This is an actual thing that I found on a modern leftist tumblr. I really cannot stand all this pedo defending and it needs to be fucking stopped.
This is an actual thing that I found on a modern leftist tumblr...
Can OP please explain cus i aint got a clue
Stop going to tumblr.
Stands for Minor Attracted Person.
as in somone attracted to minors…
what the fuck could be scientific about that lmao
This is unacceptable on a modernx
right but
Its actually pedophilia
This totally does not look like a tumblr a right-wing moron made in order to deflect attention from the fact they always end up supporting actual pedophiles like Milo and Cumia.
Cartographers are sexist
I know.Personally, I think pedos should be offered free anonymous treatment.
The whole "pedosexual" thing seems like a false flag. Like when idiots equate gay mariage with marrying animals or inanimate objects.
thats the sorta highbrow humour i come here for
Agreed on the treatment but only if they havent acted on their urges, be that with pornography or rape, then its gulag time
Except that nearly every time you see a pedo online claiming they can control shit you always find that they're doing really sick shit without people knowing. Like that sick fuck from salon who said he was "virtuous" and then on some forum for these sick freaks he said he had 3 "little girlfriend". If they're open about it do not trust them.
pro-pedo shit is almost entirely alt-right astroturfing. congrats on either a) being a Holla Forumstard trying to push that shit here or b) being gullible as fuck
The guy posting it was pretty damn convincing if he was a troll. I found him on deviantart. You know at least 80% of DA users are mentally handicapped manchildren with a thing for shit like this.
LONGitude and latitude*
Mapmakers are the kings of dickjokes.
TL notes: latitudo mean BROAD
That is a tiny vocal minority.
When you witch hunt the sick you will get plenty of individuals who get validated and even some who flaunt their mischief.
If you were to stigmatize schizos they would hide, and most of what you would find about them is the ones who claim their symptoms are real and those who tried to hide it and failed.
Free anonymous treatment is a good start, much better than the promise to put their heads in stakes and use them as strawmen or boogeymen.You are going to find very few if you promise that.And most of them after the fact.
as a fucking degenerate tranny, I am legitimately disgusted by this
have we slippery sloped too far?
no because it's an obvious false flag
Ancaps pls go
Why though, how is the action any different from the thought. Also gulag for a mentally ill person is a death sentence, put him in a psychic ward.
thats the point
I can fantasize about stabbing a guy who spills coffee on my shirt, but i obviously wont do it. Its imperative it is not acted upon otherwise you face the consequences you know you were risking.
When you have to put a gender symbol in there to signify to the viewer that the character is supposed to be male, you know your drawing is a shitty representation of reality.
its an edited meme, lol, chill
How is pleasuring a child harming him/her? If it's harmful it's certainly a very subtle sort of harm.
>>>Holla Forums
This is literally 99% of "trap" art tho.
Too bad it's not me.
oh shit just realised i typed op
***correction: op
* ==user==
I am personally attracted to bodacious babes, but can anyone make the ethical case against pedophilia, please?
Posting lolis is bannable offense, pedo
heres the only case
So you're proposing that might makes right, then?
Kill yourself on live-stream. Please.
not right. just not a pedophile.
Want another arguement? dont fucking touch kids
Why are chans so obsessed by traps?
Why are chans so gay?
ill personally slam ya
Found the fascist.
Are you implying traps are gay?
If its fascist to kill pedos then sign me up mein furher
Traps are man, they are gay
Go back to tumblr you fuck, pedos get the bullet no matter what
If pedophilia is so obviously bad then why don't you just make the argument against it instead of threatening me?
~Isaac Asimov
We shouldn't need to explain this to you. The fact you're so deluded as to needing this basic a sense of morality explained to you then you should fucking kill yourself.
Holla Forumsacks go out of their way to find pedophilia apologists on tumblr and uphold them as an example of what leftists want
I'll take a swing. Disclaimer: I'm not anti-pedo as its an uncontrollable attraction and I think the pedo hysteria a lot of people have is unfounded, but I'm skeptical of a society where having sex with 8 year old should be acceptable.
1. In the context of modern society, having sex with children is not the norm and children are not used to it. Hell in the US we have such shitty education that there are teenagers who don't know anything about their own body. Having sex with a child whose not been previously exposed to sexual activity could be a very confusing and stressful experience, especially if the adult takes things way too fast, and if anyone ever found out the child would be told they were raped or molested (even if they found the sexual experience enjoyable) and would be brainwashed by society into victim hood. Even on this board, there are some that will not entertain the thought that children could ever be sexual (despite the fact kids love to masturbate). You will never get through to them, and they will do everything they can to teach a child with a sexual experience that it was wrong. You will not win that fight and you will put the kid through a lot of shit for the sake of your sexual pleasure.
2. Children's brains are not developed enough to make an effective cost-benefit analysis of a sexual encounter. Even adults have pregnancy and STD scares due to the power of horniness. It'd be really easy to manipulate a child into having sex with the allure of pleasure, only to ruin their lives by giving them an STD or in the cases of early pubescent girls (11-13) get them pregnant. We don't allow kids to take out loans or gamble in casinos because even if they're capable of the action itself and have a surface level understanding of consequences, they don't have the mental capability to really make a sound decision. This is often what is meant when "children can't consent" is brought up; it's not that they can't or wouldn't enjoy sex, it's just they aren't mature enough to deal with the consequences.
3. It's simply too easy to rape a kid. Society frowns on unbalanced social dynamics between adults like boss-employee or student-teacher relationships. The power dynamic between an adult and a child is huge.
In a perfect world I wouldn't mind casual sex with children like the romans or some hunter-gatherer tribes, but in our modern world it would just not work. Stick to anime user.
No that was not my intention. It's a legitimate problem I have seen among some leftists.
Excellent points, all! It sounds like we agree that the harm is not intrinsic to the sex but a result of the cultural context around the sex.
Again, I am personally into women of child bearing age with well developed assets. But I think this ethical discussion is worth having, and I very much appreciate your thoughtful response, user.
Children are very famous for being able to handle penetration by a disgusting adult.
How can a child consent sexual acts?
OK, but it'd be fine to lick a little girl's clit, right?
How can you beg the question even harder?
That's literally the first thing that should come in your mind asshole
Good traps have some male features. Like slightly broad shoulders and not to curvy waist and hips. Just a girl with a dick is no fun
Nah it's mostly actual pedos. There's a reason they use MAP and not Holla Forums's preferred term (LGBTP).