Lets create ideologies and imagine their utopias

lets create ideologies and imagine their utopias
stalin but with a kafiyyeh and the power of ALLAH


Other urls found in this thread:


socdems but you go to gulag for being a leftist

Arab nationalist ML.


Aliens nuke us back into primitive communism

Property is a spook, so we must give up all our possesions.

National-Communualism: Rojava wins the civil war with amazing success (something something US imperialism), takes all of Syria, then makes claims of Kursish land in Iraq, Turkey, and Iran, and invades Iraq, slowly building their power.

Anarcho-blanquism: anarchy bought about by a small group of intellectuals controlling the revolutionary working class with unlimited dictatorial power from behind the scenes so as not to disturb the illusion of anarchism

Wait shit that was Bakunin

Every person is their own dictator and can do whatever they want to anyone else

Wait fugg that's Egoism

this is a stupid thread and you should all feel bad

That was already thought of

You smash the state then smash stacy's pussy


Shit, you already beat me to that pic….

this thread almos gave me an asthma attack


Anti-Japaneseism. It’s like anti-dautch, but for Japan. It’s also much more extreme. Oh wait, that’s already a thing.



So nothing new then.

thats gay bro

Technocratic Reptilian-Posadist Pan-Abrahmic Fully Automated Luxury Dominationist Yiffunism with Fordist/Old Majorist Thought Characteristics

Spooked Egoism. It’s a world where people know there spooked, but they understand that it’s in there personal self-intrest to partake in the spooks.

Im surprised the eco-Stalinism thing wasn't mentioned yet

not dank enough

Nazbol-Falangism with Legionist characteristics and Fascist-Stalinist aesthetics. Basically Left nationalist syndicalism with closed borders and an almighty state that makes the bourgeoisie tremble with fear. Fuera Globalistas!

I think that's just classical Cynicism.

Like Posadism but without alien, we build communism ourselves after only leftists survives the nuclear apocalypse thanks to our bunkers.

cool story bro!

No, it wasn't. Take off that flag.

StanCap: A massive corporation called the State™ will be owned by a CEO called the General Secretary. All workers who live on the land of the State™ will have to work the land as they are on the property of the State™. Those not willing to work are unpurposefully on the State™'s land and are therefore violating the NAP, therefore they will be sent into the Gulag®

Quantum Meta-Egoist Islamig Stancapism: The State™ owns everything and the state religion is Islam. Also everyone is a Stirnerite but it doesn't conflict with capitalism or Islam because all the people have realised that spooks are spooks and their egos are also spooks. Everything that Stirnerites consider to be spooks are quantum systems, being simultaneously affected and non-affected by the wider implications of these concepts. Nobody acts in their own self interest because ego is a spook and yet the fact that spooks are spooks creates a strange loop that results in the gradual mental breakdown of all people who make simultaneously voluntarily and involuntarily exchanges with the State™; this breakdown is detrimental to the peoples' ability to think critically, allowing the State™ to generate surplus value unchallenged. In the end, the materialist dialectic explodes due to the rampant self-referential contradictions, eventually leading to the end goal of Fully Automated Luxury Gay Christian Islam-Obam-Anarcho-Communism and the transcendence of the material form, allowing the working class to become one with the Monad.

Here's some templates for fellow comrades to use in creation.


Universities become the center of every commune.