RIP Salvador Allende

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Always in our hearts user

His soul was too pure for this world.


Rest in power, one of the greatest men from latin america, Allende is wht it could have been, fuck Nixon and fuck Pinoshit

His last speech before the coup got to the palaceā€¦ he knew exactly who was sabotaging Chile




I have no image for this

There was a Time when I believed reform and goodwill among the working masses could change things for the better. Allende championed a peaceful revolution. While it was noble and his fall a bitter pill to swallow let us learn from his martyrdom. The Capitalist class will not listen to reasonable voices and will not relinquish it's power willingly.

And the CIA, still not named aloud as one of the biggest criminal organizations ever deviced.


reminder that rightists find his murder hilarious, that they worship the assorted human garbage who orchestrated and committed it, and that they continue to ridicule the many victims through pathetic helicopter jokes. that's what kind of people our enemies are. let that sink in, and remember allende's words when some coward tells you to be "moderate" or that you're "too extreme"

What the fuck does this even mean?

RIP. He was truly a pioneer of cybernetic capitalism.

F Sweet Prince


Fuck, comrades. You got me keeping down tears in the train.

dont you mean cybernetic socialism?

Rest in pepperonis, never forget how Pinoshit didn't get the economy on track until he kicked the cuckago boys out and went full keynesian
honestly, what were you expecting when you disarm the populace

He was truly a great man.

Reminder, and every Allende praiser here is likely completely unaware of these facts, that Allende was a compromiser, disarmer, suppressor and destroyer of the actual radical workers' movements in Chile existent in his time. And that, even though Allende was clearly the lesser evil for the proletariat versus Pinochet, your ignorance on these facts is the product of a large effort of left-historicisation of the events in Chile that is supposed to make you unaware about these much more (actually) radical workers' movements, and that the Allende narrative is largely one made to make you supportive or sympathetic of other red hued anti-worker entities that sensationalised Allende for this purpose, like the USSR and Cuba; to make you play the age old Cold War game of anti-Americanism vs. Americanism which both beligerents there peddled.

Read PDF related; a situationist group's perspective on the matters, bringing up facts about Allende you'll never hear from his sensationalisers, and cannot hear from the dead revolutionary workers' corpses he was responsible for.

Can't press F hard enough. I applaud his efforts and hope we can all learn from them. Gonna put up flyers around campus today.

Rest in piss America

one of the few good demsocs


Reminder that they also killed Victor Jara after torturing him for 5 days.

Based Victor Jara ;_;

Post YFW you realise Salvador Allende literally translates to "Saviour Allende"

Always a bit painful to take the blackpills that situationists and ultra-leftists drop but you are right that only the spontaneous self-organization of workers in councils and militias can be revolutionary, and left-wing capitalists, reformers and vanguardists of all stripes are counter-revolutionary.

that's what you got when you reject the armed option


That looks interesting.

F ;_;

Too good for this gay Earth.

Don't know much about Allende. Did he abolish private property or genuinely intend to do so? How many anti-socialist comprises did he make? Did the coup have any notable support in the population?

No, like every other "vanguard" he disarmed and frustrated the actual workers' movement, including dismantling their councils. I guess that's why Bolshevik types like him so much, he repeated the same mistakes as Lenin did.

I want everybody to remember Chile when someone says kekistani lolberts don't deserve to get beaten and maced. It's the very least of what they deserve

revisionists pls.

Hey, this is the second time I see something similar. What's with it?

Dont't forget his german general bro was murdered by the CIA

Pinotrash also murdered Pablo Neruda


GMIL is so stupid what the fuck is this even trying to say?



Is that Sargon in the middle?

Theoretically, abolishing private property within a liberal democracy was the goal. God only knows how he ever hoped to achieve it. He probably intended to just go step by step,reform by reform, while hoping that at some point the line would be crossed would the need of a revolutionary discontinuity. The naivety of youth.