now we'll just have Zuckerberg instead, it looks like nothing has improved.
I doubt she means it
Holla Forums stop trying, go FAQ yourself
Does this mean she's gotten fed up with the patriarchal electoral process?
Can we have her as a revolutionary leader now?
Are there unironic anarcofem on this board and irl? What do they belive in? I never understood this.
The Zucc isn't a candidate either
In the realm of possibility, gentlemen.
it's a flag used by Holla Forumsacks and Holla Forumsacks only
Hillary dies in 1 year.
Neh, it's also used for shitposting.
Are you such a retard you can't do a search on the internet?
I almost thought she died. F you OP for teasing me like that.
Hillary attempted military coup incoming.
She realized her human skin suit was falling apart.
Forgive me for being skeptical
This, it's a flounce and like everything she does, it's a wooden delivery
Flag is mostly there so we can spot the tards. Like with the windmill of friendship and tolerance flag or tripcodes.
The military wouldn't follow her into water.
If there's ever to be a coup, it's Bannon shitposting at Steve Mnuchin from his keyboard at Breitbart
Precisely, hence 'attempted'. She'd be in front of a firing squad at Fort Leavenworth in a week.
Ready for the Hildawg campaign slogan?
I hope she gives up breathing as well.
I unironically believe she will attempt a coup. Barbell guy about to get 1-up'd.