Hello commies, on and off lurker here, very rare poster. I am an Orthodox Christian and I take my religion very seriously.
I have also had socialist views for quite some time (working on reading books right now to not be smol brain).
I want to know what you guys think of religion in general, religion in a communist society and the role of religion.
In formerly Marxist nations the church faced extreme persecution early on, which lessened mostly later. This gives me reservations about wanting to ally with any non Christian Marxists at all. Is this persecution inevitable or ideal with most forms of communism and socialism? Do you prefer it to be this way?
Also if you are a Stirnerite pls do not respond, you are baby's first Nihilism and about as intellectually complex as a turnip.
Religion in communism
Other urls found in this thread:
That is incorrect. The height of persecution in the Soviet Union was during Stalin's rule.
China never tried to end religions, and more or less sticked to the same policy. Based liberation theology in LA.
we are not your friends. If full communism gets achieved Christianity would be extinct.
If you put whatever your God or your prophets said above the interests of the workers, then you are going to be executed fam. It's nothing personal. If you want to pray, hell even public or private, it's not a problem. If you want to ban people from eating pork then we have a problem, "comrade"
No dietary restrictions in Christianity, you're gonna be killing alot of Jews and Muslims over that delicious bacon tho :^D
One of stalin's few mistakes is not destroy the orthodox church while he had the chance.
Can you direct me to sources on that?
Nigga I'm a former christcuck. Your flag should be removed for one simple reason:
This is directly opposed to communism.
Religious socialism is nothing new. Specifically, the early Church basically perfected communes that would put any 20th century attempt at socialism to shame, all the while under constant attack. However, Marxism doesn't mix with any religion whatsoever ever. State atheism and all that. So you're gonna get some hate for being one of the more dogmatic denoms.
Hey Holla Forums, whatcha doin'?
Join us brother
You (if you're the BO) should really shill that board more, it's slow to the point of unusability.
I would rather be martyred by commies than talk to Holla Forumsyps fug off with calling everything you disagree with pol.
Thanks, I'll check it out.
Its basically saying, "Let Caeser take back his blaphmous coin" as the coin show displays Caeser in the portrayal of a god. Its said this way because the questioners are trying to get Jesus in a literary trap, in which they can defame and persecute him either way (either by bringing him forth to the temple leaders or to the Romans).
Holla Forums comes here regularly to say completely absurd things. I don't just call everyone I disagree with Holla Forums, just people who seem like thinly veiled reactionaries. The idea that communists want to kill all Christians is a bread and butter reactionary belief.
This. It gets lonely
Not the owner unfortunatly, but I agree we should find ways to get more people on
Why are you even interested in politics
Well I'm a lurker so I see really mixed messages about religion, with open hatred and desire for violence being a face of commie history and what I've seen here in small amounts. Pol is insufferable and make idols of their own skin, no honest Christian is a friend of Holla Forumsyps. (I do not go on /christian/ because they are mostly polyps)
Hell, the apostles even held everything in common en.m.wikipedia.org
Tbh Christianity imo is the most socialist of all religions.
Religious tolerance does not belong in a democracy, not sorry.
Where does it say that?
Also, stop reading your bible wrong
Zizek actually has some pretty interesting opinions on Christianity
Only the edgy Egoists really take an anti-religion stance here, and even they don't view it as much worse than any other spook. Most tankies aren't super anti-religion either. I'd say that atheism (not of the new atheism variety) is probably dominant on this board, but there's a growing group of Christians on here which is really great to see.
Anyways, if you see someone saying shit like "I want all Christians to die" then there's a decent chance that it's just Holla Forums false flagging.
It also states that the apostles and disciples lived together, with all property in common, and to whoever needed something, that thing was freely provided by those that had it. There's also the bit where Christ said that rich people cannot get into heaven. There's stuff in the bible that contradicts other stuff. What matters to me is how the person in question interprets it.
that's a bomb ass quote, I'll have to remember that one.
It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven
I'll have to check those out
Yeah, not ALL commies want to…but look up this thread a little bit to the tankie. He's pretty bloodthirsty. Prolly a good representation of his tankie kin.
What about religions that aren't Christianity?hi
"Contraditions" in the Bible are a poor way of looking at it. Generally what people mean is two denoms have opposing views on what something means, orthodox have been doing this for 2000 years, I don't think there's gonna be many contradictions in biblical interpretation. Sorry, not a religious board but I never really got the "leh contraditions" meme, whenever I ask people to name them they generally combine baptist and Catholic theology and set them opposed as a contradiction.
Most tankies are critical of Stalinism tho, there's like one Stalin poster on here and everyone hates them.
No. It is the peasants that faced extreme persecution by the church. How much of a reactionary do you have to be to be a christian apologist? That poor Orthodox church in the Russian Empire owned vast amounts of wealth and lands, made any criticism of religion illegal, oppressed women, gave its full support to tsarism, made religious education compulsory and encouraged peasants to oppose the revolution. You are not a leftist, you're a reactionary
Had a an open religion thread here in which there were a few Islamic posters. Post something there if you want to bring up another faith in regards to leftism.
My comrade,
Jews and muslims can consume the TRUE good bacon, aka beef bacon
For the record: if you've never had it before, I suggest you try some, the flavor is simply delicious
Well, of course within a single denomination they will seek consistency of thought and interpret scripture such that it all lines up nicely. So, no, not contradictions in that sense.
They got better from what I hear
As a christian, are you ok with a society in which charity is disappearing because nobody needs it anymore ? That's what socialism is about : no poverty means no charity. Not a single opportunity to practice one of the core values of christianism.
Also, christian charity is a right-wing value : it must be voluntary to be a virtue, so the donors keep their power. The more you own, the more you can be charitable, and the more you are powerful.
This is, in my opinion, the real problem with christianism, much more than the supernatural part.
christian charity as in the christian tradition, not the bible.
jesus was pretty explicit on the whole "rich people won't go to heaven" thing, US protestants try to make it sound like a spiritual thing when well…give up all you have then come and follow me.
Yes and the church got what they deserved
user, charity is a tenet because it is a way to alleviate the suffering of the poor and destitute. Without poverty, people could focus more on alleviating the ailments of the soul, to give the charity of the heart. I think you'll hard pressed to find a christian who doesn't want an end to poverty. Charity isn't just a monetary thing, it is spiritual as well. We would also be living out material charity everyday by giving constantly to others and the community. If what you said was the case, the apostles would have never held anything in common.
Christianism is redundant and makes no sense, just say Christianity or if you want to be a sperg correctly say Christism. A core Christian virtue is helping the poor, charity being the way of doing so within medieval frameworks. Look at pic in muh Op, wealth and property was distributed among all the believers in communes for centuries. Also read a book nigga yur talking to an Ortho, charity is a complex issue interdenominationally. If I was a fundamental baptist I would say charity is literally evil.
Did you read OP's pic? The point of charity is to abolish poverty and suffering while simultaneously doing the Lord's will and growing closer to Him. No poverty is the goal. Well, for the Cathodox it is
Tbh, when I read that passage, I feel like crying a bit
In theory, there shouldn't be a problem with people being religious as long as they behave and pay taxes, so to speak. In practice, religion can be a parallel organizing structure for undermining the regime, for fomenting terrorism, and so on. So my view is to allow wide religious freedom, but to keep it all under heavy state surveillance.
Indeed. It shows not only generosity, but solidarity and the formation of a real community.
/leftyck/ when?
Most people here will tell you religion has to die, but practically there's nothing about it incompatible with leftism, wih some caveats for specific faiths.
When you say Orthodox Christianity do you mean the Orthodox church or do you mean early Christianity, because I've met someone who called themselves "orthodox" but was actually trying to imitate the earliest known christian cults.
Eastern Orthodox, the One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church.
Funny, thats what we call ourselves
Catholic worker gang
I did not come to leftypol to debate papism
Now that I think of it I wish I had a byzbol flag
The part of the taxes was so to speak. Now as for the state, I'm just going to let David Harvey talk, it made sense to me:
We could probably debate this all day would post the catholic response, but someone has to remake it because its far too Holla Forums riddled
Lets agree to not agree
And maybe agree protestants
I was born into a religious cult and pretty much had religion ruined for me after I left, with that said I can see that religion can have a positive impact in society and a person's life.
I do think that certain over controlling groups should be banned and perhaps members rehabilitated because they can do a lot of harm to people and hinder their ability to adequately function in society and cheat people out of a legitimate spirituality.
come the fuck on you dogmatic shit