I understand that Holla Forums is for very internet kind of people, and that chan culture is prevalent here. But I'm worried about the state of the anti-idpol left. I found out that some people are genuinely anti-faminists and even a bit reactionary. Dare I say… brocialists? I mean, why is that so controversial to say? I realize that the idpol types tend to strawman a lot of people on the anti-idpol side as brocailists, but we should look at people who genuinely are brocialists, and oppose it when we see it.
Let's stop pretending that Brocialism doesn't exist
let's stop pretending this thread exists
ok that's actually funny
quality thread
nice bait
I agree. This place used to make sense with their anti-idpol. It's gotten progressively worse. Overall, it has become more homophobic, transphobic and a tad more woman hater. I haven't been here for a while but I think I've seen more namefagging attention whores, eg. afrofunk.
Fuck idpol. Trans snowflakes give us a bad name. Hope they die
Jason isn't a brocialist, just a reactionary dude. There's a clear difference between rejecting idpol and going around misgendering people on purpose
grow. the. fuck. up.
Suck my dick faggot
Idpol is idpol. There is no such thing as right wing or left wing idpol.
You are idpol
What the fuck does this even mean?
That you are a fucking retard and need to stop posting.
Go fuck yourself
brocialist is a stupid term.
anyway, all opposition to reactionary idpol masked as anti-idpol should come in the form of "fuck off this is irrelevant" more than "fuck off this is reactionary", the purpose should be to exclude the discussion entirely because it's a huge timesink.
Unruhe did nothing wrong.
Daily reminder that traps are gay.
t. Brocialist
please tell me you're referring to some situation where he had to be a wanker and insistently call MTFs "he" and FTMs "she", not the whole snowflake agender thing that people've been talking about incessantly.
i need to read that doujishin
does someone here have it?
stand with your Marxist-Feminst comrades leftypol
Holla Forums used to be good with it's anti-idpol, realising minorites needed liberation etc but condemned the batshit stuff r/socialism does and still does, acting as a safe haven for those banned for the smallest reasons. We always had slurs, and not even here agreed with that, but we're an image board it's just part of the package. I feel most of us who use them here realise this is the only place to use them, and, like mature adults, limit ourselves outside the board.
However things have changed over the last year with the introduction of both new members and new converts from Holla Forums, who may be anti-capitalism but no one's botheded to despook them on social issues properly. The larger user base has diluted what anti-idpol means, and then the ex-Holla Forumsacks who think Holla Forums is against idpol too just continue shitting things up but now with a red flag.
Anyone who actually thinks trans, womens, gay, whatever else rights are 'not worth the time' or worse yet just 'liberalism' are still 16 or worse yet ex-Holla Forums, either way they have no idea what Holla Forums's anti-idpol actually means.
It's a shame but it's what happens to user bases that get larger.
Pretty much this.
We need a return to the pro-trap days.
Of course. See how actually TRIGGERED people ITT got because someone used the word misgender, like men wearing women's clothes isn't a thing as old as written history
Spotted the dumb tankie scum.
They literally aren't though. I just fapped to some and I am a straight male.
Brocialism obviously exists, but brocialists are both far more useful and far closer to us than typical liberals and fascists. As such, they should at least be tolerated. Criticize them and invite them to go further, of course, but requiring total intellectual purity immediately is foolhardy.
It doesn't exist, and I don't even like Jason.
Also, it isn't even a problem if people harbor internal prejudices as long as they admit those prejudices have much more to do with them themselves than those they're prejudiced against and they recognize individual potential to overcome them. I'll repost something I made a bit more than a week ago:
Well, there's about 6 different things society calls racism and I have different opinions on all of them.
The first distinction I'd make is between the varieties that concern the behaviors of individuals, and that are so taboo in modern society, and the actual meaningful ones that concern society, which typically vaguely admit the whole "power + prejudice" deal.
The individual varieties are:
the first and third really, really are not actually problems. the real bastards, though, come from society.
Now, liberalism can to some extent actually put the last two forms of racism in check but in order to do so it must somewhat undermine capitalism (for the redistribution of material power in order to counter legacy racism must take power away from those who currently have it), disadvantage majority proletarians, and establish such strong taboos on the individual racisms. the better way to tackle them, however, would be to end the nonsense that is capitalism in the first place. this way of doing it could also allow us to lift the taboos on prejudicial and stereotypical racism, allowing people to actually express themselves rather than feel perpetual guilt for thinking something that is incorrect because it harmed people in the past and had potential to harm people.
It's sad but it was always like this tbh
Homosexuals, trannies and other such people shouldn't even be on our radar. Their concerns are utterly irrelevant to the socialist cause.
You and the rest of your ilk should go tongue a shotgun.
Unruhe called an "agender" he. That's not fucking transphobia, it's not even misgendering because agender is made-up bullshit that does not exist.
Stop hiding behind people with genuine issues to defend tumblr-tier snowflake cancer.
Socialism is about the emancipation of humanity, which includes homosexuals, "trannies" and other such people.
It's about restructuring the mode of production to abolish wage labor and commodity production and bring about production for use rather than exchange. All these social issues of self-expression are irrelevant. Whether homosexuals have zero rights or all rights they could ever desire makes no difference for the achievement of a socialist mode of production.
thirdworldism is idpol, tho.
If you're going to shit on Jason, do it because he's a dick, which creates a toxic atmosphere within socialist spheres. The transphobia thing is a liberal boogeyman. Not everything is a phobia.
"Not worth the time" is a perfectly valid criticism and anyone who's gone from "lynch fags" to "It's just not worth the time investment to fight for equal marriage" or even "it's just not worth my time to hate 'em anymore" has improved sufficiently.
The real problem are the people who haven't been despooked or pushed to apathy and instead go "Well yeah, socialism means I'll get the full product of my labour - but we can still kill black people right?"
tbf I reiterate that the misgendering thing with reference to roo is touchy. Being that one dickhead who has to go "no, your REAL gender is…" is different to not entertaining a LARPer. (It's the same sort of undue care about the issue, but both parties are being stupid.)
So throw all your time at socialism and everything else will follow.
(I should entertainingly note that even in reformist terms this approach works - who needs a systematic "we must liberate women/gays/minorities!" approach when a simple "let's look at some stupid arbitrary behaviours and stamp them out" one works just as good?)
How is this any different from Holla Forumsyops saying misgendering is bullshit because your biological sex is your gender and transsexuality is made up?
On a side note, see what a shitstorm Jason kicked up because he purposedly misgendered, all of a sudden people are only talking about gender politics instead of class. So much for the """anti-"""idpol left
Feminists can fuck off. Solidarity is a two way street. An idpol movement where the participants have, in large numbers, demeaned, dehumanized and insulted men and no right to complain when men refuse their support. Brocialism forever!
A huge portion of current leftypol are ex-gamergators. They are reactionary parasites who will flip again soon enough.
I hope you eat shit and choke.
all feminists like you want to do is control what the actual workers do to meet your petty demands, you are the opposite of communists
hi reddit
I feel this is the beginning of a spiral dive into something that, if taken to it's logical conclusion, would result in questions of the nature of reality itself.
the quintessential redditor is pro-GG. Tumblr is anti-GG.
What do you mean?
You know that workplace equality exists. Also men do housework to.