friends and faculty.
you're overthinking it. I think you probably haven't organized much yourself. OP has a lot of positive experiences to gain by trying this. He could get a lot of confidence and leadership skills from organizing the meetings, and again, he could make friends. It can't hurt to try.
I haven't organized, that is true. Maybe everything will be fine. Best of luck to him.
Most of the teens and faculty. in my grade know i'm a commie and don't care. The ones that do either are libs that say it can't work because selfish people and Stalin ,or people who like to know how i view the current political situation.
If i do manage to actually get the club running I'm going to try to despook them first before i show them some hard-hitting theory. Would this xexizy vid be good for despooking people?
Towards A New Socialism is better for describing what socialism will look like.
Towards A New Socialism is better for describing what socialism will look like.
As well should i use bad mouse's theory vids?>>2073885
Use Micheal Parenti, Jodi Dean, FinnBol, or anything. Just don't use one book Muke.
Use Micheal Parenti, Jodi Dean, FinnBol, or anything. Just don't use one book Muke.
Tans is only really good for people who study something compsci related and stemlords who care about muh efficiency. It's not a good book to explain socialism on its own and definately not a good introduction to socialism.
If you want some simple to digest shit either use Michael parenti for the tankie side or Richard wolff for more normie friendly stuff.
Take it easy on the videos, emphasis the social aspect, the meet and greet, at first.
Having said that, this is a good one for introductions:
Try not to be preachy. Listen to how the group wants to proceed: bookclub? debates/discussions?
You could try to organize a student walkout or protest about a local issue.
Maybe guest speakers - leaders of local lefty groups for example.
Ally with like minded student groups - environmental or whatever.
fuck wrong link
also if OP aims to educate, he should start a facebook or chat group or something, and just post a few news articles or analysis essays a week for his friends to read. reading theory is one thing, but if you don't know about the real world, you won't be able to connect the theory to anything.
There is no quality control for that label. Make sure that a sandal-wearing and yoga-practicing fruity transnigger doesn't think it's for hïm, unless hë is interested in economics.
Michael Parenti is ok. Jodi Dean is a retarded pomo psycho-babbler who constantly misrepresents and caricatures just about everything she criticizes (I'm not sure how much of that is dishonesty or her simply being an idiot).