What would communism give you, that capitalism doesn't give you already?
What would communism give you, that capitalism doesn't give you already?
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Workplace democracy.
But stupid people can vote then.
A future.
State-issued girlfriend
A say in local governance, production oriented for human need instead of for profit, less alienation, environmental sustainability, job security, education for everyone, genuine culture as opposed to commodified "culture" from the culture industry, freedom
I bet you're the same kind of person who would complain about the USSR being undemocratic
The freedom to use any of the then-expropriated means of production to create whatever I desire, instead of being subject to artificial scarcity of the market born from private ownership of the MoP. Also not dying from global ecological disasters
I shiggy you don't imply co-ops are socialism
They can vote right now too. Your point?
How can you guys know that communism would give you a future tho?.
How can you be sure when functional communism hasn't even been established?
The variables are too many and I honestly cannot see it working without devolving into some other economic school or system (like it usually happens).
maybe the variables under communism are just too many for it to work.
For capitalism to "work" all it has to do is be profitable and thus create wealth.
Do you think that's all that matters in this world?
It is an alternative to our current system. Even if the poor western people have it relatively good, this is all built on the back of poor workers in the third world. Labour and resources from the rest of the world are used to create a better life for us. If you think this is fine, then you might as well be a sociopath. If you are fine with being a sociopath, then there is still an array of other reasons. The most obvious is going to be that communism as an alternative to neo-feudalism or totalitarianism which will be very likely in a world where global warming and economic problems are rampant.
The question was something you'd have in socialism that you wouldn't in capitalism, not what socialism is.
I think the biggest problem is that you goys don't have a sandbox society in which to experiment how to transition into a communist society, and the previous revolutions either repeat the same mistakes or are just a backdoor for fascistic intentions to govern with iron fist.
tl;dr: you don't have a society to experiment how to fix the negative variables
Communism is for us not a state of affairs which is to be established, an ideal to which reality [will] have to adjust itself. We call communism the real movement which abolishes the present state of things. The conditions of this movement result from the premises now in existence.
t. marx
Communism seems to keep killing the communists tho
But is true tho.
the transition keeps failing.
Do you think people knew how capitalism will turn out? Yet they kept trying.
brainlet here. let's say I'd move to UK, how would I profit from third world countries?
yes, thanks to military intervention from both sides. It's in workers self interest to establish communism, and it's in self interest of those in power to crush such movements. that's class struggle which will exist as long as classes exist.
Most of what you consume is build out of raw material extacted from the third world, even a lot of manufactured product are made over there.
Basically what you are saying is that communism is impossible until shit hits the fan?
What's wrong with that? Just because we do not have enough factories in my country and I am forced to buy stuff from abroad, I am exploiting those countries because of international trade?
maho shojos
of course, mode of production can be changed only if people's quality of life has been lowered. Capitalism has crisis every few years, so we have lot's of opportunities when people realize it's killing their sanity.
What's right with that? It's a race to the bottom. The need for ever more profit lead the capitalist to look at always cheaper costs of production and wages, leading to workers everywhere always more impoverished. Third worlder because pressure to keep wages down, first worlder becaude he end up losing his job to third world competition.
Excellent, we share a common ground now.
Is in our best interest to accelerate this process.
so, because porky fire my from job in order to hire someone from africa I'm also one exploiting that poor third world worker?
no, don't listen to the maoist third worldists
but this moving of manufacture to poor countries makes proletarians both here and there worse off, but the porkies both here and there very happy
Unless you stop participating altogether in society and the economical system,unless you stop consuming commodities, you're both the exploiter and the exploited, that's the perversity of the system. Porky is getting a better deal out of it but in the end, he's another slave to capital…
I'm not sure if you sound like fascist, or anprim. Since you are consuming commodities, I don't think you are anprim.
Uh… yes. In some of these places the choice is you work or you starve. Without these workers the Apples or H&M's of the world would create no products, generate no revenue and reap no profit. And so the difference between the value created by the workers and what they're actually paid is value extracted from the workers that they never see. And because the choice is between being working and having their labour value stolen from them or starving (I attempting to survive on subsistence farming) it becomes a matter of exploitation.
So when we wear cheap clothes or buy cheap electronics we are benefiting from exploitation of third world workers. I'm not saying it's unethical for an individual to buy the best product available to them at the best price, but that the system itself is inherently exploitative. As Zizek points out Capitalism has recognised this and in some cases tries to internalise these affects by claiming X product is "fair trade" or a certain amount of the revenue goes to charity in attempts to morally absolve the consumer but it's all an empty exercise because if third world workers were paid the entirety of what their labour was worth then there would be no profit to be made by the multinational corporation.
This really all is Basic Marxism 101 tho tbh and you're probably better off reading from the horses mouth. Wage Labour and Capital is not very long and is a very good starting point.
lrn to read.
A non alienated way of life+material security. Possibly also a place to live
Ownership of my means of production
You didn't know? Go fucking read it
daily reminder weebs would get sent to gulag
fugg, wrong flag :::DDD
I honestly don't care about "worker exploitation" or "injustice" or other stuff, I'm just frustrated with aggravating garbage stemming from private ownership impeding productivity and development and destroying civility and honesty.
this is fucking terrifying
That's not what we mean by our critique of co-ops you mouthbreathing utopian.
It's not about what communism would give me. It's about what capitalism would no longer take away. Framing of the issue is really important. Don't make it about how green communism's grass is. Make it about how brown and dead capitalism's grass is, and how it's literally grinding down your and other people's bodies and minds just to pump wealth upward into the coffers of cold, machine-like corporations who will greedily suck the world dry.
Interesting point op, perhaps the inverse should be asked. What wouldn't communism give me?
The list just goes on.
Nice memes.
Do you know any full time jobs that are only 20 hours a week and I don't have to worry about taxes, mortgage, rent, insurance (rent paid on your own life)?
Can any of you explain who soros really is and what he wants? I thought he was just a jew boogieman for Holla Forumsyps.
The opportunity to set up a guillotine in town square and separate the heads from the bodies of every job creator in this god forsaken city.
he's a jewish bourgie liberal who supposedly is on our side
Market socialism would result in a higher income for everyone but porky, greater financial security, large poverty reduction, greater control of your livelihood and schedule, no more economic inefficiency caused by conflict between workers and owners, etc.
co-ops are cool and stuff but their existence doesn't bring us any closer to socialism
he's supporting liberal, pro-us governments around the world. He's also supporting LGBBQ movements, so Holla Forums doesn't like him.
To be able to make peace with the world.
Stability. Both personal financial stability, and economic and environmental stability for the country and the world.
less alienation, more integrated and localized communities. Freedom to do whatever job I want, instead of what one pays the most. Less work hours. Conbinment of labor and leisure.
I don't care too much about what communism may give me, because I'm pretty sure I'll be dead when it'll be a thing, but getting rid of fucking advertisements, the retarded barrier for progress that are patents and giving everyone the resources and time to be their best would be pretty nice.
A living planet for one. I genuinely believe if Capitalism isn't destroyed we are heading for a 5c+ world. youtu.be
Why do anime characters look so unappealing when they're portrayed accurately Asian?
Look into your heart, you know the answer already.
meh, several of the girls on the left look perfectly fine and a few others are probably fine if they weren't making dumb faces
Also, under communism there would be no place for shit like in this thread:
fug, funposting flag.