How do we start producing for need? What does it take to get there and do it?
Production for need as opposed to bullshit "socialist commodity production"
How do we start producing for need? What does it take to get there and do it?
Producing for need is the habit of animals. Man creates because he can.
eh fuck it, why can't i buy shit because i want it and not because i need it? Every human wants a little extra sometimes
I would think that production for need is the first priority, especially during time of crisis. Wouldn't you agree?
are we in a time of crisis?
No, we are about to be.
Abolish money
How do you abolish money? Does the abolition of money not rest on already abolished structures? Without the necessary structures, money would be a useless commodity.
I'm thinking that you either regress back to private property and commodity production or use what would paradoxically seem like a structureless society as a system during crisis. The former reverts back to capitalism, the latter necessates a communist society. My question then is, how do we use the new system (that which necessates production for need) in place without regressing back to the old one?
Probably something that would come about naturally due to technological progress.
How do you know what the needs are?
Production for need doesn't mean producing only the things necessary for human survival but producing things for the sole purpose of human consumption, rather than for exchange of capital. Human needs includes entertainment and all the other seemingly useless things we make like decorations etc. We shall make video games in a socialist mode of production for the sole purpose of our entertainment. Same goes for movies and other forms of media.
They will decide when to make a crisis
How illiterate are you? The distinction is between production for exchange, i.e. because it makes a profit when sold on the market, versus production for use, i.e. because it has actual human utility regardless of how much profit you could get from it. Having something produced because humans want it IS production for use.
It's not our job to talk about the specifics OP, that'd be utopian.
Production for need is a necessity of abolishing private labour. Think about it - when you own means of production, you only ever use it to produce something useful to you, if we ignore the possibility you produce to exchange.
Therefore if means of production are owned commonly by society, society will only use it to produce stuff that is useful to society. On such a scale, exchange is impossible, as exchange is only a way to link together the private producers of a society.
Hope this helps.
Depends on your definition, I guess. From a POV of pure physics, every single moment is one of crisis, I guess. From a POV of capitalism, every single moment is one of crisis but but which someone stands to profit from.
pic related
Is this from some tabletop RPG?
decentralized direct democracy
there’s nothing wrong with utopianism. If the Bolsheviks knew exactly what to do post-revolution, the USSR would still exist today.
i'm more and more thinking that we should all seriously consider the nature of social planning that is to take place among communists
Wasn't that a big issue from the start tho? I guess I didn't understand your statement.