Why aren't you a Marxist-Leninist? It and its derivatives are by in far the most successful theories. Left-coms, trots...

Why aren't you a Marxist-Leninist? It and its derivatives are by in far the most successful theories. Left-coms, trots, and other non ML Marxists ideologies have achieved nothing, while anarchist have only a few short lived experiments.

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Even if you accept that, wouldn't the triumph of the First World in the Cold War mean that Marxism-Leninism is inferior to capitalism?

Marxism-Leninism is really good, yeah, but unfortunately it's really good at managing capital better than the capitalists can while not bringing about socialism

It doesn't count as success if it doesn't achieve communism, silly

At this point it feels like that for any thread I know exactly what the replies are going to say, and how the discussion is gonna go, just by reading the OP. I should probably take a break from Holla Forums before I go insane.

Also, stop using the tank flag OP.

because I think ML's insistence and reliance on a vanguard party runs counter to Marx's assertion of the revolutionary nature of the proletariat by creating a nested class structure of super proles that in the event of a successful proletarian struggle will simply form a new class above the proletariat they ostensibly worked to free from class society

i think the history of ML does show that it can be effective in some ways, but it is demonstrably only part of the equation and from what I've seen hasn't been brought into the 21st century but has rather become the playground for soviet nostalgists and those that are looking for Stalin to come again and save them from Capitalism rather than improving on the work that was done, or who want to return to Lenin, rather than to repeat Lenin:


Because you assholes keep stabbing us in the back.

Why don't you support the british empire? It and its derivatives are by in far the most successful theories.
Now, it wasn't communism, but clearly that dosen't bother you.

I want to improve upon all, not repeat the best experiment that didnt work.

This is why I'm not a marxist-leninist.

Marxism-Leninism was an abject failure, and MLs have arguably done more to harm leftism than any other leftist ideology has. After so many failed revolutions and degenerated worker's states you'd think they'd come to their senses, but they don't.


This is literally that "le ideologies make history meme" that is making fun of. And if an ideology that achieved state power in half of the world and used it to implement a pseudo-socialist mode of production that lasted for 70 years is a huge failure, then what can be said of an ideology that has existed for close to 100 years and in that period of time has never achieved anything or held any power anywhere whatsoever?

No it isn't. Obviously having a bunch of failed revolutions doesn't mean that an ideology is inherently flawed, but it is evidence in that direction.
This isn't an argument that Marxism-Leninism works better than other leftist ideologies.
"We shouldn't try new ideas, improving on old ideas is bullshit. We should just stick with an idea that has failed a bunch of times, only my ideology is the path to communism" - You, a retard

MLs have this weird idea that 'achieving something' is worthwhile in and of itself. It doesn't matter what you achieve or how, just that you achieved SOMETHING. Just that things are different now than they were before.


Marxism-Leninism failed to achieve communism because they took power away from the worker's councils, gave power to a bureaucratic class, and organized the soviet states along ethnic lines. Under these conditions liberalization an the ensuing collapse of the USSR was almost inevitable.

I literally didn't say anything even close to that. It's actually you who are a retard my friend :)

Get out of your armchair and clean your room.

If you've looked critically at how Marxism-Leninism has failed and changed accordingly the I don't think you can be accurately called "Marxist-Leninist". If you've actually moved forward dialectically then you've had to reject fundamental aspects of the ideology. If you haven't rejected anything then you've haven't really addressed any ideological contradictions.

is marxist-leninism just capitalism with only one corporation instead of competition between many?

Because in order to save socialism, they had to kill socialism. Which is more than other factions ever did, but still.

Would you say that Socialism is disproved because the USSR collapsed, or that pretty much every Socialist nation has faced rebellions, and agitators? No, you would rightly say that that wasn't due to Socialism, it was due to outside efforts from the U.S., which has sought to destabilize and topple every nation that has merely the whiff of Socialism about it. Well, you shouldn't discount Anarchism either just because attempts at founding Anarchist societies have failed in the past. Revolutionary Catalonia didn't collapse on it's own, nor did the Free Territory in Ukraine, or Anarchist Shinmin. They were forcibly snuffed out.

Bookchin discussed this issue in "Post-Scarcity Anarchism" I believe. Due to the lack of appropriate technology in the late 19th early 20th centuries, states which should've sought the abolishment of wage labor simply couldn't. The capitalists weren't in charge anymore, but there was a tremendous amount of necessary labor that had to be completed. So, rather than seeking the impossibility of a work-free life, they instead idolized work. They replaced many small bourgeois managers and companies with large nationalized and state-guided companies. Socialist countries became places where unemployment was eliminated and everyone worked like a busy hive of bees. Now though, we have such a level of technology that the vast majority of things that people labor at can be automated, leaving people free to pursue self-actualization and actually live their lives.

It is sad that for the sake of achieving Socialism and eventually Communism somewhere down the road, the USSR did all these things for the sake of pragmatism and practicality. It only would've been worth it had Socialism actually been achieved in the end. Now, not only was Socialism never achieved, but the memory of the Socialist experiments have been sullied by the "practical men" that were willing to do anything to achieve it.

Depends on what someone means when they say Marxist-Leninist, of course. Most of the Marxist-Leninists from my local ML party that I've interacted with irl (and ML's I've interacted with online that aren't edgy 16 year olds) acknowledge that the USSR made some critical mistakes (obviously, the country doesn't fucking exist anymore), and they're even more critical of China, Vietnam, Cuba, DRPK, etc. They also acknowledge that it's a different time and a different place, so socialism in Europe 2017 won't necessarily look exactly like socialism in Russia 1917.

Are they not ML's? In my mind, and probably in the mind of anyone who calls themself a ML, Marxism-Leninism is not "whatever the USSR did". It's Marxism + Lenin's contributions to it. Lenin's ideas of imperialism as the highest stage of capitalism are important, as well as vanguardism, democratic centralism, and socialism in one country. SioC is not a preference but the realization that capitalism develops unevenly across the globe which makes a world revolution extremely unlikely. Therefore, it's either socialism in one or a few countries, or socialism in no country. As Lenin said:

Reminder that ML's have the best music of any leftist ideology
Come join us, comrades

I'm guessing we have two very different of what Marxism-Leninism is tbh. I think the biggest theoretical weakness of ML style Marxism is it's conception of "dialectical materialism" and how it lends itself to a view of history as a series of inevitabilites, and it's easily abused to justify almost any course of action one wants to take. I made a post about it in another thread here:

Why does this thread even exist when we have a 340 post debate still unfolding?

Yes, I think so too. I think Marxist-Leninists and the rest of socialists have two very different conceptions of what ML is in general.

I don't disagree actually. I don't think such a retarded conception of "muh dialectics" is a fundamental core part of Marxism-Leninism though ("it's undialectical of you to criticize X in this way, comrade!"). I generally avoid dropping a bunch of hot takes on dialectics, though, because I've read literally 0 Hegel.

At last I see a convincing argument in favour of ML

Nazbol is more real. But you are our boys for life.

ML is what happens when you lack conviction to implement socialism and instead let yourself be led like a fucking sheep by some psychopatic idiot.

I have told this many times but marxist-leninist in their forums teach me how the dialectic work.

I want to match the resiliency and success of MLs, and the workers paradise that anarchists achieve.

Will you concede that Rojava can now be considered a bit more than a short term experiment.

Experiment of what though? Don't they enforce the right to private property and stuff?

they have left the property of some private in order to keep people on side during the armed struggle. It's a compromise, everything they directly control is collective to the point where PPG described it as not even really having personal property

Mostly because i've see a calender in the last century. Why do you ask?


Under the current stagnant neoliberal paradigm it's a valuable way to think.

You know why 'Communism' is so taboo and automatically rejected by people without even fucking thinking these days? It's because of these tankie countries like the USSR that failed to institute socialism and gave people the impression that Communism = tyranny where the government does everything and breadlines. Every time you talk to normies and proles about socialism, they INSTANTLY bring up the USSR and how "the USSR is the definition of communism". Any attempt to explain how the USSR was actually state capitalist will be met with a dumbass "haha don't say it's 'not real socialism' XD" meme. Fuck you, tankies. If the world ends up turning fascist instead of socialist when automation shit hits the fan, burning to death from climate change because the "Communism is literally tyranny" meme stopped people from attempting it, I'm blaming the tankies.