From the older conservatives, libertarians and classical liberals claiming "Do you hear the people sing?" as their song whilst always being socialist in context, to them ruining pepe and making it a shitty normie meme with "le epic trump maga cuck xDDDD". Also I realized that almost every other 4chan board is becoming leftist because they all hate Holla Forums.
A list of all the things rightwingers have ruined:
Are rightwingers just out of ideas so they steal everything else, or are they just uncreative dumbasses?
Jaxon Murphy
Ethan Hill
This is the dumbest meme. The threads at the bottom of the catalog are there because no one wants to talk about them anymore. Nothing is lost when they die.
Jayden Garcia
Last time I checked /lit/ was more colonized by Holla Forums than ever before, I stopped using it a couple months ago
Eli Price
Pepe had been ruined by normalfags way before Holla Forumsreddit.
Connor Peterson
The right wingers saved Pepe from normalfag retardation.
Isaac Hall
If anything Holla Forums's autism seems to be driving everyone else off, and could even kill imageboards once stormcuckery or trump worship falls out of vogue for edgy teenage autists.
Nicholas Butler
Lucas Rivera
The right-wingers are normalfags.
Juan Kelly
Normalfags don't like poo pee Pepe.
In fact, that grosses them out, and then Pepe evolves into nazi frog god.
Aiden Reyes
They're better at memetic warfare
Matthew Russell
It already jumped the shark when the chans started referring to it as "pepe" (which is what it was called on reddit) instead of "sad frog" (the going term chans). It was all downhill from there.
Matthew Torres
Still waiting for the day this is posted.
Dominic Watson
Toilet humour is normie as fuck
Bentley Torres
Jayden Gutierrez
By Right-Wingers do you mean Neo-Con retards or Authoritarian Economic Centrists
Xavier Roberts
Probably talking about the Nazis historically and more recently the ideologically confused racist Republicans who think they're Nazis.
Thomas Diaz
That's so wrong I don't even know where to begin
Luke Baker
Alexander Davis
Michael Mitchell
Pick one.
Benjamin Fisher
eat shit lol
Michael Cook
This is actually true though. It's kind of a funny story too, considering /r9k/ started creating gore/scat poopoo-peepee pepes in an attempt to turn off normies and it did jackshit but now that it's associated with right-wingers noone uses pepe anymore.
I'm still a memer at heart so any method that gets facebooktard normalfilth away from memes is acceptable to me.