KC police disarm antifa groups, others at Washington Square rally
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American tankies, everyone.
So what's the alternative, shoot the police, die, and become martyrs? I don't think anyone is up to that yet
Quite how the fuck you manage to get yourself into a situation where you've been talked into peacefully disarming is anyones guess. I imagine only seeing the world through the autistic shrieking of the Ameritankies that plague this board could help me see the light.
Bigger guns are being pointed at you.
Why isn't this banned for inciting violence against the government?
The police say "Please hand over your ammunition peacefully". You hand over your ammunition peacefully instead of shooting the cops and in turn dying. Nobody dies, and everyone goes along their merry way.
It isn't that complicated.
How do you get into that stage?
Brandenburg vs. Ohio
what does an antifa rally look like? Holla Forums rallies or liberal rallies are just a bunch of guys chanting and marching around
It looks like a load of guys dressed in black charging capitalists and their fascist cousins. These are MLs, so it's most likely chanting, marching, but this time there are red flags.
Most likely because the entire system is illiterate when it comes to ML. If they did notice this however, it would have the amusing consequence of making the intention of the second amendment completely redundant.
Did you know calling someone a fascist is considered fighting words and NOT free speech? No kidding, it's the words that are used in the case setting the precedent LOL
By going out of the basement into the sunlight and also not being an insane suicidal person.
Good, keep earning that good PR.
I deleted my post because I didn't read the whole article yet and assumed my post was made prematurely, now that I have read the article, I would have let it stand.
This presents a fundamental contradiction in marxism, according to marxists, nearly everything the U.S does is to undermine marxism and strengthen the ruling class. Why then, do they not persecute the marxists who call for violence against them? This leaves us with two options. 1: communists are in some way acting in the interests of the bourgeois 2: marxism is fundamentally wrong in it's assessment of the state
3. It's the equivalent of a 2 year-old telling a pro boxer that they're going to kick his ass. However, this might tie into number 1, although passively.
Missed an opportunity here, antifa pussies.
Then why would the state do nearly everything it does as means to counter communism, except undertaking any action against actual communists?
Listen you retards that kind of shit is what killed the panthers. Moving to violent Insurrection prematurely will anahiliate your movement.
Have you Americans tried not being so fucking autistic you don't get into shitty situations? You could worm out of this by hiding behind a load of smashies, turning up with more people, or picking a better spot than THE MIDDLE OF AN EMPTY AREA.
I swear you American socialists are fucking thick as fuck.
A possible secret option number 4 is that there's just less precedent, and revolutionary Marxists generally have nothing to gain from just going and killing random black guys, and the proportion of Marxist violence in the US is already not enough to justify any more action taken against them than already is taken - which is actually a fair amount. The Klan and white supremacist culture do a lot more to encourage batshit insane acts of random violence, and yet for the most part in practice their speech is reduced by the sheer amount of people repulsed by their ideology rather than legal action taken against them by the state.
Even the legal argument against allowing them tends only to pop up periodically after something like Charlottesville happens.
Obviously you're right I mean people like
You're so right dude, they should just sow some dragon's teeth or start cloning an army instead of showing up with whoever's willing to show up lol XD. On a related note: why don't poor people just buy more money? lol
These trustafarian LARPers are a total embarrassment.
Yeah right. Poor little victims. Looks like you don't have the courage of your convictions. Or perhaps mommy will stop your allowance if you've been a bad boy?
In the case of Antifa that's true. They're not real communists but they are useful idiots to the globalist powers who direct and fund them.
Or maybe, my dippy American friend, you can stop treating firearms like your god given right and assuming the rights awarded to you by the state are a physical barrier stopping the state from repealing those rights at the drop of a hat, due process or not, as seen here. They aren't the cool must-have accessory to wear around your local community to make the fash scared of you, they're for putting holes in things, and they should be treated as such and your actions revolving around holding one should be.
take your meds
It's better to retreat a foot than to advance only an inch, so good on em.
good q, i dont think it has a direct answer
you're sofa king we todd ed no 'globalists' pay anybody to do civil disobedience in any form and we don't need a direct line from your televison set on fox news right to the board so fuck off AND learn to sage holy shit
Uh are you blind, they just disarmed that Moaist group, when the state tells you to do anything there implicit violence in the order, you're a polyp
Take your meds
Stay btfo brainlet.
While lower courts have all conformed to the doctrine that fighting words exist, there is basically no consistency as to what constitutes fighting words. Even in the original court case, it's ambiguous whether the fighting words were calling the cop god-damned, MERELY 'damned', a racketeer, a god damn racketeer, or a fascist.
I'm a different user
Also given that part of the argument in fighting words doctrine is that they're of effectively no value in the pursuit of truth, truth could probably serve as a defense if the people you're calling fascists are in fact fascists.
The state doesn't exist to repress communists specifically, it exists to repress the non-ruling classes (increasingly tending toward one large lower class, i.e., the proletariat).
You'll notice that when communists actually have some significant degree of influence AMONG said class that they tend to face insane levels of violence and repression from state authorities.
wtf is going on?! what are we fighting for, antifa and the NutSac it is only divide on conquer. I have friends on the both side, nice people to hang out with. Maybe we all just need a fight to feel alive. But in the end it dosent mather if it is peace we want. No one will win at this shit!
Which communists see as intrinsically marxist in nature, with those repression therefor being a direct means to prevent communism.
What i noticed is that they tend hold tenureship positions at elite universities
Not true or otherwise we wouldn't put so much emphasis on education. Even if the working class isn't Marxist in nature that doesn't mean the state doesn't repress workers when the workers try to organize within the context of capitalism. The state was repressing working class rebellions long before Marxism.
Being a Marxist academic and being a communist isn't the same thing. The former doesn't really require any commitment to the class struggle while the later does.
The fact that Marxists are so prominent in academia says more about the strength of Marxism as a theory then it proves any alleged plot "cultural Marxist" plot to undermine the West.
The belief that everyone is an either an unconscious marxist, conscious marxist or manipulated into a state of false conscious by conscious marxists (capitalists in marxism or just marxists who fight for the other side) is central to marxism
raw raw fight the ideological state apparatus that is nothing but capitalist domination.. from the elite institutions of said state apparatus..
Academia is hardly "the state".
too bad
No, it really isn't. Marxism is just a (in my opinion, quite accurate) method of understanding social and economic development. You could theoretically have a successful proletarian socialist revolution that had no knowledge of Marx, though that seems exceedingly unlikely in the modern era.
where do I mention those? You really are crap at strawmanning lol
It's almost as if the state is scared of one group and the other are just hired stooges
hell i dont even think martyrdom is in the realm of possibilities anymore. so many people are larp'ing and trying to be the next martyr that it makes the whole thing look ridiculous from a third person POV.
Does anyone have any good books on right-wing paramilitaries and militias? Specifically, their deployment and methods around the world? I've read books like Chip Berlet's "Right-Wing Populism in America", which covers some groups, but I haven't studied paramilitaries and militias of this sort from a broader perspective.
I wouldn't sweat it
I don't sweat I research
Jesus fucking christ…
Your local college isn't the state apparatus retard
When has the state ever fled from right wingers?
Bundy ranch
It’d be so fucking cool if leftists did something like this.
It's not a matter of being "afraid". The US mil could waste any domestic militia be they right-wing or left-wing.
The government simply doesn't want to repress fascists and right-wingers. And fashcucks return the favor (see Richard Spencer whining to the police "we're on your side!")
Waco, Ruby Ridge?
For a board that boasts about be well read you sure come as illiterate. I guess that comes with following the faux wisdoms of some jew with a clinically estimated I.Q. in the high 80s
They wouldn't have popular support so the police would waste them without worry.
The US mil couldn't crush militias thousands of miles away. What do you think the'd be able to do against a massive domestic insurrection with access to the infrastructure that keeps them running. If the powergrid goes down and oil stops flowing the government is fucked. The few grunts that haven't deserted or went turncoat would be facing a numerically superior force without having air artillery, or armor
Cops in are America are pretty damn militarized. The National Guard is also a thing.
You mean make total asses of themselves and accomplish nothing?
Not that they could have realistically resisted in any meaningful way without getting their heads blown off…
But damn, now they know they can disarm one side (wonder which one?) before they allow them to clash again.
Please dont be a retard with firearms but if shit is EXTREMELY heated and chaotic I'd at least try to find a way to bail into the crowd with my ammo. They're setting up a firing squad at that point.
Same deal. Once the infrastructure crumbles they're fucked. A civil war wouldn't be a handful of redneck running around shooting black people and muslims and eventually getting swatted by nasty girls like the Democratic underground thinks it would be. It would be a massive insurgency that would strike the infrastructure that keeps the military running. Not to mention deserters and moles within the government.
Don't do this. It's just autism.
Even if you do bring a rifle to be scary and let yourself be disarmed, don't be a retard and give them everything. Keep something stashed somewhere on your person.
Yeah, keep something handy
For close encounters
I don't see why they wouldn't. Self defense is the whole shtick that makes it possible for America to have 2x the guns per capita count than every country in the world.
Right wingers do it easily because muh property (or muh homestead government property in the case of )
The far-left should, if they want to get good PR while maintaining an intimidating presence, only fight Cops only in areas with noticeble police abuse and racist violence. Not stupid antifascist/freespeech rallies.
Out of the cops, army, and national guard. The guard is closest to being /ourguys/ In a revolution there probably the most likely to fight on our side. Most people in the guard join because they want to “defend there state” most of them don’t know they’ll end up in American military interventions.
A second american civil war would end up with multiple different groups such the alt-right, DemSocs/SocDems, and neolibrals all fighting a brutal guerrilla war in the cities and suburbs while the rural areas would just be a bunch of three precentor type people just occupying land in the middle of nowhere doing nothing.
This is good advice.
A small concealed handgun works, or just spare ammunition for your rifle stored in somewhere inconspicuous.
Remember that you're holding a level of power there that they're worried about. They should know that you're agreeing to it on your own terms.
tf2 sucks
Reminds me of last year when an Ohio chapter of what I think was The Huey P. Newton Gun Club staged an open carry demonstration in Cleveland and the local police department "temporarily" shoah'd The 2nd Amendment within city limits AKA they shut it down.
Christopher "Can't Corner" Dorner, Gavin "Did Nothing Wrong" Long and Micah "American Sniper" Johnson are martyrs.
They do, there are no real marxist movements in the USA, they've been driven to extinction. American Antifa is an arm of the liberal establishment using suburban college proles to scream at an poor rural proles in defense of the liberal status quo.
You're a fucking moron
Tell me again how you idiots aren't liberals
goodbye second amendment
disgusting. fuck i hate the state. i pray for open armed warfare in the streets to come soon
You do know that the feds started the fire?
Yeah, every right wing group being infiltrated by the feds is no real consequence.
Yet the're still allowed to demonstrate, and the feds aren't shooting them.
You mean doing PR photo shoots while the cajun navy does the real work?
Holy shit, you;re so out of touch you make Michael Parenti look smart.
kill yourself Overwatch faggot.
I'm not joking. Do it.
Nice conspiracy theory, I suppose this is the point where you'll proceed to ignore any evidence that the Davidians actually did it themselves.
The same thing has happened to the Left and still happens except that cointelpro has actually assassinated important leaders on the Left. Where are the white nat leaders who have been killed by the Feds because they were leading the white peoples war against the ZOG Occupied Government?
White nationalist groups are really infiltrated so they can be useful to the capitalist state when the time comes and to clamp down on their violent tendencies otherwise they get too violent and there is pushback against them. I mean Hitler got his start as a state agent sent to infiltrate a right-wing group would you say that was a case of the government harming the right or recognizing its potential usefulness? Most of the Freikorps used to suppress the Left were also employed by the social democratic government itself (the very government Hitler claimed was run by Jewish communists)–many later went on to join the Nazi party after their stint as state-sponsored counter-revs.
It is telling that was the only consequence you could come up with whereas Left-wing organizations had been targeted for extensive infiltration by the Feds as early as the 50s and 60s. All the white nats had to do was killed 160+ people in the greatest act of domestic terrorism in US history to get the same treatment. Really activates my almonds.
Pretty interesting that the fascists demonstrating at Charlottesville fired a weapon and the cops never moved to even de-escalate the situation. Real government oppression there. nytimes.com
At the present moment the state does not have either public opinion on its side, nor could it handle a fully-fledged counter-protest to such a verdict and these legal changes are often slow-moving and take a while to go into effect. If the government wants to ban anti-fa they will also have to face complaints coming from groups claiming to support freedom of speech. You know what is funny to me? All the Holla Forumslacks and right-wingers who took up the free-speech mantle but are now silent now that Trump is planning to take freedom of speech away from their enemies. It's almost like they didn't care about it in the first place and it was just propaganda tool to support their conservative politics.
I didn't see any evidence that they weren't helping but certainly their resources are less than that of the government and the same would hold equally true for NGOs, churches, most private donors etc.
Yeah, that's why many left wing extremists from the 60s and 70s like Bill Ayers are still around. Name some left wing leaders in the US who were assassinated, and no black militants who tired to kill cos and got BTFO don''t count as assassination victims.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
He wasn't killed by the sate, and he wasn't radical leftist. He was actually anti-communist
Despite King’s consistent rejection of communism, in 1962 his associations with a few alleged Communists prompted the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to launch an investigation into his alleged links with the Communist Party. In 1976 the U.S. Senate committee reviewing the FBI’s investigation of King noted: ‘‘We have seen no evidence establishing that either of those Advisers attempted to exploit the civil rights movement to carry out the plans of the Communist Party’’ (Senate Select Committee, Book III, 85). From wiretaps initiated in 1963, the FBI fed controversial information to the White House and offered it to ‘‘friendly’’ reporters in an effort to discredit King. In 1964 King told an audience in Jackson, Mississippi, he was ‘‘sick and tired of people saying this movement has been infiltrated by Communists.… There are as many Communists in this freedom movement as there are Eskimos in Florida’’ (Herbers, ‘‘Rights Workers’’)
Once again leftist demonstrate their inability to pick up a book
most people here were born in the mid 90s and have never learned 90s history
He was killed by a lone wolf assassin
Why can't you read? You can type but somehow can't read. How?
Fred Hampton, for one, who was assassinated in his bed after cops burst in while he was sleeping.
Philadelphia police bombed the MOVE house and emptied all their ammunition into it.
I already called it before you even started. The Waco and Ruby ranch folks are a bunch of dindus to you who were unfairly repressed by the state but when it comes to blacks we can totally take the cops word.
*Ruby Ridge
fucking LMAO
Plenty of them are classified as domestic terrorists.
Not the same as a group classification. Individual domestic terrorist might as well be 'lone nut' for all the consequences it has for the groups he's part of.
If he was killed by the state, it was the stupidest fucking thing they could have done. They removed the "peaceful" leader and left people with only the more violent radicals to look to.
Yeah fuck that, they should have made a huge scene and worsened the image people already have of them am I right?
You guys realize noncompliance doesn't necessarily entail immediately going to full on guns-blazing violence?
They did the right thing
Being leftist does not presuppose being a communist. King notably turned towards poverty towards the end of his life.
No they didn't.
Malcolm X, just as he was rejecting racism and thus had potential to gain popularity with whites?
Some killed, party infiltrated.
The King family themselves believe that the state had a part in King's death, and they even won a case on it many years later.
King and X had a popular presence that yer leftist bomber types never really did.
Is that the same red star hat and aviators guy from the Alex Jones video?
In a perfect world sure, but in the real world the same officer will have vastly different reactions to the same behavior depending on who the subject is, and I'm willing to bet the window for "acceptable non-aggression" from a leftist is far, far narrower.
lol you can't even keep your own shitty pseudoscience consistent
That guy had a black hat, and the video in question mercifully got cut short before you could go into his spiel about how much he loves north korea
honestly, it makes the leftist movement look better to those who wish to join.