Was 9/11 essentially an anti-imperialist act by economically anxious rebels, who feared for their livelihood once they realized that their previous benefactors might have ulterior motives? Or is it an unforgivable act of terrorism?
Was 9/11 essentially an anti-imperialist act by economically anxious rebels...
Did it kill porkies?
simply an act of revenge
What do you mean "previous", and what do you mean ulterior motives? Bin Laden knew exactly why the U.S. supports fundamentalism in that region, all fundamentalists do.
If it wasn't a false flag (I'm not entirely convince either way) it likely wasn't an act of glorious anti imperialism. It killed a bunch of office workers, galvanized a reactionary sense of patriotism and led to more wars in the Middle East
The hijackers took down The World Trade Centre. Porkies died alright. 9/11 was a pretty humane attack when you compare it to all the other cases where terrorists flatten a buncha pedestrians or blow up some preteen girls at a pop concert. Some people that actually deserved to die no doubt actually died when the twin towers came crashing down. The Pentagon or Capitol Hill are the only targets I can think of that woulda even come close to racking up as many literal kulak kills as The World Trade Center attacks if Al-Qaeda woulda had a change of plan.
How the fuck is it humane?
Holy shit, trapping in a burning tower of inferno is one of the worse ways to die.
Wars that totally 100% would not have happened without 9/11
Oh hey Jason, how are you?
Kill yourselves
There's one idiot saying that, and I'm inclined to think he's fucking with us.
Porkies tho
Trapping workers in a perpetual state of exploitative labor is worse.
Technically, it was the former. But it's not one we should celebrate because it was ultimately for a reactionary cause and probably hurt the wokers most in the end. So really, it's more of the latter.
Fuck, workers*
yeah, I don't think you were trapped in a burning tower of inferno, where people literally can't help you, and you are forced to either jump or burn to a crisp.
how is a multi-millionaire who receives hundreds of millions from Saudi donators economically anxious lol
It's essentially porkies killing other porkies so to justify the invasion of other countries in the name of empire.
I wish al-Qaeda crashed a plane into UN headquarters as well tho
Reminder that 9/11 only really ended up killing mostly worker and rescue personel and the only thing it amounted to being was every warhawks and military contracters soggiest wet dream. It was and still remains the American governments near-perfect justification for intervention in the middle east to the populace and abroad.
Make sure to keep paying those tax dollars to military spending prole, don't want another 9/11 to take YOUR family, right? :^)
What's that book that was like "9/11 was cool as fuck"? I started reading it, closed it, then forgot its name.
the only 9/11 worth remembering is 1973. I'm sorry for the civilians but america deserves it.
I'm sorry that was only a one time thing
basically sums up my thoughts on the subject
The only important 9/11 take
Basically, more successful McVeighs with a beard.
What did he mean by this
So bin laden was framed or was he a patsy?
Old meme aside, there's a conspiracy theory that the House of Saud are secretly Jewish.
When you're in the middle east there's a conspiracy that everyone is jewish, because it's so damaging when someone is
Since when does America need a justification to invade another country?
I can't tell if this statement is a snip at America, a snip at Iran, willful ignorance, or just incompetency on the subject. Maybe a mix it.
this but 100% unironic
It's a snip at Iran by Trump, superimposed on a picture of 9/11 to make a point
yeah but it was funny to see America get owned for once
There was literally nothing wrong with 9/11
Yes, read Unruhe. You can't make a Third World omelette without breaking a few First World eggs.
9/11 as an anti-imperialist action meant to undermine the bourgeoisie by bringing down the architectural embodiment of western Capitalism was a good thing, 9/11 as the false-flag justification for further imperialist exploits should be condemned.
Cheney personally drove those planes into the towers get woke
9/11 is a meme anyways and should be forgotten, who gives a shit if some guys decided to ram a plane into a tower, that's nothing.
So willful ignorance and incompetency then
Willful ignorance by Trump, sure
Unironic tankies in this thread should spend more time reading theory and less time being edgy reactionaries on a Tibetan Loomweaving Forum.
Me again. Is it The Spirit of Terrorism by Jean Baudrillard? I remember it being Baudrillard.
t. american butthurt dog
this is what tankies actually believe
He didn't praise 9/11, he felt it was an inevitable act of blowback against globalization
Jesus christ why do so many fucking people think that explaining the logics that led to an event automatically means praising it
9/11 was a blowback. in this thread we are making fun of people like in op who thinks it was some kind of end of the world deal and who think that the us is some kind of white knight who kills baddies in the world
i actually tried suggesting that "maybe it's time to forget 9/11 already, then maybe we could leave Afghanistan" in a room full of liberals who would normally (half-heartedly) oppose that war. they acted like christians who'd just discovered a fucking warlock in their midst. i have no hope for anyone in this country. no one.
Stop that.
yes, yes, an anti-imperalist act from based oppressed freedom fighters, goyim.
How about nah
No, I meant stop that obnoxious spacing. You can rain on the kulaks for all I care.
In the USA, if you can explain something, your listener will assume you are endorsing that thing. Not sure if this applies elsewhere, but we are fiercely anti-intellectual.
moralfag detected
I unironically think Osama was working with the US Government and Saudi Arabia to orchestrate the event
It's mostly so liberals won't criticise them and/or support them
9/11 was a porky on porky attack
the fuck