Just survived a terrorist attack in Vancouver WA

Just survived a terrorist attack in Vancouver WA

Alt-right is using cars as weapons now

About a yard away from it when it happened.

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do provide details, user

Inb4 leftist false flag

Elaborate please.

pics or it didn't happen

search for it on twitter, dumbass

Take a photo of the scene

how long ago was tthis?


what was Antifa protesting? what were they doing to protest?

We got truck of peace'd

lol at some point they're going to make themselves so hated that antifa will be able to kill them indiscriminately


This happened hours ago liar

so the body count is 0?
why is the anime right so bad at terror compared to the islamic right?

lol you're retarded. the media will just skew the whole thing and blame the left again, just like they did when the wealthy autist in chancellorsville literally plowed 20 people.
if antifa tries killing indiscriminately it will just become a death crime to be a leftist. mark my words.

Something tells me the person you're replying to isn't being as serious as you're taking him


Kids shoot each other every day in the glorious republic of Freedomstan. Everyone right of center has fantasized about running over protesters. Nearly won't even make the news.

Sounds like self defense to me.

You deserve hurricanes

found the incident they manufactured to justify it, and the reason my father and friend will both say 'hurr both siedz is bad XD durrr'
Anybody see jackshit for evidence of damage on the truck? Andbody know where theyd keep rocks laying around in the middle of a city for no reason?

fucking pigs and chodeboys 69ing again


Yeah, only one person got hurt. Imagine being so incompetent that you can't even kill anyone in a crowd with a two-ton vehicle.


Somebody kicked the truck like 20 mins earlier, but there was no damage aside from that until he tried to mow through us.

And this is why you should throw the trash cans in the street.

Caltrops and spike strips.

Western rightwingers end up being the same shit as Islamist rightwingers? Really fiddles my faddle.

"Fascists try to kill them in every country they are in, don't you think that maybe they do something to deserve it?"

guy looks like a methhead like Stickcuck

I'm glad that alt-right / neonazis / KKK / etc are mostly fucking idiots. Let them hang themselves. Hopefully the feds go after them hard. Their event we were protesting was probably 20% proud boys and none of them covered their faces because they're, uh, proud and "not cowards"

"Upon this, one has to remark that men ought either to be well treated or crushed, because they can avenge themselves of lighter injuries, of more serious ones they cannot; therefore the injury that is to be done to a man ought to be of such a kind that one does not stand in fear of revenge."
t. machiavelli

we bomb Syria every single day when they do nothing to deserve it and nobody gives a fuck.

Why should anyone care if fascists get shot then?

Fuck caltrops. You will hurt random people with those. If you're going to do area denial do it responsibly.

Sooo the nazi who tried to run us over wasn't even arrested…

He was doxxed and his plate number was revealed (oregon yty 031)

Since cops didn't deliver everyone else in that left state will.

Soon he's gonna be hiding behind a safe space of bodyguards until he fucks off to some other safe space of his that he calls a right wing toilet of a state.

This is where he works and gets parts for more right-wing terrorist Fischer price toys, btw.

great happenings

btw, i always see some maoists or whatever from austin and some other group from kansas city walking around with automatic rifles

why isn't there class warfare going on and what will it take to get usa in that stage? a full blown war with russia or china? invasion of iran?

I read that he was arrested. And that he hit a cop car.

He was allegedly detained and let go. The guys who hit the cop car were the proud boys who had pepper-spraying the protesters (and had also been detained without arrest prior to hitting the car).