What is his problem?
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literally who
rasputin is nazbol?
Why are Russians so crazy lol
This tbh. Also, he set out to create a new political system that would both synthesize and transcend Liberalism, Socialism, and Fascism, but all that came out was pretty much Fascism.
Too stuck on tradition. Other than that okay. Best work was in the early 90s
Say what you want about Dugin, but he has a cool beard.
wtf I’m a Duginist now.
right-“libretarians” don’t understand Dugin. youtube.com
Wtf, did this guy just call Syriza a Nazbol group? What did he mean by this?
I mean, and some other people in assert that Asserism is basically Democratic Confederalism, so if they're accurate then kinda?
Well, the first, and most obvious difference, is that Communalists, and pretty much all Leftists besides Nazbols, don't want to create a white ethnostate. Also, most Leftists aren't as spooked about race in general the way Right and Left identitarians in general are.
It never ceases to amaze me how this board tolerates nazbols and duginites. Dugin isn't even a leftist; he's a traditionalist, of the same ilk as evola. The Fourth Political Theory is traditionalism. It is pretty much as far-right as you can get. National bolshevism is turd positionism, which is a kind of fascism and has historically been the useful idiot wing for getting outright fascists into power. Furthermore, the whole le irony meme is utter bullshit, and anyone who has read Angela Nagle knows that irony is how the far-right is cloaking its ideas contemporarily. This shit is garbage, and if the mods and BO want this to be a leftist board, they should remove it.
Convincing people that private ownership is bad is easier when you don't have to convince them simultaneously that what they think of as their community is without value
Plus being radically anti-sectarian is one of the best things about this board
Considering that straight up Holla Forumsyps shit up the board constantly with near impunity you may as well let turd position/4pt types post
Most Nazbols aren't etho-nationalist. Spirit and Soil take priority over blood. Have you even read the theory.
it shouldn't have to be that way tbh
The guy penned the most relevant Nazbol theoretical works, once a Nazbol always a Nazbol
tbh as a nazbol I like a lot of what bookchin says.
I’m a civic nationalist, not an ethno nationlist.
The worst fringe of Holla Forums considers Richard Spencer to be a duginist / nazbol shill and therefore a leftist plant.
Seems to me like nazbol is the all-encompassing label for all sorts of disillusioned and confused people.
repressed homosexuality