Recommendations on good leftist books that are not about revolutionary utopias or meme government structures?
Such as:
- Society of the spectacle by Debord
- Capitalist realism by Mark Fisher
Recommendations on good leftist books that are not about revolutionary utopias or meme government structures?
Such as:
- Society of the spectacle by Debord
- Capitalist realism by Mark Fisher
Parable of the Sower
Anything written by Karl Marx, my suggestion being starting with German Ideology.
What do you mean by this? Like the bread book or what?
I think OP wants Critical Theory books like⦠I dunno, anything written by the Frankfurt gang?
OP can just stop listening to jazz and get the same experience.
Read this.
This is why after your """""""""""""revolution""""""""""""" your """"""new"""""" owners will "jew" you all the same like a proper π¬π§π¬π§π¬π§(angloπ¬π§π¬π§π¬π§) and you will wonder if there could have been a sytem that could have prevented this, ah yes it is called ==motherfucking communism my guy==
Maybe if you read books made by people with a higher I.Q. than you (da jooz) you would be smarter but alas with that attitude you're destined to stay a brainlet
I've need witnessed a formatting fail of such embarrassing proportions
The vast majority of them.
I'd recommend Marx, Engels and Lenin.
go home Holla Forums you're drunk
Fucking false flag calling it now.
also this
the COUNTERPUNCH 100 Best Non-Fiction Books list has lots of good stuff:
Cockshott probably.
Debt the first 5000 Years, villains of all nations
this guy has posted with the tankie flag before
this guy has only one post
what do
*Learn """""""""""""""""to"""""""""""""""""" english mor**e= betterer??
Ban both.
B&D+, also usually avoid pointing out people's post history unless they are samefagging a lot.
First, check out Soviet cybernetics for a lot of great stuff >>>/gnussr/
Hey BO, while you're here, could we get a link to /gnussr/ on the page header?
Corey Robin's The Reactionary Mind makes a case against strict materialism, or at least as it's usually interpreted.
In fiction, there's Mieville and Banks.
If you're interested between legal theory in the USSR, Mieville also wrote his thesis about it, called Between Equal Rights.
One I haven't started yet is suspiciously called Was Mao Really A Monster, tho it seems to collect legitimate essays.
Karl Polanyi's The Great Transformation really should be required reading in leftist lists.
Moshe Lewin's stuff. The Soviet Century is pretty accessible on its own, I think I'll get started on Lenin's Last Struggle soon.
David Graeber's Debt: The First 5000 Years gets recommended often, haven't tried it.
David Ganser's NATO's Secret Armies tells the history of Operation Gladio and Western European terrorists.
Grafton Tanner's Babbling Corpse was recommended back in those cool hauntology threads.
Bini Adamczak's Communism for Kids (huehuehuehue)
There's Chuang and Tiqqun stuff, but I know jack about those.
Papa Wolff talks about neoclassicism, Marxism and Keynesianism in Contending Economic Theories.
Socialism Betrayed: Behind the Collapse of the Soviet Union is about just that.
Colin Major Darch wrote about the Makhnovischna for his thesis. There's also Peter Arshinov's History of the Makhnovist Movement
Bruce Cumings wrote North Korea: Another Country.
Mike Davis' stuff. Planet of Slums seems particularly prescient when predicting the favelas as the battlefields of the 21st century.
Guy Debord wrote Comments on Society of the Spectacle and Giorgio Agamben further wrote Marginal Notes on Comments on the Society of the Spectacle, but I haven't read anything.
Douglas Tottle's Fraud, Famine and Fascism intends to debnk muh Holodomor.
Anwar Shaikh wrote Capitalism. Haven't read it, but read good things here.
Markets Not Capitalism is supposedly about individualist anarchism.
Hackobin wrote The ABCs of Socialism, I've stayed well away but maybe it's good for normies, who knows.
I might have more to recommend later.
Oh yeah, would it also be possible to enable EPUB file upload?
Good history lesson for Americans dealing with Democrat apologists.
How so?
Whereas the left sees everything as a matter of class struggle, the reactionary mind frames society more in terms of hierarchies, and uses whichever political power it has at its disposal to protect or improve his position in them. Of course, all these hierarchies (there are multiple at work all over society in any given time, far more than there are classes) are 2spooky, but they can yield material benefits. For example, old Victorian family men were pretty much the proprietors of the bodies of their wives and daughters.
But the biggest example is probably the slavery South. The dirt poor white guy could rest easily knowing he would never be at the bottom of the pyramid as long as that social order held on, and in fact he could join the higher echelons himself by buying a slave. Of course, he most likely would never be able to afford one, but the opportunity was there: it was legal, available and straightforward. Hell, Porky knew this well and incentivized any whites to own at least one slave, simply because a white man with none was infinitely more likely to become an abolitionist. Thus the poor hillbilly kid of already had a foot in the "master class" composed of slaveowning crackers. In fact, no matter how spooked he was about how he'll become a plantation owner any day now, yep yep, just you wait (see the American Dream effect in action?), he indeed was'' far closer to Porky than to the slave as far as the local hierarchy was concerned. Class? He didn't give a shit about class. He was better off than even the highest nigger and that's what mattered.
Of course, among the million examples of social hierarchies you can find, some yield material benefits, some don't, thus what I meant by "a case against strict materialism, or at least as it's usually interpreted".
fuck, sorry for the formatting
Nice thread
Jonathan Crary - 24/7: Late Capitalism and the Ends of Sleep.