Have any of you been there recently?
Its horrifying.
Everyone there has completely lost touch with reality. Its almost become a cult. The board consensus decides everything for these people, how they eat, how they dress, what they believe, how they speak, etc.
I left the board after the Trump cult of personality ordeal, right around the time he picked Pence as VP. I thought it was bad then, but its gotten one hundred times worse.
The insanity of Holla Forums, ex-Holla Forumsack thread
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm not surprised. Chan culture attracts a lot of introverts in general, and Holla Forums, by basing itself on simply being against feminism/egalitarianism/antiracism/anything-not-right-wing and therefore offering them an identity-grievance-based scapegoat is a magnet for lonely white kids whose lack of a social life makes them utterly cut off from reality save for whatever their internet filter bubble lets in. It's standard cult behavior: Prey on people who have been tossed out like trash and offer them a horizon of meaning.
Yes that means you, mr. Holla Forums lurker reading this right now. Go ahead and spam "cuck" if it makes you feel better.
It didn't look like that in the actual post, just on the ban screen. I typed it up beforehand in office.
I just don't see how you all are any different. Each of these stock insults could easily be applied not just to Holla Forums, but organised socialism in general, even more broadly to anyone even vaguely 'political.'
People who are young and political are either assburgers, damaged or dragged along by a friend who is assburgers or damaged.
If anything, Holla Forums seems better adjusted than you guys do nowadays - the assumption that its all 'lonely white kids' at this point is nothing but a phrase you hold onto so you don't have to start treating them as people with views, rather a worn out stereotype that exists so long as its convenient.
You're not wrong, but to be quite blunt, I feel Holla Forums's views to be so absolutely morally abhorrent that treating them as genuine individuals really doesn't lessen the mix of pity and contempt that I feel towards these people.
They feel the same way about you, or so they say at least.
Personally I don't feel contempt or pity for anyone, I'm sick of the matrix of stereotypes and cliches that we've been slinging around.
Can we not just agree that the disagreement is political and kill each other in the spirit of good fun?
As for "better adjusted," I'll admit this board is going through a pretty bad rough patch, but I'll be blunt, the fact that we don't embrace goofy conspiracy theories like Pizzagate is at least a point in our favor.
Yes. And as you said it's horrible. The whole neocohen Trump cult is what permanently turned me off.
Whether it's compensating for buyers remorse or genuine shilling doesn't even matter to me at this point.
Treating political differences as just secondary is easy when you're able to sit in a cushy chair and yell at a computer. But this shit has consequences. If you don't believe me, ask Charlottesville. I have zero interest in trying to play nice with the type of people who have a genuine interest in implementing ethnic cleansing.
If the latest poll is to be believed, this board has come to be dominated by Ultras and former Holla Forumsacks (in the form of Nazbols or actual fascists/notsocs).
Where before you sort of had this balance of MLs and various market 'socialists'.
And if you're going to ask me why I have no interest in playing nice, I'll tell you why: due to the fact that I'm mixed, these people, if they got their way, would want me and my family dead. Fuck them.
… You know, you guys can still accept race as a biological concept and not become nazis.
That would be totally cool if it weren't for the fact that even biologists are admitting that race is a shitty concept whose predictive value is limited at best
Except 19th century conceptions of 'race' have no bearing upon reality.
We don't have races, we have populations and in many cases the distribution of alleles is more like a gradient rather than a clearly defined border.
Can any fellow biofag post the relevant materials? I no longer have them saved.
I'm not yelling, mate. Right now all we are doing is sitting in chairs, no point in saying otherwise.
This shit can have consequences. When those consequences come, I'll happily slap your shit, but until then, I really see no reason to be upset.
Ha ha how can I ask a town a question? Don't be foolish man.
'Playing nice' is a self-abasing way to put it. You're having a genial conversation with someone who has a genuine interest in implementing ethnic cleansing.
Or at least you were, since I doubt you'll be willing to carry on beyond this point.
And you want exactly the same of us, but not because we're evil genocidal nasties.
That's putting cart before horse.
That's life, sometimes differences are irreconcilable.
Good thing that nothing you post here actually matters.
That said, its funny how your main contention is just as identitarian as ours are. Such cases.
This is why we're mean to you.
It isn't. Nervecenter makes raiding the polls easy so it will get piled on, like that height poll that had most of the board being under 5'5".
In terms of size it was anarchists, then orthodox marxists, then MLs, then the meme ideologies like marksucc. There has been an uptick in ultras and tankies from reddit, but I'd be surprised if demographics changed too much other than leftcoms being the current meme ideology.
You really don't get it, do you?
As far as identity concerns go, I don't give a fuck about your ethnic identity. You could be a fucking purple goddamn mole person for all I care. What I care about is the fact that you give enough of a shit about mine to want me dead over it. These two concerns are NOT the same. One is about preserving a spook, the other is about not being killed by psychopaths.>>2069455
Also, do you seriously not understand figures of speech
Project much? I have no interest in seeing you dead, I'd just like you to fuck off and leave the rest of us alone.
Yah nah ur a cunt
rlly convinced me 10/10
Popular press example because i have no access to paywall sources like jstor, etc
'Meep meep meep.'
You can only ever be mild, m80.
Exactly. You don't give a fuck about my nationality, you want to abolish it, because its a 'spook', an abstraction you don't like as opposed to one you do - anyone who tries to stop you has to go.
The slow process of realising that the only way to stop you is by beating you into submission is the process of becoming a nastie.
One is about crusading, the other is about not being killed by fanatics.
Yes you do, because I will not let you replace us with something that boils down to an aggrandised, scientistic identitarianism, especially in this day and age.
I will fight you if you make me, and that is what your comrades are hellbent on doing, so that's how it will be.
You act like you are 'the rest of us', when you are just as small a minority as we are, the difference is that we are appealing to something real and living, while you are superimposing the theories of a 200 year old converso onto the entire world, like a zealot would.
One of these things is not like the others~
Demographic shifts aren't genocide, you idiot, and quite frankly, what happens to whatever you are is your business.
what did he mean by this
I'm not referring to the left, I'm referring to everybody who doesn't share your ideology.
Nobody tell this guy about philosophy classes.
Seriously, all you've done here is project your own zealotry onto others so that you can draw a self-serving equivalence between you and me.
Are you actually a communist or are you just some vague 'leftist' fellow traveler?
They can be, you idiot. I'm not going to bother explaining to you the particular vicissitudes of our national life, but we are being slowly suffocated, and your people are only too happy to hold the pillow.
He meant 'a revolutionary identity draped in scientific language and established as a special category transcending all other forms of identity'.
You are not them.
And you've presented yourself as a political void, unwilling to actually state your positive beliefs, so that you can present your own fanatical perspective as the natural response of people against a hostile, external aggressor, which is exactly what I am not.
I don't need to draw an equivalence, its already there and always has been.
Guess how I know you're a burger?
What a pathetic outlook on life. Just because you're not motivated or have assburgers or whatever, doesn't mean we all do.
That being said, most burgers who are young & political are just afforded the comforts to be able to be active politically. They're educated properly or don't have to work 24/7. I just turned 30 & wouldn't be able to even participate on this board had I not gotten married & not had to work all of the time. But all around the world, there are young people who are forced to participate in politics because it affects theri daily health - bad water, no healthcare, lands being stolen. They don't have jobs & have to fight for everything even harder than the 1st world.
You are deluded & full of shit; simultaneously. Try to have a decent conversation on Holla Forums, especially about leftism & see how you're bombarded by memeing, or gore if they can't think of anything to meme. You're talking out of your ass.
What are you even talking about? Clearly the warmer board is Holla Forums. We'll at least engage your views & not meme you out of existence.
Could you not format your posts so that they take up the space of 3 posts? Thank you kindly.
There are more perfectly well adjusted people with wife, kids, and good jobs per capita on Holla Forums than there are on Holla Forums. Holla Forums isn't weirdo upper middle class white kids cast out of society…Holla Forums is. Holla Forums is literal unironic degenerates, furries and trannies.
Like I said, projection.
I'm not stating my political-economoc beliefs because this conversation isn't about that, it's about the fact that you people are an objective danger to anybody you deem unfit, and I fall under that, and you trying to project your own zealotry onto people like me doesn't change that
My beliefs lean towards libsoc btw
Except the people making it about identity is you. I don't "identify" with my politics as an identity in the same way you identify with your ethnicity.
Yeah, if you listen to people who lie with inaccurate stats.
Seriously, you're projecting. Hard.
You understand what /r/the Donald has done to the place…there are actual soccer moms there now.
Holla Forums looped back into itself in the most incestuous possible way
Wow, who could've predicted the Holla Forums thread would turn into race realism & moral grandstanding?
You people are so accustomed to making everything about racial and cultural identity that when you encounter people who don't see it as a huge deal and define themselves through other ways, you can't seem to process it. So you project your own narcissistic fixation on identity onto others.
Are you going to make pretend the far left doesn't attract degenerates like flies to shit now? You're all fucking weirdo sexual degenerates, this isn't a value judgement it's a statement of fact.
you can take the boy out of Holla Forums but you cant take Holla Forums out of the boy
Are you going to make pretend the far right doesn't attract degenerates like flies to shit now?
I'm a heterosexual normie but sure, duly noted
Either bait or painfully unoriginal & needs to lurk more.
I'm not. You can do your missionary bit, the pieties about the first world don't move me.
You're a thirty year old man, married, posting on this board. What authority do you have on this?
Why does someone's knowledge of Marx have anything to do with adjustment?
You're clearly an assburger.
You 'engage' in eristic, from a standpoint of presumed superiority, this bears out in your smug tone.
'Meme you out of existence', what a retard thing to say, nothing you've said is any better than a meme response, you just think it is because you're a tryhard assburger.
No. Contain yourself.
So convincing. 'This conversation isn't about my beliefs, its about your beliefs.'
You are a danger to anyone you regard as an active (as opposed to passive) reactionary element, I fall into that category, and you try to play the innocent little lamb to mask the fact that you're already a convicted fanatic.
I doubt that someone who considers explicit identitarianism 'spooky' is ever going to admit that his revolutionary politics and the tradition he buys into form a sort of identity of themselves, so I'm not going to try.
Repeating this over and over again doesn't make it true, it makes it tired.
The 'other ways' are functionally identical to nationality. You 'define yourself', still.
I can process it perfectly fine, I just don't acknowledge the specialty you accord it relative to every other form of identity.
I'm not the one saying I want the other guy dead. You on the other hand, have admitted as such earlier in the thread.
Yeah, real equivalence there.
Oh, it's you again. The one who likes to criticize everyone yet won't let their own political beliefs known to take any return criticism. You're a level 10 shitposter & no one should engage you further. You're not interested in honest debate. Only here to poke people with non-questions & pseudo-intellectual gibberish.
I'm a 30yo woman, btw. Go bother another board with your nonsense.
You don't say that because you're not honest enough to admit that if you had power, you would be killing nasties.
Yeah, real equivalence there.
I have no idea what the hell you are talking about. I've taken plenty of 'return criticism' ITT, its all been pisspoor.
You keep saying this, but all I'm seeing is bitchy, rote insults you all bandy about constantly tarted up to look like honest criticism.
Could have sworn you were a sixteen year old boy.
Really though, good for you.
Thirty is three tens, that's a big number for a big girl.
Lmao, you're a joke.
I like how I'm "bitchy" now though, since you know I'm not a dude.
Zero self awareness on your part, user.
You are bitchy. You'd be bitchy if you had a dick, you'd be bitchy if you had a smooth patch instead of genitals.
Blah blah blah, meep meep meep.
What does being a reactionary element mean to you? Are you specifically talking about being a nationalist? To us that means wanting to kill, intern or expel minorities. If somebody wants to expel a person from their home, how would that person not be in the defensive position to try to stop this?
If you're talking about being a reactionary element as in a capitalist or class collaborator then sure, I think most leftists would agree that they want to take away your property and restrain you in the case that you try to resist. I'd hope that leftists could be as civil as possible in that revolutionary period, but it would be dishonest to claim that there isn't historical data showing leftists have killed those people. But it also seems as though it would be dishonest to claim that nationalism isn't drenched in the blood of those who it claims it wants to get rid of. I think in this way, leftists are often defensive when it comes to fascists because they know that they are often going to be in the fascists core group of targets for persecution, but leftists are the aggressors when it comes to the capitalist class. At least, within current law. But it is also within that current framework of law that nationalists and fascists are often aggressors against the minorities they want to expel, intern or kill. Many of those people are not living in ways different than anybody else lives. They work for a wage, they buy or rent property, they run businesses. They live in some of these countries for decades and raise their kids here. As far as they're concerned, they're following the rules. Unless the nationalist is suggesting some big policy to reimburse them for the trouble of displacing them, I don't see how the nationalist can claim to be the one defending themselves.
What planet do you come from?
I thought we had gotten over this meme.
though yeah, there's a shit ton of it
I follow a few polyps on twitter and YouTube and such .The stupidest thing to me is calling anything they hate Marxist or communist
When they started calling google a billion dollar tech giant Marxist I knew that it was just a catch all for things they hated though
Best laugh I've had all week.
I remember browsing Holla Forums 24/7 constantly having 20+ tabs open at once acting like I was cracking open some huge conspiracy. Failed a history class I was taking because of it.
What eventually got me to leave was the constant "Coming out to your parents/family as nazis" threads and when I realized it might as well be a fucking fandom.
Pre-trump Holla Forumsack here, browsed in 2013/2014 when Holla Forums was overwhelmingly nazi (before they were more libertarian, afterwards they became "antifascists are the real fascists" kind of people instead of "fascism is actually good") and I remember they used to be a lot heavier in terms of conspiracy theories, not just jews and cultural marxism. I felt like I was on the fence on issues like holocaust denial, but what eventually made me leave was climate change. I tried to discuss climate change, if it was real or not, and got the most retarded denialists possible. For example, they don't realize that natural fluctuations in climate happen over a long time and not a few decades, so all their graphs of average temperature fluctuations over the course of millions of years show it going up and down, and nowhere is the graph steeper than in the last few decades. This led me to believe that the far-right fringes of Holla Forums were retarded, and I stopped reading their infographs, started identifying as centre-right and browsed less. Then it were a few more heated discussions (for example, I was in favor of civic nationalism and thought it was more worthwhile to keep smart black people than dumb white people) that got me to stop browsing it.
I was apolitical for a while until I found a Zizek video on youtube. I watched some more, read a book of his, found this place. I think that the biggest problem for me was general misanthropy. Ever since I stopped being a crypto-fascist I started liking people more.
there's nothing wrong with hating people, and I've never been a Holla Forums retard
8pol is insane and might as well be discussing a fantasy novel half the time. 4pol is just le edgy reactionaries who feel daring when they say nigger.
literally, actually kill yourself
Maybe he just understands fat bitches that smoke 12 packs a day have heart attacks.
ITT: Our side are great,your side is terrible.
That Holla Forums is made of retards believing Hitler is a anime anti-hero doesn't change the fact that your side is made of batshit SJWs wanting to look tough.
Well, so much for left unity
Everyone I disagree with is an SJW
I'm talking about non Holla Forums current day leftists, cause at the end, this board represent what, 3000 people max?
And we're talking about Holla Forums, and current day white nationalists.
So you're a teenager?
Also delusional, I see.
You're showing how new to the board you are. At least lurk before making yourself look silly.
Both sides are made of batshit people wanting to look tough. At least the left is slowly dropping the idpol, while the right is increasingly taking it up, and at least the far left doesn't want to make America a fucking ethnostate.
I'm an ethnonationalist (though I only post on Brit/pol/) and I don't want mixed people or their families dead.
I actually voted for Corbyn at the election because I realise we're too far gone to even try and reestablish homogeneity in a humane way. Just have to make the best of it now.
The thing is, there's nothing remotely political to alt-right, it's just pretending to be political while being totally confused and irrational and proud of it. Their idol is literally a dude that is a 70 year old with mental capacity of a high school bully.
I supported him because it was funny. Like, fucking President Trump?
you can no longer plead self-defense when you strike first.
This is your idea of a joke? People are dead.
you're quick to suck our dick when it's convenient to you
yeh in 2016 it was the communalists in 2017 its the ultras
And people would have died under Hillary too. Jfc.
glad you made it
This 100%. Most people on Holla Forums are millenials who are not married or even have the desire to marry and start a family so by definition they are not normal, whereas everyone on Holla Forums even if they are degenerate tend to desire the good life - a nice career, a nice community, a good wife, children, etc.
I'd say that the sexual deviants/degenerates are rampant on here as well which is understandable as to become a leftist you have to embrace Lucifer the rebel - the god of confusion - so naturally lefties will become confused in their gender and sex.
Christianity is incompatible with leftism and most leftist thinkers have praised Lucifer for his rebelion - Marx, Bakunin, Lenin, etc.
No political/economic system has had more hatred and persecuted Christians more greatly than communism.
No it's not. It's incompatible with Marxism but that's about it. There have been plently of christian figures on the left over the centuries.
Well, dear user, if you like most Holla Forumsyps believe that people naturally and consistently prefer and associate with 'their own kind', a world system, where people are truly free to live where they want and in the communities they want, will self-segregate. I obviously don't believe this considering I personally have very little preference for 'my own kind' in Holla Forums terms, but a consistent, non-genocidal Holla Forumsyp should support communism on these grounds.
I've been a Holla Forumslack since before it as Holla Forums and it was /new/. In the last 6 years or so my convictions have only strengthened despite my frustrations with Holla Forums. The Trumpcucks annoy me on Holla Forums but so does OP. I'm too radicalised for Holla Forums.
I'm now of the mind that the means of revolutionary communism are essential for total victory. I loathe capitalism and see the destruction of this system as a necessity. I view it practically and there will be nothing left of this capitalist system for us to salvage when we take power. It'll be a combination of revolutionary conditions being completely financially unstable and the Jew sabotaging the entire thing as we gain control. Any white revolution will have to as a necessity be followed up with the implementation of war communism simply to gain grips on the situation. I'm sympathetic to communism and am willing to borrow from its successes and what has been proven to work. I love the white working class and seek retribution for the malice that has been dealt to them. They have taken the brunt of the damage that this system has to offer for too long. Capital has been wholly hostile to everything we need and must be destroyed.
the spooked christcucks were astonished by eternal science of marxism leninism
Nah I disagree. The Parents of Holla Forumsacks may come from (relatively) well adjusted folks, but the Holla Forumsacks themselves are a fucking mess. It's not what social standing you're from, it's where you end up and the folks from Holla Forums really do epitomize the "Childess single men who masturbate to anime" demographic.
I'll agree with this poster. While Holla Forums is filled with degenerates they tend to idolize the traditional life.
Nobody said that, dumbass, there's just a tendency for radicals to have insane ideas regardless of what the ideology is.
Well it's good that many on the right are waking up to the problems of capitalism, but I see many of you going in the direction of fascism which really misses the point imo. Fascism doesn't solve the problems that capitalism poses, it just uses the state as a band-aid so that capitalism can continue to function. Fascism is preferable to the capitalism we have now in many ways, but it's not a solution imo.
Are you a fascist? If so, what's appealing about fascism to you?
A racist like him is more about white aesthetic more than anything. I'm not even sure if he actively hates other races.
My question was really about why they think fascism appealing as a political-economic system.
In theory a single strong leader who is an advocate for a homogeneous group of people is a good idea, but in practice corruption is always rampant and the racial/cultural homogeneity is a nearly impossible goal to attain. Differences always develop in populations, even with heavy propaganda. Communism with self-segregation and social integration seems way more viable than Fascism if you want an ethnostate. Fascism kind of requires people to be perfect, and human nature doesn't allow that.
What I am is word filtered. NS which is Fascist otherwise there is no good name for what I am. NS is broad enough that it's fine. I don't adopt Hitler's 25 point plan. I am sympathetic to Hitler and NSDAP but it doesn't go far enough and is not applicable to this day. I follow the guidelines outlined by James Mason in SIEGE and supplement that with revolutionary communism as a preferable plan of action. My ideology and framework is NS or Fascist. Not Nazbol.
Found the nigger.
But seriously have you seen the meet ups, especially Shias HWNDU events?
They're mestizo, Mexican, black, middle eastern, even pajeets.
Ugh, James Mason is a bad person to be reading if you want to effectively organize a movement. There's insurrectionist thinkers on the left who are infinitely better than him. Also I think that insurrectionist thought doesn't suit NS very well because the political "unity" of top-down organization is one of fascism's few strengths. Anyways, I'm probably not saying anything you haven't heard before.
What do you mean when you say we should "supplement that with revolutionary communism"? I have a hard time seeing the compatibility between communism and NS tbh, they seem at odds with each other.
what's your point?
I don't hate the other races. I want them to become NS too. Except Jews.
There's problems with SIEGE mostly that it's a bit outdated. The problem on the Fascist side is there's not a whole lot of material to study about revolutionary vanguardism. There's Mason and Codreanu. That's really about it. When I say communism I don't mean literally communism as in adopting that worldview rather practically communism as a means of implementation.
The problem with a strict hierarchical organisation is the technology that exists today. The system is so hostile toward us that that the leadership could be targeted in many ways and be a single point of failure. Even audio and video can be fabricated now. There's one point of failure that has a million and one attack vectors that it is simply too high of a risk at this point. The power of the system has to be greatly diminished first. Also due to moral decay most people are now craven and they're not going to put their life on the line to lead and make themselves a target. We have to work with what we have.
If you want to recommend some people I'll check them out.
theis: Holla Forums
antitheis: books
synthesis: Holla Forums
What does that mean though?
The revolutionary state will seize the means of production. Industry won't be in the hands of capital and if we leave it in their hands it will be a disaster for us. Capital has been nothing but hostile toward us. War communism has been proven to be a success in the middle of a war and that's the economic model we should focus on.
we're all gonna make it
War communism wasn't sustainable indefinitely, and given the present geopolitical climate I don't think that any war communist nation would last very long. Additionally there's the issue of military hierarchy forming the basis for classes to form, which would eventually produce a North Korea-style state/economy.
If you can get past the ultra-leftism Tiqqun's The Coming Insurrection is a great read. The second part is some of the best insurrectionist advice out there.
Er, that should be The Invisible Committee's The Coming Insurrection actually. They're related groups and it's easy to mix them up.
War communism works very well in war which we will be in the midst of. It's about gaining grips on a catastrophic economic situation. Anything more complicated would be too difficult to implement in the kind of circumstances we will be in. It's not meant to be an indefinite solution.
A revolutionary formation would be annihilated in a war with just about any modern capitalist power. And regardless, what would the value of fighting a war be? Who would you be fighting against? Do you believe in internationalism?
Open warfare is the last step. Mao didn't go to war with the KMT at the height of its power. He slowly built his own power and weakened the KMT in the process. This system before we go to war with it we will carry out which and every means to weaken and cripple it.
I'm aware at this present point we will be annihilated in open war with the system. This Jew system of capital and the monolithic power it has over this multiracial society can only handle so much stress before the whole thing becomes dysfunctional and unravels. When it reaches a certain threshold it will break. We will see to it that it reaches that point and that open warfare will be the breaking point.
We'll fight anybody that opposes us. I want NS to spread across the entire world. There should be no refuge for capital to fester.
Why do you believe in jewish exceptionalism? Are you a zionist? Do you believe they are the chosen people?
Sorry, but the racial component of your ideology is completely unnecessary and leads you to incoherence. If the way of life that you claim is natural is actually natural then people will gravitate towards it once capitalism is gone.
Most communist movements around the world, mostly the third world and the second world are tied to nationalism. Communism in large part and in practice has been a vehicle for nationalism. We can have both white revolution and communist revolution at the same time.
No and neither are Jews superior. They're parasites and destroyers. If you get some parasite in your blood and it makes you ill that doesn't mean the parasite is superior.
What would a "white revolution" entail? Eliminating other races from """white""" nations?
Also, communism is intrinsically internationalist and can only really work well in an internationalist context, otherwise you have a bunch of competing communist states against unified capitalist ones. You'd have to support """"non-white"""" nations if you wanted to win.
So you think that Jews are bad on a genetic level, right? Are you a genetic determinist? And what about the Jewish "temperament" makes them incompatible with a just society?
you're aware that this pasta wasn't meant to be a guideline for your worldview, right?
White revolution means the overthrow of the current order for a new order. Nation means something entirely different to me than it does for you. Non whites aren't part of my nation, never were and never will be. I said earlier that I want to spread NS across the world and if it works out that way we'll be allied with non white nations. I want that.
No, that's what "revolution" means. What makes a revolution "white"? Because if it entails elevating a certain strata of society over everyone else it would necessarily lead to building a class/caste system, which isn't compatible with a communist revolution.
except for the fact that Holla Forumsacks base their ideology entirely on their inferiority feels, hence why most of them are sexist/racist/ w/e. got rejected by girls growing up? all womyn are whores. got self esteem issues? make a strawman out of what you perceive as the masculinity you lack (nigguz hurr durr).
the part that holds true is that most people here probably are introverts. but people in communist parties irl (in countries that those exist) are quite the opposite.
I don't want to lord over the other races. If non whites are NS they'll want the same things as we do so there will be no reason to be opposed to them. NS is more popular amongst non whites than it is whites so they should find it agreeable. For the non whites that oppose us that means they want to keep us under this system and that makes them our enemies. We have a common cause with all NS regardless of race. NS amongst the races will have the same mentality and separation will be mutual. Others better not oppose us.
Why is a racially homogeneous society even desirable though? Creating a homogeneous society would take tons of work to do which would be better spent on actual revolution. And if races really are naturally better off around people of the same race then society would naturally head in that direction anyways. You've been vague, but as far as I can tell a communist revolution would include everything a "white revolution" does since white people would benefit from it considerably.
Multiracial societies are horrific. We live under a totalitarian system and all these races are forced together under duress. I don't want to live under this system anymore. I want it utterly destroyed or I want to die. Multiracialism wasn't a problem that existed before capital brought them here to undermine the working class.
How exactly does living in the same area as someone with a different skin tone from you make you this unhappy with society?
You seem to be conscious of class issues so why isn't your anger with society directed at those in charge rather than brown people?
Surely you must see that racial divisions are created by the ruling class to further divide the proletariat
Yeah totally man.
I don't have anger for non whites. I hate the upper strata from all parts of this system whether they're corporate, state or institutional actors. They need to hang.
Racial divisions were created by nature. It's the ruling class that put the races in the same spaces to not divide but to destroy the white working class. It's the white working class that all malice is reserved for.
But why?
A potent combination of classism and race hatred for whites.
Do you genuinely believe that white people are more discriminated against?
Because while I might agree it feels like it has swung the other way in recent decades, I think it's probably just equalization of the previous discrimination against non-whites
As long as we don't get reactionary and swing all the way back to the way it was it'll even out
And it'll be even faster if we get rid of porky since no one will be provoking race division for their own gain
Here's a redpill, mate: racism is real, race isn't.
One could almost call it a fixed idea
I've read Templeton's Biological Races In Humans. Any other good literature?
Life is hard for the Holla Forumstard
Its character seems to be like a sort of apparition.
you guys can stop pussyfooting and call it a phantasm already.
They were faux Christians / hertics
It's just sad reading that forum at seeing people chasing after all sorts of conspiracy theories.
And now we watch as Holla Forums plays the "I-I never really liked him a-anyway. I just did it f-or the memes" card.
They're already playing it
Right, so when are we killing all those _based_ Aryan profiteers capitalists?
Also isn't your whole worldview based on might makes right? Seems to me that "da juice!" (or rather your conception of them) really are at the top of the food chain and just superior.
After all, what does it say about you that you are being parasitized by a lesser lifeform?
Lel. Tell me how I am being negatively affected by my neighbor being 'brown', rather than a system that forces me to sell my labor in return for sustenance, while my white boss makes off with most of the surplus value.
White workers were being fucked over by capitalism before the first Asian or African worker had even acquired residency in a European country.
You mean like colonial America? Rome? Ancient India? China? 'Multiracial' societies have existed for longer than capitalism as a dominant mode of production. And in plenty of cases they existed without much trouble for hundreds of years.
It's almost as if 'multiracial' societies aren't the sole cause of social strife.
I went there a couple of days ago and saw this thread. I have no words for it.
This actually says more about you than anyone else.
I think you're mistaking your archetypes here. Lucifer is the god of illumination, of reason and knowledge.
full picture?