Why modern russia is so anti-gay? They were more liberal under the urss than today?
This article says that is the ebil commies fault who destroyed family structures
Anti-gay russia
Other urls found in this thread:
blame Stalin for recriminalizing it
here's the real version OP
Russians are retarded and think it's okay when their politicians literally steal 90% of revenue and the median life expectancy for men is under 60, that's natural and how life is, but gays have to be purged for the pure, healthy traditional Russian society.
Feels >>> Reals.
'homophobia' in eastern europe and the middle east is actually resistance to imperialism. 'gay' and 'queer' are western identities, often weaponised for political purposes by Israeli and American imperialism and their NGO agents. Not accepting western identities stigmatises a people as 'backwards', therefore justifying imperialism.
I've heared it say that in Russia hetrosexual men have always been fucked over, from the massive wars to the high work casualties. Thats why russian men feel under threat by a movement that in the west attacks men, especially straight men, as oppressors and evil and shames them for being one.
Not russian, just saying what I read someone write. Dont know if this is true.
I bet religion plays a part in it too.
Cant open your webm
This 100%
Modern Russia is much more gay friendly then (most)of the USSR and Tsarist Russia. The only truly pro-gay Russia was the slavic tribes inRussia before they converted to Christianity.
its am mp4 and it works fine
what the fuck am i reading
Is this ironic?
it is
because russia relies on culture to retain its homogenous and soveregin nationhood in face of western liberalism and subversion.
Because Putin isn't stupid. The West made the mistake of giving gays lots of rights and look at the shit they're pushing for now, look how much of public discourse is wasted on a fraction of a percentage point of the population. They shouldn't get one inch.
The gay was less of a threat back then.
i'm totally serious. the ideology of homosexuality is inherently imperialist and eurocentric. The positing of a single ahistorical 'gay' identity is very dear to western propagandists for a reason.
the story goes like this.
he's absolutely right, though. it's the new version of the white man's burden. the belief that sodomites should be liberated as an excuse for spreading capitalism. this can be seen in other things too like women's rights or private property.
Russians were always an ultra conservative people, IIRC the USSR even tried to change this situation, but it didnt had much success
You know when your country is looking over Chechnya and not doing shit about, it starts to become a problem.
this conservatives where right for once
I agree, someone should stop those evil homophobic non white savages by any means necessary. what could possibly go wrong?
Russia is homophobic because:
feels >>> reals
pervasive macho culture
Propaganda from state (gays = "degenerate western culture values").
Orthodox religion in cahoots with government, spreading propaganda.
lgbt is a scapegoat used to make russia even more fascist.
what a faggot. put on a nazi flag or get the fuck out.
this. only a bigot oppressor would find anything wrong with this beautiful display of progress and diversity.
oh boy here we go
For the last time I am sick of saying this: CHILDREN ARE LUMPENPROLES
You know, I'm not saying war. I'm saying if a state is targeting a group for cleansing, you should step in and say, idk
Fucking stop? Clean up your shit.
Of all the countries to defend I'm unsurprised some tankie on leftypol would choose Chechnya
Demanding Chechnya and monitoring it, in order for it to stop its long sordid history in torturing people, that's literally war.
when I think about the so called 'lgbt community' I imagine a bulbous mob of obese neon haired genderblobs wielding dildoes and chanting 'kill whitey!'. why should the left associate with these people?
The West used gay groups and other NGOs to advance their agenda.
Remember how during the Sochi Olympics they didn't shut up about the gay rights issue.
Needless to say that after the Crimea thing, they dropped them in favour for a much better propaganda utilisation.
Accepting former Holla Forumsacks into our ranks was a mistake.
Bogeymen for the corrupt crapitalist government.
Putin's propaganda machine constantly talks about gays, nato, Ukraine etc, while completely ignoring crapitalism related problems in Russia
personal life is one thing, but creating a new subculture is another.
Most places should m=have gay rights. Russia is NOT one of those places. After Russia get’s it’s birthrate above 2.0 then, and only then should Russia allow gay rights.
because when you allow the fag, the fag spreads to the general population like bubonic plague with extra cocksucking right?
absolutely nazbol
i guess workers' rights are reactionary to imperialism as well, they were spread from western countries
also why the hell would you call gays sodomites
i swear to marx how people can pull more and more ridiculous justifications for homophobia to fit their political agenda is almost funny, in such threads I feel like I was on pol
because faggots are disgusting
Eurocentrism is unironically good, fuck you and your stupid reactionary culture id/pol/ faggots.
There is no reason to support reactionary classcucked cultures.
Folks have been saying for a long time that we're getting more and more Holla Forums refugees. Guess they were right.
fag propaganda out, fuck your shitty EU lobby movement. Any leftist supporting gay rights out of the 1st world is a fucking moron, any leftists supporting the LGBT movement in general is a liberal.
Anyone who is against it should be lined up and shot with the rest of the reactionaries.
I'm not against gay rights, but I won't support them because it is the dumbest adventurism you could commit to if you live outside of the first world.
I am against the LGBT movement, they need to be lined up and shot like the rest of the parasites in our government. You being delusional as you appear to be you will brand me as a homophobe without understanding why I even oppose the movement and won't support gay rights, you'll just brand me as reactionary.
0 to 11
Germany hasn't even legalized gay marriage
you think I'm offended by dickgirls just because I don't want EU lobbies in my country?
Honestly, yeah.
I've been around since 2007, they are a staple of our imageboard culture.
Why do you look at some place like Chechnya and think, this is entirely justifiable bullshit.
Just because people are freaking out about it, doesn't change the facts. It's government is corrupt as hell and every politician within it is full of shit.
because the only alternative to this chechnya is either a NATO base or a jihadist safehaven (come to think of it its usually both)
but theres no gays in chechnya
Or the Russian government could actually put their foot down on the violence in the region and quell it, or threaten certain aid. They won't though.
well a corrupt shithole with culture is better than a corrupt shithole with decadence
I don't even live in Russia you absolute retard, nor do I support it, holy fuck I swear western leftists need to be fucking drowned.
Yeah, Chechnya has real culture. Like Kadyrov attending opulent weddings where guests threw $100 bills at child dancers.
they already did dumbass. checnya is prospering and they put kadyrov in charge to keep peace.
killing a few jihadists and liberals in house raids is a good price for that
Well, evidently their plan failed.
I never said you did.
chechnya does have culture, probably more than that shithole youre from.
and you can take your "muh expensive parties" and go cry to your local elite about them, but you wont, because like all western liberal leftist fruitcakes you just criticise 3rd wolrd "dictators" on the internet and do nothing about the problems at home.
Like I said, making it rain on half naked children with expensive oppulent weddings probably paid for by the Russian state is the pinnacle of culture, and every nation should wish only to attempt to step in its greatness.
Kadyrov is very worried about fun, you see.
can you back this up?
and posting an article about kadyrovites beating homos isnt what i mean
I'm sorry but why should Chechnya get a pass at being corrupt because it's "third world"?
I wouldn't necessarily even call it third world.
how about you adress some of my points instead of trying to play sarcastic
Not a tankie or Russohpile but LGBTQ shit is the worst thing to happen to the left in the western world post ww2
Kadyrovites have been investigated for human rights abuses ever since they came to power, using torture of opposition and against state religion/power to consolidate power.
I'll take wikileaks over reports from the Chechen government
well id say that the social inequality is alot more reasonable in countries like checnya than your country due to socio-economic and historic background
Instagram is peak culture for both here and there, Ramzan is quite the attention whore.
I don't think it is. People aren't being strung up, as far as I can tell.
Excellent argument.
It's really not. Chechnya is one of the worst places you could argue that being the case.
oh you mean like your country, with the exception that amnesty international doesent report on you because they work for you?
I love these threads because you can really see how fucked in the head Eastern europeans are when it comes to any social progress whatsoever.
Westerners, do your thing alone, these fuckheads will insert themselves into your movement(s) and rot it (them) from within. Not because they want to but because that's what they are, terrible people that turn everything to shit.
Where did I say I was making a special exception for Chechnya lol. Why should a place that rich with oil just get a free pass. I would be making an exception to Chechnya, if I picked and chose.
I know this guy.
I'm not shitting you, the treasurer of our IWW looked up the guy, found out that he lived near us, and invited him. Saw him at the last IWW meeting and joined up.
As long as you have a steady birthrate there’s nothing wrong with cocksucking.
When the birthrate is to high increase homosexuality and decrease heterosexuality.
When the birthrate is to low increase heterosexuality and decrease homosexuality.
Russia’s birthrate is to low.
Take homosexuality back to Spartan days when assraping POWs wasn't considered gay. Problem solved. Gay culture is a threat not gays themselves.
I can recognize so many (literally) butthurt homos after they were btfo in the other thread
Get over yourselves, reactionaries. Are you gonna call Marx and Engels idpolers for denouncing you? Is anyone surprised that the elite who rule over the most spooked and reactionary institution in the world, the Catholic Church, are all homosexuals?
I thought that was anti deutch
The CPRF is virulently anti-gay. Are most other leftist groups in Russia homophobic too?
What movement is that?
t. radical liberal
Russia IS capitalist and imperialist, it only opposes the West end homosexuality because:
1. The majority of population is actually reactionary or reactionary, they don't give a fuck about economics.
2. "Muh soviet haritudge", totally ignoring the socialist economic system, but embracing authoritarianism and forced restrictive morality.
Holy shit, I didn't expect this thread to have such interesting opinions.
Yeah, i know what you are felling, why can't people be male only homosexual and shitty girl loving faggots
*conservative or reactionary
Why should a leftist care about homos anyway
because it keeps the active proletariat bussy from actual excellents, like the liberal politics plan, turning the wrokers movement into another fruitcake incompetent controlled opposition.
wtf go to Holla Forums traditionalist shits
absolutely nazbol
Why are Russian nazbols so homophobic?
Because they are an oppressed minority.
Why are tankies retard?
i tought leftism was suppost to focus on the oppressed majority
you act like LGBT activism and their rights are an isolated issue
what did he mean by this
to organise strikes and give light to social and political issues instead of going to pride parades