Leftist overtones in new Rick and Morty episode

Has Holla Forums seen the new Rick and Morty episode? It was inevitable that they were going to do an election episode at some point. I think it did a good job at bringing up the state of the modern worker and their disillusionment of the system. It highlighted the alienation that soulless capitalism brings even in a fantastical futuristic world, and at the same time denounced the farce of democracy. The cynical police brutalize the cynical proletariat that have turned to petty crime as an outlet and then use their self hate to dehumanize their fellow workers even more. I think it was a good leftist episode and I encourage you to watch it.

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Bonus points for Justin to tell viewers to kill their bosses.

Fucking SAME bro. I nearly orgasmed at how gloriously leftist this episode was. Instant #1 favorite episode in the whole series now. No wonder they needed that Atlantis red herring for the promos.

fuck off with this faggoty reddit show. I don't care if they say "communism is great" in the latest episode. I hope you all die.

>>>Holla Forums

lol this, Rick can explore infinite dimensions but literal everyone of them is either feudalist or neoliberal.

How am I Holla Forums exactly?

t. liberal

there's a dimension where things are hyper-advanced in technology he goes to and they cured aging


Holla Forums is shitting on the show now because "womyn takin ovur! PICKLE RICK XDDD"
so of course if you like the show you are a Holla Forumsack who's ironic

or that user you replied to is just a Holla Forumsack shiteating faggot, what do i know


everything I don't like is reddit is an irrational phobia based in your reactionary Holla Forums tendancies



Jesus Christ, I'm not Holla Forums for fuck's sake. I legitimately love Rick and Morty, and if you antagonistic faggots want to call me Reddit for that, go ahead. I don't give a shit. But don't call me Holla Forums. If anything, Holla Forumslacks are gonna blame the female writers for how leftist this episode was while completely ignoring how amazing it was precisely because it was leftist, among other reasons.

Reddit and Maymay is overrated

i was pointing out pretty much the same thing and actually shitting on the other guy, just confusing who was who.

Oh, okay. My b user.

it's like you actually are retarded and belong on Holla Forums

I agree. But the reason you people get upset over it is so fucking ass backwards you might as well be worse than the show itself


it would appear the creators of that show didn't take the subtext to heart


ah, well that then proves they made a joke thats message is clear cut in reality just to bring back a sauce because they were having a deal or something.
you really rock that tinfoil, faggot.

It's a good cartoon but it's not THAT good.

I never said it was my favorite though. What would you say are better shows, if I may ask?

That pic is more cringe and pretentious than actually liking R&M tbh


Whoever made this should seriously consider self harm

lel did autrights just troll McDialdos?

So did anyone other than OP actually watch this episode? It was leftist as fuck and I was actually surprised they actually had a pretty blatant critique on capitalism and wage labor in it like that.

And yes, the mcnugget sauce shit was cringe reddit-tier garbage obviously but that' has literally nothing to do with this episode so give it a rest

One of the creators is a leftist.

That shitty infograph has been brutally disproved: 8ch.net/tv/res/851800.html

which one? I remember Harmon had a pretty big rant about the whole charlottesville "both sides" narrative recently but I was pretty sure he's just a lib who's *maybe* just questioning things now

Bojack Horseman.

I watched it and it was great, even if the twist at the end was obvious.
At first I was wondering why the different ricks would do wage labor themselves instead of building robots then I realized that tricking sentient lifeforms to be wage slaves is exactly what Our Rick did in the car battery episode so it makes sense from an in-character perspective.

t. shill


it would have been easier to just say "no"

Same reason why automation is stifled irl no? It's not even a question of morals, it's that it's not in the interest of those at the top of the power structure when the society was formed.


I've seen practically all of those shows before.

It's a solid good show. Doesn't quite hit great for me. I still enjoy Rick and Morty more.
Insufferable Holla Forums memes aside, this is actually a pretty damn great show. But the superior PFFR show is clearly Wonder Showzen.
The only show of these three that's still going, therefore the only one of the three I have investment in. There's no need to tell me twice on how amazing BoJack is. It probably is better than Rick and Morty. Not necessarily as funny, but it likely has a better ongoing plot.

I'm not even sure how you would compare the two shows of R&M and Bojack outside of vague similarities of animation style. Seems an unfortunate byproduct of "cartoon" occupying one narrow genre in the collective western imagination

That explains why this season sucks shit


Yeah Roiland's always been a cunt

To be fair, you have to have a very high Autism Level to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools… how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 Autism Level points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

i know for a fact that only a Holla Forumsyp would hate this show and only because "wimmin writers" or some other dead giveaway retard reason

Give it up, everyone's one to the Rick and Marty/South Park game of spouting bigoted sentiments in a FANNY VOICE XXXDDD and calling it satire.

The criticism obviously went over your head.

Nah it was pretty much the same level as any other halfchan criticism, which is to make a cringey infographic with "deep" hidden meanings in every show to describe why something is bad or pedestrian when a normal human being could communicate their basic-ass critique in one sentence. It's like how Jon Oliver's show is tedious liberal garbage but that the Holla Forums criticism of it still reads like peak fedora-lord autism.

i'm pretty sure that there are some "libs" that are hiding their power level, especially those that have denbts to pay

The critiques are only a paragraph long, pretty succinct if you ask me, especially since it doesn't assume the reader is a fan of the show.

Rick and Morty and John Olivers show pretty much have the same audience, liberal. And the violence critique was spot on, it only appeals to people that have never been touched by violence in anyway. The show doesn't have much appeal outside burgerland.

True, but Harmon was definitely an unquestioning liberal hillary voter

Nowhere did I say that the problem was it's too long. The problem is that the tone and substance of the critique reeks of the worst mix of pretentious autism

there is literally 0 factual accuracy in this post

Did you really understand the content of my post to be "the two shows are good actually" or "the two shows aren't for liberals"?


I hope its good season 3 has been horrible this far.

For the record, I don't care about whatever political bent the show may have or how earnest it is. That's not why I watch shit like this.

But I just now started season 3, and so since this thread exists I'm gonna chime in about the Reddit thing. I have only ever used Reddit as a garbage can. It's where I post the shittiest music I feel like making so their self-serious fucktard userbase can trip over themselves trying to analyze it for production value. Part of what attracted me to leftypol to begin with was hearing about how Reddit idiots apparently hated you. Meanwhile, I've dug Rick and Morty since back when I got the channel it came on. If anything, it's more like "House of Cosbys" humor, which would make sense considering who was behind both.

So, before I continue watching this cartoon, uncompassionate consumer that I am, I just wanna let out that I think anyone who thinks this is "Reddit humor" probably spent a little too much time on Reddit and may have trouble gouging entertainment for its delivery. I think it's a stupid claim and it can fuck off back to reddit or Holla Forums or wherever it came from.

Have you ever considered that maybe its just not that good?

…you think that saying this tv show is "reddit" as an insult might have come from reddit?

Damn your reverse psychology is so deft, I'm forced to like the show now.

meh, like everyone said the creators are just libs and the show is overrated but if it gets more normies to start questioning the system of wage labour that's fine by me

The only good, leftist tv show is mr. robot prove me wrong

Haha the fact that you can't accept the criticism about the violence proves their point. Only children of white flight boomers think that nilist style of violent humor is funny.
Lived in Europe for several years and they always commented on how obsessed with violence burger media is.

as a /g/ user, Mr. Robot is pretty cringe.
I guess it's better than Rick and Morty in that regard though.

Pointed criticism of something you like isn't pretentious. It's just criticism your sheltered ego coddled by porky media your entire life isn't used to hearing.

What's /g/? I do computer security too but the show isn't that cringe.

lmao no, you don't have to talk like a fedora-lord to say that gratuitous violence is kitsch

As leftist media, not as an accurate portrayal of cybersecurity obviously

Take your liberal ass back to Reddit, or Holla Forums.

Can you kids stop fighting about reddit/pol for a fucking second and talk about, the LEFTIST stuff? Like them replazing their workers for unionizing?

What part of that paragraph is fedora-lord worthy? The only part that felt even slightly awkward to me was the "because the viewers have likely never experienced true trauma…" comment. But it's absolutely true and worth pointing out.

The only liberal is the kid whose mind was legitimately blown by seeing a critique of overdone violence on an imageboard for the first time

/g/ - Technology, it's a 4chan board.

I just watched it and it was barely leftist. It was mostly just "shit's fucked yo." The most significant part was how the Propaganda of the Deed Rick plot was resolved - capitalism incorporated the resistance. Honestly it just highlights to me the absolute impotence of media to be leftist. They can show the problems. They can suggest the source. They can even show someone terroristically resisting (but they have to get their comeuppance). But they can't even think about suggesting a solution or an approach to finding one. They have to end by throwing up their hands and saying that it's the way it is or by having some megalomaniac take over to disrupt it.

By the way the bit where the security Rick says that security is just working stiffs made me want to throttle OP.

some have

Sure buddy, I stopped watching network television years ago for this very reason and I'm by no means alone.
You probably liked Family Guy too, which this shows violence is a spiritual successor of.

Lol family guy has never been good, pleb


I consider myself an intermediate to beginner security analyst, but in my experience the simpler hacks work. Hackers are so good because penny pinching porky never spends money on computer security, a theme the show has touched on.
Should I start looking at 4chan /g/ to learn more?

You know your edgy dumbass loved it.

what do you think?


I get that you were a fan and you're upset with yourself for liking it in the first place but this is just sad now


Although I only watched the first 3 quarters of season 1, I found it to be too conspiratorial,
like the kind of leftism that 9 11 truthers get into.

Also my friends who recommended it thought it was a "good critique of crony-capitilism".

Fair enough, though "crony capitalism" only ever comes from lolberts when they're faced with real critiques of capitalism and have to find a weak deflect



t. reddit

I was never a fan, grew up poor then immediately joined the military so seen a lot of violence and have had to deal with its consequences. No one I know ever liked the show either. And a lot of soilders love some violence in media, but the glorified kind, if they like it at all.
The weird way brutal violence is as banal as washing your hands appeals only to normies, which is why the show is so popular. Normies never have to deal with violence so think they are macho if they regard it as banal.

Whatever man, idk why we're even having this argument when we're not even disagreed on the original criticism (which is that overdone violence is lame and a crutch), I just think the Holla Forums style media criticism are at least as lame every time. And for the record I'm not American (it's currently around noon where I am) so the whole "you just like it because it's common Amerilard culture" kinda misses the mark (especially since I always thought family guy and shit like it was for the worst type of normies).

The violence is the same style as the Family Guy and South Park, how can you not see this.

Yes. Or at least someone who uses Reddit so much they think that this has anything to do with it. It's not rocket science - someone uses Reddit obsessively to the point where it's a huge point of reference for them, eventually realizes Reddit is a piece of shit, and then calls everything they don't like "Reddit" to fit in with people who hate Reddit.

I didn't ask anyone to like the show. That post was cathartic - I started watching an episode, and unconsciously drifted into trying to figure out what was "Reddit" about it. It was impeding my enjoyment, so I came back to vent about how stupid the claim is and get it off my mind. Since it's a thread about a cartoon, I didn't figure it would impact the quality of the discussion at all if I gave my 2 cents.

I have no idea what part of my post you think contradicts this

This, it's hilarious how much of a circle jerk Reddit is to the point they will not accept that other online cultures reject their values.
They dwarf all the chans combined, but the fact that there's wrong think out there is like a splinter in their brains.
I think deep down they know they're sheep.

And from ""left"" liberals who don't want to face the problem. I think that's he point he's trying to make

the only "leftist" media is non-fiction

so i just watched it and it really is just democrap wishfullfillment fantasy

Most my friends are Bernie supporters who just haven't thought about economics that much. And I think that they are sort of correct
in that it only tackles "crony-capitism" as E-Corp is only established as bad because it is helmed by a scociopath and caused the main
character's mother to get cancer, rather that because it is capitalist. Because of this the message moves from "capitalism is bad"
to "capitalism + scociopaths is bad".

That being said, it handled scocial alienation a bit better. Although again, my friends didn't pick this up very well.

What? A sham election between a bunch of shitty candidates ended up with some authoritarian despot. Where was the hillary stand-in exactly?

This is a retarded tryhard lifestylist take. Art/entertainment would obviously still exist under communism and in fact there's tons of critiques of capitalism that it makes entertainment worse

basically you're triggered because it's srs business to you

what authoritarian despot? isn't that what we are trying to achieve? to purge those that are currently in power? i'm just saying there's not even a need to win election, you just get more knifes on your side and stab faster

It won't take away from all the people you killed or brutalized so porky could make a profit, sorry

The winner of the election is not the hero of the episode…

just a convenient prop for hillary, it's was so obvious i almost puked

so you think a hillary stand-in was the villain of the episode, but that this is a lib fantasy? you're not making any sense

what villain? he was the hero of the revolution

+the only problem i have is that a hillary prop was presented as someone who gets done what needs to be done

The corporatism is indefensible and this article's attempt at doing so is hilariously bad.

he couldn't be more villain coded if they drew an eyepatch on him at the end…oh wait they did that and then followed if up with a bunch of fascist imagery

also there was literally nothing hillary-ish about the character anyway so this whole conversation is retarded (or I'm getting trolled in which case, got me)

…did you just call a Holla Forums shitpost an "article"? You're right though it was pretty fucking cringe

did we even watch the same episode? he was the one good guy in a dystopian prison made by deranged maniacs

Even if that's your interpretation (and it's reaching hard to say that changing a bad system in any way makes you the good guy), where's the Hillary connection?

He was literally the evil Morty from season 1. The one that proved himself to be worse than Rick.

whole rick-morty dynamic in society reminded me of gender inequalities, so morty candidate was a stand-in for a female candidate

This is what I call a "Walt Disney moment"
Sure, you can run your business like a family/BFF club.
But friendship ends with money and if your BFFs can't afford basic stuff like healthcare, and your play dumb on these issues, don't act surprised when they mutiny against you.

he was smarter, not evil'er

It was a stand in for race relations and if anything he was a stand in for Obama (talks change but is more of the same, charismatically lying on campaign trail). And yeah like said he's literally called "evil morty" by the show creators and isn't meant to be the good guy.

I doubt he was all that friendly with them to begin with, this is giving him too much credit

I've always hated this the most about imageboards. I don't care about reddit and this needlessly contrarian attitude is pointless. I miss when gaia and digg were the bogeymen. I don't remember things being so bad back then.

if anything it displayed perfectly how any hierarchy works, "evil" morty is correct in playing the differences and sacrificing others because his actions are just individualist personification of how society behaves as a whole

I just said worse because he remote controlled his own Rick and used/tortured other Mortys. I don't know how to judge with so much variation between Ricks. I called him Evil Morty because that is his canon name.

Reddit is a more pathological boogieman because fucking everyone is on it. It's a normie platform in a way that gaia, digg, tumblr, and SA never were and so all the hatred and paranoia of normies gets compounded with hatred and paranoia of online outgroups

There are only two reasons why a Holla Forumsyp would hate the show, despite all the more obvious flaws, which they could utilised in well thought out posts, but can't because of their lack of intelligence.

1. Womyn writers (who replaced regular writers due to a union thing, so they should actually cheer for it)
2. muh fedora tipping (whenever they shit on it, they always 100% bring this up with a stupid strawman)
3. Reddit and Memey (despite Roiland being the only creator I can remind of, who is a confirmed channer)

…sure, and Obama was "correct" in the way he played his campaign (which is why he fucking won so much) and sacrificing his ideals and the people who helped his campaign. That doesn't make him the good guy either.

+in a way Evil Morty IS society

don't expect us to praise the show for being "leftist", then. Walt Disney is the biggest anti-communist there is.

I was gonna tell you to go back to Holla Forums like the falseflagging faggot you are, but I have a better idea. Do yourself and us a favor and neck yourself. Trust me it'll be way better for everyone who's ever interacted with you after you do

the only way top change the people is to change the game itself, as long as it cannot be done Evil Morty always wins

How is this not a critique of liberal democracy again?

Pretty sure the poster you're quoting would agree with you dawg

it is critique of hierarchy, not just liberal "democracy", ML gulag paradises or fascist banditry

The worst exploiters are the ones, who are buddy buddy with you.
Of course Roiland didn't "befriend" them because they were fine lads'n'lasses, and neither did Walt back then.
It didn't worked out, they unionised.

Oh I just mean with Roiland specifically he seems like the kind of dip that would demand absolute loyalty to his self-described genius who thinks that building a rapport, even a superficial one, is beneath him and that he deserves unwavering loyalty with nothing in return. Kind of like a mini-Musk

this bait is weak


rick and morty is pretty fuckin reddit tho

That's retarded though. Reddit has a less cohesive culture than even imageboards. You may as well say Rick and Morty is "pretty fucking twitter" or "pretty fucking facebook". Give concrete criticisms rather than fuel this "everything I don't like is reddit" meme.

i'm pretty confident that sociopath is just a perfectly normal human being that is simply at this moment of history a capitalist

Pot, meet kettle.

Haha oh wow

The Chad Socialist
The Virgin Tankie

It's not a shitpost
[Spoiler]but this might be, don't tell the mods[/spoiler]


Coming from someone who has never had a single social media account, I can tell you tat the people who cry "REDDIT" at everything are the ones from reddit.
Great episode. Especially loved the way the worker's anger was falsely appeased then used as a tool to promote further capitalism.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 Autism Level points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎

But in all seriousness, I liked that episode.

True, I've been on Reddit maybe twice in my life and get accused of "Reddit spacing"?

"reddit spacing" isn't bad by virtue of it being from reddit, it just describes a really obnoxious, newfaggy post formatting that also happens to be popular with reddit posters. if you reddit space but have never been to reddit you're still a gigantic newfag and your posts are still obnoxious to read

What a load of shit. It is a pretty mediocre show, but most of the chan hate is plain contrarianism.

No matter how you see it Royland is either saying whites are oppressed which is bullshit, or minorities are oppressed and they used their identity to get elected through sympathy, Reddit And Memey is the generic centrist alt right reddit show and you should fuckk off. Their Twitter uses the "🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧" meme for Christ's sake they are literally fucking /r/The_Donald.

I didn't really "get it", the evil Morty from S1 got elected by talking about the real issues, basically materialist leftist stuff, all the problems caused by capitalism without naming it "capitalism"…but once elected he turned out to be just another evil authoritarian, and probable fascist. So it was just saying that the system is self-correcting & that it's impossible to elect someone different? No matter how good a leader seems, being elected makes them just another shithead in the system?

It was a dig at Obama, who similarly got elected on a broad inspirational campaign with good rhetoric (also morty is obviously a stand in for african americans in the episode) but turned out to be just more of the same in the end

so yeah basically it's saying the system is self-correcting and attracts those types

I don't see why a Council of Ricks would opt for capitalism when they're smart enough to know of better systems.

at least some of em were smart enough to know how to get rid of it when it got out of hand

Whoa, source?

Outside of all the environment destroying stuff and the outside possibility of violent revolt irl, capitalism is obviously good for capitalists. If for some reason a group of ricks managed to install a hierarchy over the rest there's no motive for them to change to a different system.

/g/ is where faggots go when they can't handle the bantz on Holla Forums.

well how does Holla Forums feel about mr. robot?

Can't remember the last time it was discussed. Maybe you should make a thread. I'd assume disdain for the hamfisted attempts at representing free software.

and how to keep racking up profits afterwards

I don't think I'd ever rewatch Rick and Morty, but I do casually enjoy watching the new episodes.

I wouldn't/don't pay to watch it, so there's that too.

But capitalism throttles growth, Earth would be a K2 civilization harnessing all the resources of our solar system by now if not for capitalism sucking funding away from space exploration. This is a great contradiction of capitalism in that its one job (capital accumulation) its sucks at when compared to space. All the capital of Earth is a mere picante compared to productive potential of our solar system yet that would lead to over production as you are talking industrial production on a solar scale.

I never watched an episode because from the start it felt like randumb crap, but the other day someone posted this comic book and it's the fucking worst thing in forever, so I guess I'll never bother with the cartoon.




Did anyone notice how they had the lanyard morty who was trying to fact check, and was immediately fired. Show writers definitely listen to chapo.

I'd agree with the image except the whole sphere of morties being tortured, it was 1. not that violent, 2. explained in the episode that it was to hide rick's waveforms or whatever, and 3. meant to show how evil that particular rick was for taking it to the extreme.

lol no that was just a preface for the tyrannical overtaking in the name of an ideology that is only a farce for attaining power cliche, and I'm 100% sure they will do a 180 the next episode to show how what we have now "is the best system we have". It's uncreative centrist pandering that happens all the time in shows that supposedly satirize social issues, with the low hanging fruit being "well all sides are kinda bad" sort of conclusion, South Park did it better anyway (at least in the previous seasons). Just look at the Purge parody episode where the infighting and capitalism turned out to be just "human catfolk nature".

I really hate it how every nod at a leftist direction suddenly means there's some revolutionary message. It's not as bad as Holla Forums goggles where Star Wars is a Jewish plot or Legend of Zelda is a secret code for white supremacy, but at this pace it may as well get there.

This. I really "enjoyed" the part when killing bunch of deep state oligarchs, meant that his fascist dictatorship can begin. It's just hur durr our current regime might not be ideal, but it can do worse. And of course bunch of refugee Holla Forums liberals can not see ideology in that.

fuck off

i like rick and morty, but while the show did portray the citadel in a realistic class-based fashion, in the end

a) the person instigating all the socialist changes is an evil villain (and this is also done through elections)

b) the moral of the story is that rick, who went in atlantis to do whatever the fuck, was in the right. it promotes not caring about politics and petty-bourg hedonism as "the smart thing to do".

i do think the writers tend towards anarchism, but in the end they keep promoting the liberal ideal that smart people are "above politics" and "dont care".

he didn't fire them, he just went on a rant on the r&m subreddit because they unionized and demanded better working conditions

wtf you talking about, i spend my time between 3 european countries and most people i know in all 3 watch it

Watch the show, don't think I like it. This whole season so far has been dedicated to a kind of gleeful nihilism that I can't stand anymore. All the killing and suffering for the sake of the willed self grinds my gears.

fuck graduate high school already

are you kidding? the whole thing was orchestrated by the rich elites, that's why they put on robot suits and slaughtered them at the end.

if anything I think this episode showed how far gone modern politics really is. for all their good intention the Citadel elected the most evil guy because he was acting like a good guy. just like, well, nearly every politician.

Just what a punk sheltered hipster would say.


I don't like the female writers either. And I'm still not Holla Forums. Seriously, fuck off.

Well if you dislike them "because they're female"
or some other idpol, then you're as worthless as Holla Forums, lets hope that's not the case.

no u dumb shit. saying i like this show and they have female writers (which were hired to fire their previous writers who unionized) doesn't make you a non pollack.

I heard somewhere that one of the creators was a left anarchist.

Yeah, and in the end the peasants just kill each other anyway because of strawman socialism

one of them is a certified hillary voter, the other is the "i hate unions" guy

prolly some of the writing staff leans that way

At the very end they struggle to come up with a new MoP and a peasant character says he'd be willing to facilitate trade "for a cut", highly suggesting they'll return to capitalism.

You can't find sources on these easily, as most companies prefer to keep this stuff under a rug. But you can deduce what happens from the few infos that actually make through in public.

While it is celebrated as some sort of success in the end it wasn't since they were all fired. They just took the list and kicked them all out, which was the reason, why there was a hiatus between season 2 and 3.

Roiland made a rant, yes. But Harmon is the showrunner. Don't mix these two up.

I keep looking for sly references to House of Cosby's in R&M but so far I've only been disappointed.

ye i know, bad wording. i cant find any info on the firing though, can you provide some credible link?

I call shenanigans, be honest are those people outliers as far as taste goes.


they are the average uni student, same demo that watches r&m in murka

i knew of it from Holla Forums since s01, but here it really got popular during the s02 hiatus. i was surprised when we managed to get 5-6 ppl together to watch it every week cause during s01 no one knew about it

Without knowing more about the content and context of what Roiland wrote and about The Animation Guild itself I feel the need to withhold judgement because he might be right.

The workers obviously should have the right to organize and demand improved working conditions but not all unions are the same and it seems like fewer and fewer these days are actually interested in improving the lot of the workers. Like the Nurse's Union whose leadership officially endorsed Hillary when the rank and file supported Bernie, or the endless litany of bullshit that the UAW pulls with its dwindling membership.

But at the same time, Roiland might just be a greedy shitbag that wants to exploit his workers to the utmost and is throwing a tantrum over it, but without knowing more I don't believe that this is enough to substantiate an informed opinion. Especially until I take a look at

and see something more substantial.

So all speculation then. Not that it couldn't very well be true, but I'd prefer more than speculation. Did they actually replace their entire writing staff (by firing the original staff first) between season 2 and 3? That needs to be established first.

Stop, that kind of gratuitous violence goes non stop in that show. Each episode is only 22 mins and it's violent throughout.

rick and morty is gay af


I guess the tastes of Europe have changed. The only other thing I can think of is that the cartoon has an exotic flavor to europoors unfamiliar with burger culture.

What's wrong with you?

wtf you talking about user? most european culture is essentially us culture, most tv is us trash tv copies, most people watch hollywood blockbusters etc. the uk for example is literally a clone of the us

Wow did not know this. Makes sense, it appeals to the same downwardly mobile white sheltered suburbanite failson Chapo does.
When I think about it Chapo is Reddit too.

What planet are u from my nigger

People who worked on season 1 and 2 no longer appear in season 3.
Those were also people who got in the union.
I tried to get the list, called them up and stuff, but they said it's a privacy thing, one implied they were under gag order, so I assume something spacy went on behind the scenes.


great argument

t. Ursula Le Guin

What happens when Rick and Morty travel to the Star Trek-like dimension of fully-automated luxury communism? How do you think they'll portray it?

They use the Jewish Echo (the ((parentheses)) ) ironically. A lot of liberal celebrities started doing this in "solidarity" with Jews. Rick and Morty ain't comrades or anything but for fuck's sake get your facts straight idiot.

Irony is dead, if anything can be ironic nothing is.

It's not just space either. Any field that requires a lot of up-front investment and won't yield results for at least one quarter (i.e. the business cycle) is going to require some visionary/autist/crazy person to go against the grain. Of course after the fact capitalist ideology will appropriate their efforts as an inspiring story about the triumph of the market.

Read the rest of the fucking post. It's a liberal virtue signal responding to the alt right meme.

I know mate, just having a laugh. Cool your nipples comrade.

Why does everything need an argument? I'm asking why anyone would care one way or the other if the writers are men or women?


Rick and Morty leaked script confirmed.

Except they strongly imply that not caring about the Citadel is going to bite them in the ass when Evil Morty restores it to power.

Who gives a fuck what's between their legs. What matters is the current writers are virtually scabs who replaced the old team after they demanded better conditions.

Dan Harmon clearly has lefty friends because I've heard him talk about class and capitalism before, but he's obviously very conflicted about it because he's pretty bourgeois himself. I get the impression from other stuff I've seen him cameo in that he wants to be "one of the good ones" instead of the stereotypical cold ruthless corporate type. Roiland I'm pretty sure is a lolbert.

To be fair, whether or not the union was representing the workers' interests, animators across the board get the short end of the stick in the industry. This is true from budget anime to CGI-riddled Hollywood blockbusters.

Because right-wingers love to exploit the "let's have a debate" liberals in order to push their ideas under the guise of legitimate argument. Contrapoints can be cringeworthy but this video is a pretty accurate portrayal of how that shit often goes.

orwell is a right-winger anti-marxist that worked for the british secret service

entertainment culture is

ye true, but it is the general tendency of the show to promote not caring as the smart thing to do. it's essentially petty-bourg existentialism, and the attitude of most leftcoms and anarchists today.

wasn't harmon responsible for the whole union deal? plus he did vote hillary, no one with a semblance of class consciousness would. i believe some of the writing staff could be sneaking in the class themes, but roiland and harmon are probably not class-conscious or well-read on the subject. they aren't even consistent themselves, like for example the miniverse episode did metaphorically imply surplus value withholding is slavery, but i dont think the main guys are the one that wrote that one in.

can anyone provide a link to the whole "firing of half the staff" claim?

Nope. That's what Rick does but the show makes a point to show that's a problem. In the season premiere they have Morty showing Summer the universe he came from and how fucked up it is. Hell, the next episode is going to be a clip show of experiences Morty has had that were so bad he got Rick to make him forget and the obvious conflict being set up there is Morty realizing that he can't just run away from those experiences and forget like Rick does.

And as for Harmon and Roiland, no obviously they're not well read on the subject. Harmon has his own show Harmontown though and he periodically brings up class in a context and tone that makes it clear he has class-conscious friends who talk to him about this stuff and make him feel uncomfortable and guilty and he doesn't know how to resolve it.

The Morty that won the presidency in Citadel of Ricks is the evil Morty, you can see at the end pictures of him with the patch on the eye. He just used populist bullshit to get in power, he didn't kill the "bourgeois" Ricks because he believes in leftist ideals, but because he wanted full control, probably to exert revenge. His Rick is also a robot, so yeah, it was all his plan.

As always, you've been sold a dictatorship (aka: not real socialism) thinly veiled with socialist ideals.

The episode isn't leftist because a "good leftist" won, it was leftist because the election was a sham to begin with that just facilitates increasingly authoritarian smooth-talkers (like morty) to slide into power with just more of the same

Yeah, you're right, I'm just trying to train myself not to grab onto a narrative just because I want to believe it rather than because the evidence supports it. It's tricky in circumstances like this where you've got he-said-she-said shit going on.



It looks like though the Union was doing what it was supposed to though and J&D's story doesn't really hold up.

The guy specifically said he served you fucking retard


the shows writers specifically said about that episode something along the lines of "the moral here is to just not think about it" in some behind the scenes video

take your meds

Whether they intended it or not doesn't matter. What happens in the fiction does. And behind-the-scenes is all marketing bullshit. I've seen some of those videos and a couple blatantly contradict what's happening in the show.

Put your flag back on trot, you're not fooling anyone


which like i said, makes me believe not all writing stuff has the same take on the story and most of the leftist innuendo is probably sneaked in by someone from the rest of the writing staff

I'm seeing a lot of talk on Holla Forums about this.
Apparently they're noticing it too.

wow what an asshole :^)

are you stupid m8 its a very fucking clear representation of modern police

they pretend to be your friends and understanding but then kill you first opportunity

the episode nailed how cops are all fucking scum

its a play on how the police convince that black people are their own murderers

Holy shit you guys actually are eating each other.
I just looked at nerve center to see whats going on and Holla Forums is fucking doing this shit

If the show pisses rightist faggots off, its good.

You have shit taste. Seriously. This thread is an embarrassment.

Senile Orwell ratted out Stalinist so you mad?

You apparently don't know how the left works.


I don't even know what you're talking about.
As far as I know the left eat each other while talking about Rick and Morty.

This. Disregarding the fact that the show is shit, and like South Park in the way it just tries to keep people complacent and apathetic. the behind the scenes show how scummy these people are.

Shilled by who?
There's multiple threads like this.
Have another boards.4chan.org/co/thread/95261694#p95271358

u wot m8?

anybody that thinks Orwell wasn't a socialist gets the bullet

trot trash like i said. at least put your shitpost flag on like the anarkiddies do so your posts are flagged for garbage

This is the 21st century, every television channel can afford to pay online shills to shill their shit. It's cheap and efficient.

pfppfpfpppt you don't even know what board I'm from. But you guys must also be newfags for falling for easy bait.

By shills working for Time Warner, the SOPA-loving owner of the newtork Reddit and Maymay are metastasizing on?

I didn't even mention the cop subplot. I was talking about the security guards in the candy factory.

The smugfaggotry, dogwhistly, masturbatory reaction pix, and the fact that you're a newfag calling others newfags

no, anyone who says "stalinism" non-ironically is either a liberal, a trot or some other mutation of trotskyism (bordigist etc). no serious marxist uses the term "stalinism", and anarkiddies shit on marxism in general so they don't use the term "stalinism" either.

you can't hide trot. put your shitpost flag on now

I get to be smug cause you get giving me your (you)'s

The only people who have a problem with "stalinism" are the Stalinist retards who think "Marxism-Leninist" is a coherent ideology rather than an phony set of excuses for Stalin's betrayals of the revolution.

wew lad. like i said, put your flag on.

Prove it my man

Trotsky was a retard in his own special ways.

link above. he worked for british intelligence, giving them lists of communists.

are you shitposting with that flag or are you for real?

wow good thing since you've won at fuckall else lol

I never shitpost, that linl doesnt prove shit

I heard you the first damn time, fuck off lol

I'm not the same person as btw

Figured out Holla Forums nobody can read or understand a new idea.
Later nerds.
Give my (you)'s to the post below me.

I don't dislike the new writers because they're female, I dislike them because they're liberal, and almost ruined the show before it got better at S3E5. That was where their influence seemed to stop.

capitalists aren't a united organization like the communist international was. there were however periods before capitalism's global hegemony, like say the american revolution, where betraying the capitalists did make you a feudalist.

you're too illiterate to even realize where the bullshit you spout hails from. wouldn't expect more from an internet leftist



See this shit? You respond to this over

A person trying to have a discussion. Your killing your own board by responding to baitposts. Get focused.

you're not the king of conversation, I'll respond to who I like, also fuck you for bumping this dogshit thread.

fuck rick and morty I miss moral orel

why are you sperging out this hard? i simply called you out for being a trot, it seems even trots don't like being called trots.

communism was united into the comintern. after the revolution, the party set democratic centralism as it's means of decision making. tl;dr, we discuss shit and all opinions are heard until a decision is made, but once its made we all abide by the majority's will. trotsky split from the party because the majority favoured stalin, and proceeded to make intra-party factions despite the party having already decided in a previous congress that intra-party factions weren't allowed.

when this became known, he got expelled along with his supporters. but even he didn't spout this "stalinism wasn't socialism" meme, but critiqued stalin's politics as bureaucratic. It was trotsky's supporters (like kliff) and revisionist fractions of communist parties that split after 91 (like the fractions of the communist party of greece) that created the "stalinism" meme.

the same meme is used by the eu as propaganda to equate nazism to communism, and all the propaganda about "muh 20 zillions" stalin killed is part of the package. if you had actually bothered to do research, you'd know that classic examples like the katyn "massacre" or the "holodomor" were nothing more than goebbelsian and mccarthian propaganda. these things are more relevant now than ever, because nazism is heavily rising in europe today and whitewashing nazism goes hand in hand with defaming socialism. just look at the "victims of communism" conference held by the government of estonia for example.

So yes, the people who spout capitalist propaganda without even knowing where the terms they're using come from are illiterate. and yes, most trotskyist fractions went to split even further and most famous trots ended up openly supporting capitalism, take for example the us trots or the greek archeiomarxists.

and the funny thing is, even when trotsky was alive his critique was shit. i'm gonna upload here the scanned transcriptions of a debate held in 1946, between the communist party of greece and 3 trotskyist parties. in the end, the crown (comprised 50% trots 50% m-ls) voted that the kke won on all 5 points of the debate. it's in greek though, but someone you know might be able to translate some passages for you

Imagine being this guy

I'm not talking about the thread itself, I'm talking about the comments seeing the overtones.
You know that right?

yes clearly it is I and not you that lacks self-awareness
keep saying that like you either have evidence or think you can make it true by repeating it enough
no it wasn't. A lot of organizations split from it when Stalin started fucking shit up.
Keep reasserting your unsupported claim and then posting essays about it, people are just dying to read more, my intelligent, heterosexual friend.

I would prefer not to.

you're not even a trot, most of them have opened at least a book or 2

amazing discourse user. care to elaborate on your idiotic sentiment with some proof?

what unsupported claim you mongoloid? can you not comprehend what i wrote?

you must be a shitposter, there's no way anyone who's this retarded and at the same time this sure he's right exists

Now I understand why this place has an abnormally high UID count, it's not just bots, it's tourists like me.

Now I understand why this place has an abnormally high UID count, it's not just bots, it's salt tourists.

For fuck's sake you autists, stop trying to find American parallels with the story. They just took the strange uniqueness of the Citadel to its logical conclusion. Also the Evil Morty pulled a Papa Doc, not a Hillary Clinton or Bernie or whatever it is you're all continuing to grasp at straws for for the next hundred posts.

a) Notice that evil morty drive was against those that were "feeding on the citadels death" and that they were outnumbered. The problems he describes aren't solved but rather blamed on this "other". The citadels society was collapsing and he played the classical Fascist trope of blaming the hidden "saboteur" in the ranks that needs to be weeded out. He portrays the Citadel as a great thing that needs to be protected.

oh look, some people disagree, it so terrible

holly fuck, that why Holla Forums it so terrible


i stopped watching the show after the mcdonalds sauce episode got mainstream and normies started to get autistic. i watched it before it was cool.

spirited debate only makes the left stronger

Especially that stupid ass furry world where they murder each other and it takes them less than a minute to go from revolution to status quo.
I fucking hate people who complain about postmodernism, and Reddit and Meme makes me want to write a Jacobin article about how postmodernism is killing us all.

So b-basically this episode was all about an outdated moral message on ra*burp*cism wherein white supremacy is openly applied everywhere while blacks are depicted a-a-as *burp* cowardly guilt-tripping criminals.
Yeeeeeeah no fucking way. It's a nice episode but get real the moral me*burp*ssage is clearly racial in tone and does not fit this decade.
[insert incoming bullshit complaints on reddit-tier usage of meme a*burp*rrows and shit-tier rick roleplay here]

the redditor begins to chuckle
the redditor laughs out loud, spewing Cheetoh crumbs all over his desk
the redditor can hardly contain his full bellied laughter as chortles begin to fill the room
The redditor starts convulsing on the floor, gasping for air between spasms of laughter
the redditor’s heart explodes and he dies

Quit describing 100% of Holla Forums and pushing it all on Reddit.

yeah but at least we don't shill for discontinued McNugget toppings

So your b-biggest complaint about Rick and Morty as a show is that it made a *burp*meme out of some u-u-ultra tiny piece of capitalism? You s-s-sound like the people who argue marx*burp*ist reviews are just as fair and unbiased as normal reviews.

This comment was sponsored by McDonalds.

Ooooow, that burned me like a large carton of *burp* freshly made fries you can b-buy now for as low a-a-a-as $1.89 at your local McBullshit Conspiracies. This comment was sponsored by my *burp* ass.

A rick and morty thread filled with over 280 replies, Holla Forums bait, people going paranoid over Holla Forums, autistic sectarianism debate, idpol derailing and everyone calling eachother redditors even tho most of you are closet reddit.
If lenin saw this thread his book would be called what is not to be done.

Hey Rick, if you're so smart, why haven't you killed the bourgeoisie and helped us overthrow capitalism? If it's because you don't care, why do you not care? What have you seen in the infinite multiverse that's convinced you that the leftist struggle is futile, if that's the case?

because it's the one that you're trying to get me to eat?

G-governments are for people too weak to handle anarchy. Au*burp*tarky is the only exception. Also with an infinite number of u-universes how do you expect me to kill an infinite number of bourgeoisie? That's *burp* impossible!

Don't knock it 'til you try it. S-s-s-some turds are *burp* tastier than others.

t. Reginald

What went wrong with Rick and Morty

He's right you know? Everyone gotta take care of their own 'problem'.


I've seen that ep, they were describing capitalism in that scene and saying it sounded like slavery, they even joked about it. Jesus.

Issue 29, Page 17 of the Rick and Morty Comic books. Checkmate, Rick and Morty Haters.

I've seen 1 episode of this and holy shit it sucks.
12 yo masturbatory fantasies. All the time it's just rick yelling random shit (penguin of doom tier) and morty being the butt of the jokes. Wow so original. The art is so bad my dick didn't get hard for days after seeing it, morty has 1 expression (concerned) and rick maybe 2 more. The colors are even worse than your cheap b-tier shitty anime, it's worse than newground flash animations, everything is stiff and fake. Also seriously the voice of morty is so damn annoying I wanted to tear my ears off. Never stopped a show at 1st episode but this is garbage, I mean anyone who is more than 18 yo and thinks this is something more than very cheap entertainment has a very distorted and simplicistic vision of art, you people can't seriously watch this shit and think "this is good entertainment, I am not being treated like an idiot, this is thought-challenging"

The comic isn't like the show though.

You dropped your hat my dude.

hey Time Warner fire your shill he sucks ass at his job and wastes your money and our perfectly good doubledubs

No faggot, you're a fedora tipper because you think that a cartoon has to be high art for people to enjoy it.
You realize that you're talking about a TV pilot, right? Do you know what a pilot is?

you know you're arguing with two different people right?

Damn this

It's aired on airwaves that belong to the public but being used for profit, porky has made Billions in it, so not exactly a tiny piece of capitalism.

what did I even read

To be fair, you have to have a very high Autism Level to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools… how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 Autism Level points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

I'm leaving this board forever.

Unstickied. No idea who did it.

probably whoever the new mods are.

If you're going to throw a tantrum over something like this then maybe you should.

I'm one of the new mods, no idea how many others there are

I did it

Actually it was me. Fuck the mod oligarchy a*burp*archy on the Internet!

take the brown pill.

Too late already took the green pill.

Let's save the thread.
Here's a Zero Books video about Rick & Morty.

Also, do we really have animation series taking the "leftypol" path? We MUST have something like this going on?

no that's the brown pill

Star vs the Forces of Evil

Damn, savage takedown

Not any that I can remind of.
There is royalist dicksucking, especially in the USA, which is strange, since America was never a monarchy to begin with. Yet princesses tend to be protags and monarchs are depicted as just and kind rulers most of the time.
Then we have the fact that most working class people are depicted as absolute idiots. Especially the male ones in a sitcom.
And finally most protags seem to be growing up in wealthy suburbs. The only cartoon that actually strays from that is Hey Arnold.

So then, the writer of this fucking abomination here happens to be an indie gaming darling, writer of massively overhyped and shilled Firewatch.

Now he's filing DMCAs against Pewdiepie's videos about Firewatch because he's protesting racism or some shit. One journo, impartial as they always are, has deleted his Steam account in further protest against Pewdiepie.

Oh yeah, technically the brownnosing journo deleted his account because Valve won't act against Firewatch being review-bombed for dev faggotry. But every damn time I visit Steam, there's a new measure in place to help games get their ratings up.

Who the hell cares.

this lmao

post of the year all year every year


Moot point. What matters is, clique devs are utter cunts.

Can you imagine how much of a sick burn it would be if Rick finally completes his story arc, gets the sauce and thinks it tastes like shit
I hope that's what they're going for, otherwise it sounds like consumerist tie in trash


Good, bring out the popcorn.

I'll be disappointed if there isn't something to that effect. That episode already pointed out that they weren't in a memory and so Rick could make things however he wanted. He could have just made the sauce taste good as a bit. And honestly what is more likely:
Harmon is mega autistic and will get extremely bent out of shape over dumb bullshit and take his response farther than it needs to go.

Xavier Renegade Angel is a better show anyways ,to be honest.

What am I if I fucking love communism, want revolutionary change in economic substructure to a futuristic, cooperative society as soon as possible, and want the left to engage in efficient, effective class war strategy that brings about this revolution as soon as fucking possible?