Is it beneficial to LARP as facist to lure young nazi symphatizers into your cult and convert them into undercover commies who carry on your legacy?
Is it beneficial to LARP as facist to lure young nazi symphatizers into your cult and convert them into undercover...
Nobody has done this or will do this
How would (you) know?
what do you think nazbol is?
You mean, would they be aware they had been converted or not?
Elaborate, this seems like a legit strategy in political game given that nobody knew it is being done.
Sure, why not? I've known people to go undercover in neo-nazi organization to collect intel for anti-fascists, but not this.
in a sense trump did this
Steal their children! All nazis are ironic, exept the ones who don't get the joke. Nobody wants to be the butt of the joke, right?
We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be. - Vonnegut
Why not just actually be a lefty and talk to young people who are alienated and looking for answers. You know, the group nazis go after. Get to them first.
Because humankind needs to be more complicated and absurd so that we are harder to model. I don't want the piggie with biggest computer to know what I or anybody is up to.
So I just tell the nazi kids to go and infiltrate the leftist communities. These bubbles will burst one way or another.
I mean… the obvious nietzsche quote applies. however in this case, you are the exact same as them with a different moniker so i'm not sure what happens when a dragon fights dragons… or better yet when nothing stares into the abyss.
I lead armies of dragons to fight against myselves until asexual reproduction becomes a thing again.
You'd just birth a new wave of Asserists/early nazis.
To be honest I think this is more viable. Convincing a leftist of anti-globalism and hating the global elite is easier than convincing a nationalist they should irrelevant shit to erase their nation-state and make way for a peaceful society free of hate. Especially young white lower class kids have been fucked up the ass and given a muffle. They're gunpowder in need of a spark and that spark has a swastika on it. Then again whichever way they're radicalised they won't get any influence without the methods of the new left/critical theory crowd.
Such a concept of dialectics makes us doubt its possibility. However varied, the anticipation of moving in contradictions throughout seems to teach a mental totality—the very identity thesis we have just rendered inoperative. The mind which ceaselessly reflects on contradiction in the thing itself, we hear, must be the thing itself if it is to be organized in the form of contradiction; the truth which in idealistic dialectics drives beyond every particular, as onesided and wrong, is the truth of the whole, and if that were not preconceived, the dialectical steps would lack motivation and direction. We have to answer that the object of a mental experience is an antagonistic system in itself—antagonistic in reality, not just in its conveyance to the knowing subject that rediscovers itself therein.
Fuck off Spencer your plan is shit
This is what pseudo-intellectual wooden language looks like.
It's Adorno.
My plan is under development, thank you for your input.
Infiltrate a nazi org, then make the nazis infiltrate a commie org, telling them to do to infiltrate a nazi org, etc.
Entryism is not working, op.
That's kinda what I'm after. In the end all the nazi practitioners say what they're doing is communism and vice versa but we get the benefit of being "right".
It's not entryism if I don't enter anything. (except mby in the arseholes of all the nazi teenagers, so they are convinced that what Hitler founded was actually dangerous homosexual cult)