Atheists and Leftism

Seriously, why don't atheists worship this guy? He did everything that atheists, especially the more radical New Atheists of the Dawkins-Hitchens variety have ever dreamed of doing. He created the world's first atheist state and, no, I don't mean a state-atheist country (even Mexico once had that) I'm talking about a state where the propagation of religion was outlawed.

I always see the atheists hand-waiving about communism "No, we don't want to repress anyone, Stalin and Mao killed people because they were communists not atheists" but when will people in what remains of the skeptic community just embrace it? Not only are our arguments™ better but it seems clear to me that we can't get rid of religion until we get rid of capitalism. A good number of people are gonna need some kind of "opium of the masses" ** in addition to real opium to get through their day to day lives and as such atheism in capitalist society can only be a program of harm-reduction. Certain states with high-atheist populations such as East Germany (formerly communist) and some Nordic and East Asian nations seem like the exception to the rule.

Kraut and Tea has turned against the Alt-Right and Dusty Smith turned against Trump prior to his election. Now, BPS has a new video up trashing atheism and reactionaries on the chans seem to be going full-Christcuck/pagancuck. I can't help but see a break coming but that break will really come at the cost of Hitchens-Dawkins legacy who tried to pronounce a message of radical atheism combined with a status-quo attitude towards capitalist Western society.

What do you guys think?

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Because if there isn't a religious majority than edgy atheists can be smug anymore.

Sadly, it's because most fedoras are right-libertarian or conservative. Try to convince them of the merits of socialism/communism and you'll be met with biological reductionist arguments and about how socialism is irrational (because for some reason, left-wing ideologies are viewed as moralistic or idealistic among Randian types).

There are people who unironically think this is a bad thing.

Most nu-atheists are "let's have the debate" liberals who want to constantly argue about shit. You can't tell everyone Muslims are going to rape your kids if all the Muslims are dead.

Hoxhaism is amazing.

This is the most terrifying thing. There are people who think making clergy get a real job and taking vast properties and converting them for public use is a bad thing.

wtf i love hoxha now?


Hoxha is underrated

What went wrong?



Why? Because he got on board with the Christianity meme?

He's cool and your right very underrated. I'm not an atheist but I'm definitely not religious. Hoxhas good people as far as I'm concerned.

Hoxha is the only tankie I like. He truly did nothing wrong. Everyone should show this pic to anti-theists when they ask what should be done about backwards religious countries, the answer is obviously full Hoxhaism.

He did those spooked ingrates a great service, true altruist that one.

the whole point of marxists theory is that economic relations form the basis upon all other institutions of society are built. it's pointless to suppress religion when it would naturally end in a post-class communist society, and banning it does nothing to further the communist goal, since it's putting the cart before the horse. it's dumb shit based on a poor understanding of theory. hoxha was no genius, that's for sure.

no it's smart shit based on knowing that theory is full of shit

Nice try, get in the fucking sack.

no u

Kinda Also, thinking being "anti-theist" means anything and doesn't still amount to being ideologically entrapped as well as how the whole premise of being "anti-theist" a wholly un-marxist idea
