How many of you have actually read capital?


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I haven't but in my defense I have a huge reading list and I did make sure to read some of Marx's works that deal with economics instead of just the manifesto.
Wage Labour and Capital and Value, Price and Profit are pretty informative

I tried once. Got to the commodity fetishism bit and got bored.

Yes it's required reading and you simply cannot call yourself a Marxist if you have not read it.

i'm on the first page

First work by a communist I ever read near the end of my 2nd year of college. Read it twice in a year. One has to be seriously mentally deficient to think this work is challenging, it's analytically simple and the only things that begin to confuse are reading about it from spergs who don't know how to write introductions nor explanations of finer points.

If I had never been told about dialectics by every moronic article I would never have considered chapter one anything unique other than that it was one of the most solid arguments I had encountered simply because the argument flowed in structure (except for the LTV) so solidly.

ive read the first and currently reading the second

I have. But tbh capital, manifesto and gotha are the only things I've read from him. I've read a lot of lenin and stalin, never touched trotsky and rosa tho

Finished vol. 1 completely, only read a select amount of chapter from 2 and I'm currently reading a few sections of 3.

really makes you think.

Hmmm… really gits muh gnoggin' go for a joggin'

I'm working my way through it. It's not that complicated, it's just excessively wordy and the language hasn't kept up great. Still, not too bad.

Currently reading it on downtime I get from Lyft driving
The irony is not lost on me

I've read Capital vol. 1

It's very poor writing though.

I read volume 1. Had vol 2 and 3 ready to go before my computer went on the fritz. Too lazy to hunt down new pdfs.

Once I got the grok of the first few chapters it's really easy to read and it makes a lot of sense. Being the brainlet I am I needed a lot of things explained to me at first, but really you can read up on basic Marxist concepts on fucking Wikipedia and get it (and the common criticisms of Marx concepts, some of which are fucking laughable).

I did. And then I read Heinrich, Balibar and Althusser, Harvey

just pick one up at a book store

or where do you live to have to download capital

though it's been a while and its the only Marx I've read I've barely read any other leftist theory tbh

I'm slogging through it

What, race is real?


the irony is lost on you filth

the hell dirty polyp

not me, but to be fair I'm an idiot who wouldn't sit through a right-wing book either

Read abridged, going to start volume 1 when I get some time.

Yeah, Holla Forums is filled with busy proles and adhd brainlets who struggle to read. I don't see how this is particularly noteworthy.

Why pay for something that should be in the public domain by now? Plus, the pdf has handy hyperlinks.

Race is a spook.

It's hard.

You can get your hands on any leftist text by typing their name in google by that I mean duckduckgo. You can also put "pdf" after the name so you can download it in a pdf format.
Is there some kind of country specific ban on these things or something else that I am not getting?

didn't read. materialism is overrated.

sorry for being a newfag, but which tome of Capital talked about race?

it's booj to expect people to read theory

I read it about 12 years ago. I really do need to reread though.

Can't. Too stupid.

i think you are thinking of the wrong book

Thanks for covering my laziness. Soon I will reach Leftcom Edgelordom!

is this a fucking meme or something? every single conversation on this board devolves into fedora tipping and "why don't you actually read what Engels says, faggot" tier arguments. This isn't a fucking book club, why can we never have a forward thinking conversation about tangible solutions instead of litfagging all day like it's a fucking humanities class?


Volume I and almost all Volume II. Now I'm growing my power level on Commodity Fetishism/LTV reading I. I. Rubin (highly recommend)

it get better after that. Alternatively you could consider Althusser advice in "Point I" here:

That absolute state of Leftism.

what do you read AFTER capital?

Not I

I read Intro to Marxism by Ernest Mandel and now I'm making my way through Zombie Captialism by Chris Harman

Not yet. Planning on reading after I finish conquest of bread

wouldn't touch the stuff





all ancoms, too

According to a poll the other day, about 25% of the respondents.

Nick Land

I'm fortunate enough to have a really good job and parents as a last resort financially, many people don't have that muh privilege and work more hours than me, experience far more stress and don't have time to read Marx. I have read all three volumes (not the segments of the fourth that have been published) but don't look down on those who are yet to get time and energy to read every fundamental piece of leftist literature.

I do think all leftists should have a desire to read Marx as a top priority, but it's ridiculous to expect proles without much education, money or free time to make it through such a text early in life.

I read the first volume and I'm working on the earlier parts of the second one now.

It get's so much better after that. You have to keep on reading.


no need to read the capital, just read vaziulin

books spook me