Any gomr8s getting this tomorrow?
Also, general lefty vidya thread, didn't see one up.
Any gomr8s getting this tomorrow?
Also, general lefty vidya thread, didn't see one up.
Other urls found in this thread:
What is this and why should I care?
literally a videogame where you can larp as a Jacobin.
it's satire and fucking stupid and frankly no leftist should buy it.
Oh, you've already seen the story mode?
And I thought the gameplay looked fun.
🤔 what did he mean by this
It's trying to be "balanced".
None of the other factions are exactly good guys either.
That game seriously advertises itself for dumbing down RTS.
They hope they can get causals as well as the hardcore gamers, but it will achieve neither.
When I read the story right, it's about which animal gets to be literally on the top of the food chain. And I mean literally literally.
"Dumbing down" isn't always a bad thing. Especially now that Koreans have gotten their hands on the genre. I think any change that makes the gameplay more strategic and less about how many pots of coffee you swilled down beforehand is welcome.
Sort of, they it's about who eats who in sort of a political metaphor.
Longcoats want the rich to eat the poor.
Commonfolk want the poor to eat the rich
Civilized have this arbitrary lottery system
Not sure about KSR.
It is always a bad thing, because you get bored from a dumbed down game very quick.
Also Koreans manage to dominate the scene, because they develop "that one strat" and execute it so well, that no other one can possibly catch up to that.
The response to this would actually be to make games more complex than less complex.
Dota 2 for example is a game, where every hero is OP and "that one strat" simply doesn't work. Koreans have a sour grape relationship with Dota because of this. The Chinese are the close ones who come to dominate it, but no matter what dominating strategy they come up with, some 3rd tier Canadian shitter or a quirky Greek squad comes along with some strat that is crazy enough to work, which other Tier 1 teams copy and implement them into their strategy to break the dominance, simply because the complex game gives you way more options and backdoors.
Of course this amount of "burden of knowledge" scares off casuals.
Longcoats = aristocrats and capitalists
Commonfolks = republicans and communists
Civilised = theocratics and traditionalists
KSR = fascists and militarists
Koreans dominate the scene because they're twitchy assholes who go five times faster than the average person. The game becomes less about strategy and a lot more about how fast you can twitch around. Dota 2 avoids this because they game is deliberately slower paced and therefore twitching at high speeds makes you no better at it.
KSR want to eat the weak in general.
Also, Dota 2 is "dumbed down" in much the same way that Tooth and Tail is, with only one resource and direct control limited to a single unit (though in Dota 2 some heroes can make copies of themselves.)
DotA is not dumbed down, it's a different genre.
Koreans oughtta play Homeworld.
Wait, fuck, Homeworld might be slow-paced but it's also micromanagement hell.
Hence my putting "dumbed down" in scare quotes.
This could explain the sour grapes relationship Korean orgs have with Dota. But I also feel like Blizzard is enabling Korean dominance with their sometimes questionable balancing decisions. At least they should transcend the three faction calculus to make it less railroaded.
This is why I like Warlords Battlecry so much. You have depending on the version 9-16 different factions and each one of them have a unique playstyle. Balancing must be a nightmare, but with the right feedback, it should be possible.
Yeah I can see where you are coming from. But Tooth and Tails goes the extra mile and it seems the factions are just cosmetic colour changes and decides which story you are playing in the Campaign and nothing more.
The factions are supposed to be largely cosmetic for the multiplayer.
The strategy comes in what combination of units you pick, not which faction they belong to.
into the trash it goes
Not gonna lie it looks fun.
I preordered it already, didn't realise it came out so soon. I guess I'll have to do a video on it after my SOE one. Which is still 'almost finished', as always. Sounds dumb but I have a bad cold so I don't wanna do any voiceover sounding stupid.
t. Marxist Media
Nah, it's like Redwall, not furshit.
except it actually has linux support
Forgive the free software fags, they are so used to nogames they just assume nothing is playable.
Is Bioshock anti ancap?
That the liberals who made this game have no clue what the socialist critiques of "muh human nature" actually are, and that they're Hobbesian fags who believe that people controlling their own lives is somehow bad.
except I'm actually a free software fag myself
A 2D game that's actually 2D? And with no DRM? Color me interested. I'll wait and see what people say about it first though.
Where are you getting this though? I don't see anything about GNU/Linux on their website.
anime name?
Mai-chan's Daily Life
That's where the furry factor comes into play.
The expansion pack DLC will add the Libertylovers, who recognize radicalism can never lead to anything good and all sides have valid points.
I think it was already done long before RTSes and it was called "turn based strategy". Shame these don't scale well in multiplayer.
why bother with bioshock when you can just point out the attempt to build a Galt's Gulch in chile imploded because everyone was ripping everyone else off
When there's a torrent out, sure.
Today's the day.
Fun so far. Kinda fucked that the whole war effort for each faction is supported by an underclass of pigs that harvest their own food so that they can be fattened and eaten by the soldiers.
Yeah I was disappointed by that too. Seems like the devs are making some dumb Animal Farm kind of statement. There's hints that Hopper is more cynical than she appears in the Commoner campaign too. Completed half the campaign and got bored/stuck, might get back to it tomorrow. Some of the heroic objectives are a real bastard too.
I dunno, I just don't see the point in a story with no good guys. I think the Animal Farm shit is kinda lame and played out.
Some people seem to think that just having no good guys ever at all makes stories morally grey and smart, somehow
Those people are dumbasses. It's like radical centrism except applied to fiction
"IGOUGO" isn't the only type of turn-based game. There are also "WEGO" games (Dominions, Close Combat, Frozen Synapse) where everyone inputs orders simultaneously, and then they're all executed simultaneously, so multiplayer count doesn't increase the amount of time each round requires to play.
ASSFAGGOTS aren't a real genre
Company of Heroes?
Anyway, how is this game, from the faggots who have bought it?
Fucking great game, got surprised by how cool the story is, too
So then, r34?
Mouse titties.
fuck you mods I do what i want
you can post legal porn, just spoiler it
He's an anarkiddie, save your effort
Also, I'm surprised there isn't any vore porn of this yet given the whole game is kinda vore porn. Then again it's not like I looked.
it was a joke sheesh
there's going to be vore porn. Guaranteed. I mean there's vore porn of everything else. Almost. Give it a day or two. Does make me consider getting it though.
Oh, wait, never mind. HV but still counts.
mine was a joke too fuckboi
The game is okay, if it weren't for the furry/politics aspects I wouldn't have paid it any attention, might just be sour grapes because I suck at it though. I appreciate certain aspects of the story and not other I'll prolly make a video on it soon-ish
You can enjoy games despite sucking at them. I like playing RTS and FPS despite being a bit under mediocre most of the time.
Read Clausewitz
Care to suggest what books?
Also, whoever said these are "factions" is an idiot. It's just player color. No shit they're all the same.
I bought this after i saw the first thread but havent yet tried it.
On War
Danke. I've only ever read Art of War and something a bit more modern would be nice.
Just learned the devs made Monaco, one of my favorite games. On top of their skills, they're bro-tier. Gonna have to pirate this to try.
I almost shed a tear when I saw those words on the screen. Most underrated RTS of all time, if not most underrated GAME of all time.
RTS games have a story too you know. Doy. It's not all about the online
Never heard of it, what's the best game in the series?
Are there any other good lefty games than Tropico?
Hidden Agenda.
Having played this for a bit, I had an interesting win just now that made me realize that you can turn this into a war of attrition super easily.
After 16 minutes of combat in which I was trying to be careful to cause greater food loss in every combat than the opponent (which i was somewhat successful at), I lost a whole bunch of unit production buildings, and was getting pushed back to my last mill. When I was preparing to make my last stand, having sold a bunch of buildings to get my last units ready, my opponent, who controlled most of the map, save for my two and one unowned mill near my base, promptly starved out and lost.
It makes me realize that the resources on this map are actually incredibly limited. War of attrition is dangerously possible past the ~15:00 mark. Building up defenses to cut down waves of T1 units is a good way to gain significant resource advantage. A pillbox needs to only kill three T1 units to make its cost back. the Matriark, who spawns units for free is an excellent way to get meatshield units in the late game who aren't going to cost you when the body count piles up. Fighting in your own territory gives you the advantage of your units healing. Fending them off with the minimal possible over and over allows you to outlive them in the long run.
Just watched a game of it in a tournament and the meta seems to be just throwing out T1 units. I may pirate it but I like games where I can go full deep battle and terrorise the map from the centre.
MOWAS2 dev team not getting given the source code on time - worst day of my life.
Going with lots and lots of T1 units is the current meta, but that is largely because they do very high DPS as a large group and thus can win against more expensive units in many cases. However, that changes up when you try doing something like attacking a line of defenses. The turrets fuck over T1 units fast as long as there's not something like 9 units to 1 turret. With a few cannons, 15 T1's will turn into 300 food worth of pink mist.
T1's dominate for most of the game because the games are intentionally short, but when the game stretches longer and longer they become very expensive to keep replacing.
Having just gotten through another game, Drumfires are effectively static hard counters to light unit swarms. You do need to vary it up a bit if you survive past the first few minutes.
Looking over the wiki I'd probably go for turrets, squirrels, ferrets, falcons, skunks, owls. Pretty T2 heavy but does it matter when I can just churn squirrels?
Skunks aren't really that great. Their damage just doesnt' stack fast enough. Swap em out for snakes, who can kill most things pretty fast.
Owls require a bit of micromanagement because they're the softest but most economical of the heroes. Not saying bad, in fact they're arguably one of the best. Just focus-intensive otherwise they're 180 down the drain for very little effect.
I've not used falcons but there's not much that can't hit them and they just don't seem terribly effective.
If you can, get the cannon in there. Wiping out a platoon of T1 and threatening T2's with only a few shots is entirely worth it.
Nomads seem slightly better than the squirrels but I'm not sure.
as a vorefag I have to say I'm somewhat disconcerted about this shit being brought to attention of normies, given what generally happens to lolifags. can it remain a meme and a laughingstock of the internet, pretty please?
Vore is already something that normie news sites and the like have done work on.
Yes, they think you're a cannibal.
Isolated news stories that everyone forgets about the next day is something I can stand. It's not that, if I was ever exposed to people I know in real life, that I wouldn't have to change my name / move to a different hemisphere / kys I'mself. I'm just happy that currently the worst thing that can happen for my pixels is to be downvoted on e-hentai, ok.
Well then don't tell anyone. Playing the game on its own isn't really a tell of being a vorearephile.
Meh I wasn't crazy about the ending still. I mean yeah technically it's a good ending? I guess? But it seemed more like 'everybody died, the end'. I mean I think it needed an ending cutscene.
fucking longcoats exploiting the hunger of the commonfolk
More vore.
I want the furries to leave.
I want the anti-furries to leave.
This game wouldn't even exist without furries being a guaranteed audience (hell I bought it)
I want you to leave
Furry and bait pls stop posting unrelated furry porn or leave
Yes furrys, not furry porn
What do you think faker, that furry do 100% of the the same shit that the weeaboo do (with the spamming shit porn on other non-related boards).
This is now Warlords Battlecry general. Fuck your furry bullshit.
Good if you want an actual campaign. Has dynamic music that is very memorable, cool af graphics that scared me as a kid. Maybe a bit unoriginal kitchen sink but great dark atmosphere throughout the entire campaign, although with a shitty fucking ending to the dark (AKA cool) path (everyone dies except you cuz revenge ain't the answer brah)
Probably the worst in the series, barely has a campaign and has like 4 music tracks. Gets dull but is still a great game.
Arguably the best one. A good amount of races (excluding the ones included in that shitty fanmade patch that comes with the GOG edition) and the campaign is a bit like the style of the first one with an actual story, but also with a map. Still lacks the dark atmosphere, as well as dynamic and memorable music of the first game however which is what appealed to me so much.
I'd check them all out though as they're all great games, although think of the sequels as more Mega Man rather than Warcraft.
everyone play night in the woods, creator is openly socialist and the game is fantastic
Eh, the characters are a bit too "Tumblr" for my taste, and the gameplay is pretty reminiscent of Gone Home. Admittedly though, the story is great, and the fact that the main character is openly perfectly okay with looting makes it better.
yeah without porn there's no furry fandom either. therefore this game still doesn't exist.
we should probably do a leftyvore thread again sometime. I remember doing one a year or so ago.
When playing the game theres a discussion between a Commonfolk and a Longcoat (longcoats are the cappies) which ends in the commonfolk chanting "To Democratic Capitalism!" and the Longcoat replying "To Capitalistic Democracy!".
The game makes hopper more explicitly move to the left are her initial support for the longcoat movement, declaring she wants to create a "Tyranny of the masses" which is obviously a reference to dictatorship of the proletariat. I really want to finish the story but the religious campaign is balls hard i cannot fucking beat "sage marro speaks" for the life of me after years of playing RTS and i am ashamed.
Longcoats want "to eat the weak" so those who dont produce get eaten. In truth they mean eat the poor.
Commonfolk want people to vote on who gets eaten.
Civilized have a religion that is more or less an arbitrary lottery system.
The KSR don't actually care how the meat is divided, they want law, order and a clear system of doing it. Until the events of the game they followed the Tsarina (Bless her) but after her poisoning they try to form government themselves.
I get the feeling the KSR would probably actually set up prisons that both worked for mass slave labor and as factory farms. If they don't have enough criminals, make the law tighter.
Also I think the Civilized keep certain names out of the lottery, likely their own clergy.
How can they be so thematically and contextually illiterate?
Why is this written like mob rule doesn't kick ass?
It would have been better writing up that she has control over the masses through her popular image, thus defeating the point.
Because the game has several redpills. Take this video for instance. You see the corporate taxes and think it's a leftist game, but you ignore the game also mentions (as bad things) the Rothschilds, one world government and destruction of all cultures.
Oh, you.
How the ever loving fuck are the Rothschilds a leftist thing?
Every single thing in that video is coming from a hard leftwing stance, you imbecile.
Obviously because they're Jews :^)
is mayonnaise a leftism
Lmao why don't they just eat veggies lmao
They can't. That's the point of the game.
Why don't the herbivores just kill all the carnivores?
This is never said though, it's just implied that 'beast food' is considered below civilised animals. Hopper even says they'll have to go back to beast food if the swine runs out, though the other factions refuse to consider it (another reason she shoulda been the good guy but w/e)
For the same reason people can't abandon society and go back to being hunter gatherers.
Because Deus Ex's themes are drawn from a mishmash of conspiracy theories, so they span the gamut from survivalists to smashie anarkiddies, though their center of gravity roughly coincides with lolberts.
Why aren't the vegetables also sapient?
Meat in this game is a vague representation of human labor. "who gets eaten" is effectively "who does the work". Going back to "beastfood" is effectively going back to hunter-gatherer society.
I mean yeah that's one interpretation but the swine aren't depicted as like subhuman or something and they eat beast food. I think there's a few ways you can take it.
Swine are literally farmers who everyone else depends on no matter what system.
More vore stuff but…
this game is pushing me in the worst ways. I want to be sitting in a room outside the Skirts interrogating a KSR squirrel while letting a snake slowly swallow them alive an inch at a time.
Fuck I'm so conflicted.
The game is quite fun on strategic side, ideologically speaking, shouldn't Hopper advocate everyone eating beastfood?
The game give me the impression that she's just an opportunist (even hints that she ate her own arm and lied about it). The porketariat are /ourguys/
I don't think she's an opportunist.She comes off as naïve. self assured, and more sure about her ideology than she should be. Putting it to direct democratic vote can be a fickle thing that gets her eaten instead.
This is autistic as "anime fosters appreciation of beauty and the female form, Hitler would approve of anime".
Because pretty sure the game is about fetishization of commodities to the extreme, or something.
I bought it and enjoy it, it's quirky and I'm not willing to take it very serious so I can overlook the ideological misses some are angry about.
Hopper is my comrade.
The only reason she believes in "democracy" is because the commonwealth are the majority, and it's always the case that these sides elect one of the other sides to be eaten but not themselves. Look at the conversation with the matriarch
Is the QM /ourguy/?
I don't think the QM or KSR really are authoritarian leftists. They're just statists who want to ensure order at any cost. They don't have any convictions for or against any of the other groups beyond the sheer fact that they're in rebellion. They'd back anyone else who worked to instill order and could achieve it.
Are you saying that you can't advocate a system if it directly benefits you without it being opportunist? The fact that the commoners are the majority means that eating just the others is impractical and eventually they'd be reduced to picking which of their own numbers would be eaten.
As the guy that threw that together, they're only in the top-left because that was the only space open. I couldn't really nail them right anywhere else and they ended up defaulting to the only open space left.
Yeah fair enough.
They probably could have done with making the QM more of a Soviet.
Hopper is a comrade though.
You can, but the game strongly suggests that she's merely being an opportunist, even implying that she lied about giving her hand to be eaten. If the commonfolk succeeded, and her being their leader, she would be the last person to be eaten and the first to eat
This is true. But the sketchy thing is this is getting into character motivations, which are not directly laid out for Hopper, so the best you can get is inferences.
The other side of the coin is that she is one of the few who never sells out to the Civilized even when it's becoming obvious that the commoners are starving and defecting to the Civilized en masse when the food from the raids on the KSR runs out more quickly than expected. She doesn't follow the Matriarch who does side with the yellows, even though the Family mice had been one of the biggest potential voting blocks. Continuing to hold to principles despite it falling down around you isn't terribly common among opportunists.
To clarify:
This is almost certain.She drops "character" while talking to people who know better, namely the matriarch and the KSR falcon.
>Hopper is only advocating democracy because it'll get her on top and has no real conviction to her cause
This is much harder to prove and the fact she goes all the way to the end with it suggests she either feels that she won't be allowed to surrender or sell out (which is unlikely given that Civilized "allow everyone in"), or she has at least some level of devotion to her cause
She's the leader of the faction after all. It's not as if any of the other faction leaders simply abandoned their position, and why would they? They're not in a position to defect. If she was naive, it was in thinking that she could so easily attain victory over the other factions, but the desire to attain victors is not out of any sense of altruism or fraternity. It's purely a means of survival, being carried out by someone who's defining trait is arguably her tenacity to survive (eating her own arm). Being a survivalist means being an oppoturnist
Bellafide's ultimately driven by revenge more than his capitalist ideology, which he indirectly admits, and probably wouldn't sell out to Civilized even if he had the opportunity. QM's sense of duty is keeping her to her post and also wouldn't sell out.
By the end of the revolt, Hopper has lost her voting blocks and thus lost a huge chance she could end up on top of a democracy even if she did win, as many of the survivors are now going to be converted Civilized. She has little to nothing to gain by winning at this point unless she drops pretenses of democracy.
Even Volkov was admitting that the best chances of survival was to surrender to the Civilized and convert. Sure, they're heavily biased towards their own, but clearly not wasting talent. As a survivalist, what does Hopper stand to gain by continuing to resist the Civilized?
What makes you think the civilized wouldn't just have her eaten? There's nothing to suggest otherwise, especially considering the mandate to slaughter them all given by Sage Marro. By the end of the revolt it's literally down to last man standing, winner taking all and loser being eaten. Faction leaders no matter who won would have been the last people to be eaten, had their faction succeeded.
Because it's a waste of opportunity on the side of the Civilized, and that command only comes at the end of five years of conflict. Killing her would do more to rally the rest of the Commoners than showing off how the Hero of the People converted back to the old ways.
The other thing Hopper doesn't do is say fuck it and get the hell outta Dodge to leave her forces to their fate when they're getting attacked by the only large, competent army still standing.
People started to convert towards the end of the conflict, with the command coming after people had joined back, and as a reaction to the consolidation of the three other factions into a cohesive unit (even less reason to join given this fact and the events that came after it). All three armies are essentially reduced to remnants at that point, the civilized not being an exception.
What is this game about? How does it play?
Sell it to me
I'm not a capitalist.
Gameplay wise, it's a simplified hybrid of RTS and MOBA where you use a leader unit to build up a base and command units with rallies. Very simplistic command user interfacing and play.
Flavorwise you get to play as your ideological strawman incarnated as a furry trying to slaughter other ideological strawmen furries so you can literally eat them.
The game's better for flavor than gameplay, really.
I find it a nice casual pick-up-and-play snack. After slogging around for hours in campaigns in Rise of Nations of Cossacks it's nice to sit down for a bit and play a game where trying and failing a mission doesn't feel like a huge waste of invested time to find out something was poorly managed at the very last moment.
It definitely needs more polish and love.
Hey, at least this shit sandwich has a unique taste!
Only 90ies kids will remember
If you aren't an academia ghoul you're degenerate.
Don't get fooled!
It's furry vore fetishism. The supposed ideologies are just a smokescreen, the actual story is that due to a meat crisis (the only species that was allowed to be eaten is dying out) the inhabitants deliberately plunged themselves into a civil war. They divided themselves into 4 groups and the winner gets to eat the rest.
The RTS is just like the story, bare bones.
The main purpose is to cater to furry vore fetishists.
You know what Hitler also approved of?
Holla Forums gets triggered every time you mention this. Ironically it's the Muslim countries where you can praise Hitler without repercussions.
So whatever Hitler liked or not really depends on whether or not it fit their narrative. Just like the bible thumpers who like to point out that homosex is a deadly sin, while dropping the part, where working on Saturdays is also a deadly sin.
Speaking of… Much older and much better version of the same concept. Still on my harddrive
It's a BLT. It's simple, easy, is decently enjoyable, but not terribly filling on its own.
Pikey pls
best game
I think I know the dialogs by heart, also James was ourguy
Anyone know a game that I can just kill rich people in? Start a commune? Burn banks down?
Things I wanna do IRL but can't do IRL out of fear of being shot.
There's a whole genre about that. I dunno what they're called, but village builders and shit. You know, Stardew Valley, Dwarf Fortress, etc.
Fair point…
What about the killing rich people part?
Looks like something by uncle go.
A major part of dwarf fortress is creating means of executing your worthless nobles
Well holy shit immo go get on that right fucking away
Let me clarify. DF is extremely open-ended. You are mechanically incentivized to kill the nobles because they're useless and a resource drain, but you're not "supposed to" do it. So to get rid of them you have to figure out ways to kill them and make it look like an accident.