New PragerU Vidya

Dear God…

Other urls found in this thread:

use hooktube in the future, don't give those fucks views

joke: blame the Irish
broke: blame the jews
woke: blame the anglos

It's sad that British nationalists cling to the Empire. (Which wasn't really impressive outside India.)

As a bong myself i'd wish they'd realize its capitalism killing this country's traditions.

Which is worse


Or this:

Definitely the second one. It also might be the worst video that PragerU ever made.

So, if I'm gay in Uganda, I should probably blame the anglos that I'm not free.

This is easily the worst, most ahistorical youtube channel in existence.

an actual quote about the british empire

For once in my life
I can say the Nazi is right

I'm going to be sick.

PragerU really only exists for your uncle to post on Facebook

Yet, whenever some young, clueless person searches "british empire" on YT, this will soon be one of the top results.

Nothing from a left-wing perspective. Only mainstream and right-wing ones.

"Violent starving rapists with rotting teeth, and scurvy who show up on boats to enslave your family are the reason you can enjoy the freedom to take your kids to church, or watch football." Sounds like some shit you would here on the radio in GTA V.

Yes tell that to the thousands of Australian and Canadian Aboriginals that had their identity almost destroyed by them, tell that to the thousands of Maoris and Palestinians that had their land stolen due to a treaties created by them, tell that to the millions of Niggas you enslaved and millions of Indians and Irish you strave because of 'muh cash crops' or 'muh potatoes'.

Seriously though all rich and irredentist Jewglos need to be gassed

Why even live…

what's wrong with that? Capitalism is freedom.

How long until PragerU declare themselves Victorian tier reactionaries?

How many genocides is the British Empire directly and indirectly responsible for again

It has to be a lot

and people have the nerve to talk about the Soviet Union killing people?


So then, can this be reported for genocide denial, or defense of mass murder or something?

Oh wow, does it work like If the original YT video is deleted, does it remain on Hooktube?

It's already the first result.

propaganda is a hell of a drug




yes, yes, very good Britain

Gotta love the absolute cheek of PragerU to promote themselves as a university.

This is parody, correct? Like they can't actually be saying "British colonialism was great".

Even the Boers in South Africa weren't free from savagery from the Brits. Seriously how do you manage making Boer nationalism sympathetic?

Don't worry, they're saying British colonialism was great


A based nazi. That’s rare.

Oh my poor sweet user… Did you forget when Cameron got Niall "Counterfactual" Ferguson to help draft the national school curriculum?

To be fair, the British Raj starts after the 800k dead.

Wow I LOVE imperialism now! Thanks for gently ruling my country while it incubated into AMERICA! :D

Am I the only person that voted for remain because they wanted to make these people salty as fuck for all eternity?

Think of how many future voters are raised on this shit. If we don't build a strong YouTube presence as soon as possible, the world is beyond fucked.

That's some mighty powerful ideology there.

You might be, hence why you lost.

Normally I find rightist propaganda to be funny in how stupid it is, but this went full circle and is just straight up so dump that it becomes infuriating again.

We're in a win/win state over at the UK right now so I don't really care about it. I was going to not vote but decided the salt would be glorious and went remain. The liberal salt is just irritating at this point, not enough allcaps and conspiratorial thinking, too much pious whining.

The world is fucked as is

Why are you trying to get this cancer on my recommending viewing metrics?

Honestly it's going to be great seeing Britain break up and turn into an international irrelevance in my life time.

why is this guy even considered a hero? he was probably the biggest piece of shit of the 20th century

You forgot something - refusing donations from Turkey because it would embarrass the queen.


Wasn't that one actually caused by one of those once-in-a-lifetime rat plagues generated by a particular bamboo bloom?

Watch it on the hooktubes.

I just learned what that is today, tbh, from these posts.

World War II's India famine was due to exactly what it sounds like, World War II.

Britain rationed all manner of resources going into its colonies for the war effort, which included India. Other factors all had a hand to play, but it was in doing this that India had a famine.

Why this isn't discussed more than the consequences of World War II to the Soviet Union and China and the associated famines, is anyone's guess. I really can't seem to figure why they would talk about one and not the other……..

You…tell 'em……………..Nazbol?

Guess I was wrong, the one I'm thinking of happened in the late '50s and didn't really kill that many people.

because what would you say? That it was a terrible, genocidal institution and ruthlessly exploited, pillaged and destroyed everywhere it went? That it played a huge part in the construction of what we understand as 'racism' that persists to this day? That even as it fell it set its former subjects against each other in places like India to be sure they would not be able to challenge it for the forseeable future? That to this day it's successors hoard cultural artifacts from it's former conquests and perpetuate structural racism and exploitation at intra- and inter-national levels?

This is all true, but who exactly wants to hear this? Native English speaking people, which as far as I'm aware is still most of the potential audience of youtube, are largely descended in one way or another from this empire. And in contrast to other empires that have existed throughout history, like Rome or Macedon or whathaveyou where they can be discussed in a way that is detached, the British Empire is recent enough and it's legacy still visible enough that people still feel connected to it in one way or another. There is also an impression, justified or not, among many people that even if they wanted to separate themselves from it, that "the left" is still going to be holding them personally, individually responsible for it's excesses and shaming them for their heritage.

I'm not saying that I agree with that perspective, or that it's not worth doing or that the discussion from a left-ish perspective is not worth having, but on youtube? What audience exactly do you think will be reached there for this? There is a reason that the right does so well on that platform, because in that kind of content buffet where people choose what they want to consume, people will choose what confirms their biases, minimizes their discomfort and stokes their personal pride (or at least, doesn't try to evince shame from them). The right are masters of that. You could post a hundred po-faced left wing post-mortems of this shit and a search would STILL fill the top results with right-wing shit because that's what people want to see and what they'll click and watch and like and subscribe to. You'd need to find some way to get people to WANT to click and watch, some way to make them feel good about themselves while laying out your analysis. And the left (rather than vague soc-libs who have in the past had some success with this, though waning more recently) has been awful at this for 50 years and even more so now that the media landscape has changed to be even MORE consumer oriented on the internet. Old-fashioned left-wing perspectives on this stuff simply don't have an audience on youtube, or at least, nothing that even approaches the audience rightist rubbish has in the year of our lord two-thousand and seventeen.


Be the content you want to see in the world.

If your job is to educate someone on history…….you tell people history without talking down to them or misleading them for the sake of entertainment?


I think they mean that the problem lies with the consumers of history, not the producers. The most comforting narrative just tends to win out and sell more. It's a spot-on analysis.

as a sand nigger can I say FUCK OFF IDPOL


Why type out all what can be summed in stupid defeatism? When this isn't even true? What caused people to embrace leftism in the past, it wasn't because of comfort, it's because it's actually something material, and that interests people.

Sudan is such a shining example of freedom and democracy

The video was actually Okayish.

Marx would probably agree with a lot of what he said.



It's not defeatism wingnut, it's realism. We can learn something from it.

As important as the entire truth is, if leftist videos can focus less on "who we're screwing" (ie. oppressed minorities) than "who's screwing us" (ie. large corporations, special interest groups and the military-industrial complex) we can harness peoples'' inherent bias towards the narrative that gives them some possibility of hero status (as the working class) and a clear, exterior set of enemies.

Or we can wait until fascism beats us.

Of course self-criticism should also be encouraged, but only subtly until we have the numbers.

Yeah because they did

muh wit and muh speeches.


Britain was willing to let australia get invaded to save itself. Australia disobeyed orders and brought all its troops home to fight with the americans.

Fuck Churchill and fuck Prager

No one said they didn't, but the numbers are routinely inflated or outright made up. The capitalist are barbaric, deadly & continue to be, each day the system continues to exist.
Your post is lazy.

I don't think anyone denied that, just that history has a stench of Anglo bias. Despite their worse historic death toll.

Take a hike, Muhammad.

Yes, I agree. Winston Churchhill was an evil man whom only remained in power due to Jewish lobbying groups such as "The Focus". Furthermore, he was an ally to the Zionist Cause.


t. Holla Forums

Yeah, sure. That was the

only reason keeping him in power

Maybe you mistake histories intentions but the creation of Israel had a strong strategic interest for both America and Britain. Oh and it had nothing to do with the ideology of Zionism actually, it was military. They were anticipating a future conflict with the Soviet Union.

The creation of an ally state that's loyal and has whatever ideology to strengthen it would be in the Near East would have quite the interest. America and Britain still had their colonial interests in mind in drawing lines on the map, in fact not long after World War II the Allies did it again and drew nice big fat line right through Korea. Ended with a bombing campaign that killed millions of civilians and tore families into two seperate lines of a border.

They did the same with Israel. No different.

There's interest here beyond "Zion", that's political and market capital fighting old socialism that's gone now.


here i thought my name was "t. ahmed", thanks for the identity crisis

Have you never heard this speech? The Zionists are the ones that ensured the creation of Israel. Furthermore, the Jewish race were entherllopers in the region, while the Arabic populations were the natives to the region. This means that the Jews had an imperialistic look to Israel, wanting it only because they had been there once or twice in their holy scripture.

Wrong again Bob.

That was the newly created UN

And the UN in the long term meant a fuck ton more than a speech about Zionism. It was for the perpetuation of all old culture in a profoundly post war way. It facilitated coups, political influence, and all manner of infiltration with the Allies in a Cold War that make your conspiracy theories look like a god damn nancy drew book.

Zionism was only one part of the map.

Zionism isn't what made the world powers butt heads over potential nuclear war.

The United Nations and the European Union were fundementally Zionist inventions. Their formation had contributions by the ancestor and the original "World Jewish Congress". The original "League of Nations" was rather Jewish in its creation as well as it was a proposal by Woodrow Wilson, a zionist sockpuppet installed primarally to create a controlled-opposition revival of the Ku Klux Klan and the return of a Central Bank and a slow demise from a gold standard to Lazze-Fair Capitalism.

Let's play a guessing game. How long do you guys think it will be until they just start posting"Hitler did nothing wrong"? I suspect they are already getting dangerously close to making a video thanking Nazis for the flu vaccine.

No, they were fundementally capitalist inventions and toys of the capitalist powers within the allies saw in a war that was brewing between themselves and the Soviet Union.

Now, I'm sure they had nothing they believed would happen short of another future World War, but the nuke changed that. It made things cold. It needed a far more strategic delicate, post colonial touch.

And that's all Israel ever was, and ever will be.

Doesn't sound very impressive or grand or over arching. There's not a story too it. There's not a big conspiracy, to it.

It's just what you always expected it to be. Cold, cynical, procedural, planning, men making decisions in an ideological battle for control over dominance of the Earth for Capitalism.

And you reject it because it sounds just too damn true.

Capitalism is but an ideolog which I also disagree with. Communism is also an ideology I disagree with. Capitalism, Communism, and Anarchism are three spheres of control in the world. There are alternatives to this trifecta, you know.

You see but its not just an ideology. We had a cold war over just an ideology, a cold war that lead to the deaths of millions of people, coups, post war power structures constructed, and nearly nuclear war, and a big Pentagon.

It didn't just get here through business practice, you're right about that. It was about long time planning.

And Zionism only played a part.

I was going to praise that website but why the fuck can't we escape this stupidity? Are there no sane people on the Internet anymore? Just nuke the planet already.