Post the wokest pic you have
Post the wokest pic you have
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Anyone got a picture with Reagan blaming everything on left wing?
Woke af
They both play a part in upholding the status qu- ah I see
Funny thing is that it was a Holla Forums bait thread
Anti-sectarianism in action, folks.
It has to be this one.
yoo must NEVAH respeact a wuman
this is pretty woke, moon landing was a lie
This unironically activated my almonds
Maoism is a mistake.
Marxists are too one-dimensional to read books.
Such cases.
Such a stand up guy - really just some bloke you felt you could just have a beer with
t. amerigan :D
He dared do more than may become a girl, now he is none.
This is one the main things I absolutely hated about the books; the obscene amount of fluff Rowling crammed in because the books themselves lacked any sort of qualities. I honestly have no idea how people enjoyed the books.
>How can you have a worldview? You're so one-dimensional, bro, what you need is radical centrism
What you need to do is go outside.
this is your brain on neoliberalism.
neoliberalism: complex shit leftists don't understand compressed into a conspiratorial simplicity
go outside
sort yourself out
Yeah, we're totally afraid of Porky, that's it, we're not just angered about the class system.
Yeah, there's nothing more totalitarian than controlling your workplace and having a say in the economy.
You can't look at tea leaves without seeing an anthropomorphic pigs head in them.
Totalitarianism implies a totality. A worldview in which the entirety of the world is politicized in a singular, all consuming totality, in which one cannot even read a children's book without noting that it's not about a history ending hero who evaporates his world and leads into everlasting perfection, is totalitarian. If the Big Other of totalitarianism is a god or "controlling your workplace" is irrelevant to it being a totalitarian structure.
Because his face is on all the bags the tea leaves came in. And the cup. And the kettle used to heat the water. And now that literally all water on the planet is full of the plastic he also made, it's in the water, too.
Reminds you of any one?
Ideology pervades all things.
Are you implying that there isn't a totality? That there are somehow separate realities that people live in?
All ideologies work this way. Just because you've unquestioningly accepted the the dominant's ideology's take on a subject as objective or common sense doesn't mean it isn't ideological.
Are you implying that ideology stops short of children's books? That people have no desire to imprint their values and ideology onto the next generation? Or that the works people create are not in any way shaped by their worldview and material/social conditions? That media exists in some void outside of the society that produced it?
He didn't mean actual pigs.
deez nutz
Anita is so hot I want her to peg me so bad
Imagine being so insecure that people who aren't like you getting into your favorite hobby literally ruins it forever
ha ha what
Hey classcuck, my bourgie family pisses on you. Kind regards.
Idk about that second pic, whether it's been updated or whatever.
I wish people like you didn't make posts as if they were comments on a forum, only to bump your favorite thread or something of the like. It's a pretty gay habit you've developed to be perfectly frank with you.
This is a woke thread, not a shitty idpol thread
Looks like someone is nuking. That's not really cool.
Go fucking kill yourself and make it snappy you worthless scum, delete your self next time and not your posts
You want free speech, but like pic related you silence anything you disagree with. You're a fucking fascist, and no better than the piggish feminists the world makes fun of for telling everyone what's funny, appropriate, and allowed and what's not. There's like 20 fucking book threads and public figure threads and you want to get shitty over a thread with less than 60 posts. Eat shit nigga.
Cry more faggot.
Pfft, whatever.
We've seen them all before you idiot. You're like a little baby.
t. brainwashed liberal
You have to go back
t. Del-Centrists
You're using "woke" ironically here, right?
Eat me. I've been bent for less on boards that matter more.
Yeah you probably have, because you're the cancer that killed them all.
Stop spamming and actually make an argument and maybe you'll stop getting banned faggot
Clear all his images, this kills the Holla Forumsyps ideology - he thinks he is redbulling observers and lurkers. He may fuck off when he realises that his rebbills get deleted quickly.
The harry potter books are extremely good at setting an escapist atmosphere for children. The idea of ditching your current, boring school and going to a school full of magic and secrets, where every kid learns how to shoot an infinite supply of chocolate out of their wands and fly around at will, is unbelievably appealing to kids. Especially since, the wizarding world being hidden from the muggles and all, kids can secretly hold onto that dream that it's all actually real and one day they'll receive a letter and be able to go to hogwarts themselves. Harry potter outsells all other kids novels a million to one because kids adore the idea of going to hogwarts a little more then, say, being forced to kill each other for food, or being subjected to an unfortunate series of events.
Every other aspect of the books is mediocre to awful, they survive entirely on that one overwhelming quality. That's why the books are filled with fluff; the chapters wasted talking about little pet aardvarks who like digging up gold is what actually draw people in, not the side bullshit about voldemort. They only think they care about voldemort, but they really don't, if he was the main villain in a book series without the pet aardvarks nobody would remember him for a second.
Get a load of this guy.
I unironically like Alan Watts.
Do drugs.
No but how about this one.
or this
If only he adde "cultural" to that Marxism, this would be literally perfect.
A pro post. I think I'll use it as my default anti-idpol tldr.
Every time I look at a picture like that and notice the star on the caps I think fuck yeah then I notice it's an Imperial Japanese uniform and think fuck no.
Anyway who's the artist or character? Google is giving me nothing useful.
How woke do you want it, fam?
Absolutely based.
I want to know more about this.
The keyword to search for is Françafrique.
Diminishing rate of profit is as woky as it gets.
Of course not, half of it was a tobacco field.
Always worth a laugh
Following the linear on that graph, capitalism can not survive past the year 2145