Why do they enjoy exploiting women so much? Serious question
Why do they enjoy exploiting women so much? Serious question
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Japan is an example of how traditional values and homogeneity create prosperity.
Nothing like a country of miserable technocracy filled with suicidal beta males to really sell us on traditional values and homogeneity.
Japan is proof that man in his most natural and optimized state tends naturally towards suicide, social isolation, antinatalism and prefers to have his time structured with monotonous, never ending tasks to pursuing things he finds enjoyable or fulfilling.
Depression is the state of nature
Hedocucks btfo forever
because, why not?
woman are stupid and i don't respect them
thats right, i just have sex with them
mommy issues
To be fair these countries are rekted by the west(and even ML states at times).Their problem isn't lack of feminism or socialism but generally economic domination by outside forces.
NEETs, Hikkis, suicide are all greatly exaggerated. They are far less of a problem then crime and racial tension in America is.
crawling under my skin these wounds will they will not heal
If only there was another nuke.
Now it is clear what that big H-bomb is really for.
Wow, there's less racial tension when there are fewer possible inter-race interactions? No fucking way! Also it is really safe in landlocked countries because of the relative absence of drowning incidents. Logic'd
Demographic collapse is death rattle for societies, even more than crime.
Beside there is also racial tensions with Koreans residents…also Japs regulate crime by making it semi legal with the Yakuzas…
Traditional values like vapid consumerism and a declining birth rate? Prosperity like a catastrophic asset price bubble burst and the world's largest public debt?
The suicide rate in Japan is much higher than the homicide rate in the US (15 vs 5 per 100,000 per year). What Japan lacks in violent crime like homicide compared to the US (0.5 vs 5 per 100,000 per year), it almost makes up in higher suicide rates (15 vs 12 per 100,000 per year).
Prostitution should be legal everywhere.
Japan spent a very long time extremely isolationist and was eventually occupied by the US after WWII. A lot of their present day culture is heavily influenced both by the events of WWII and the influence of American consumerism. I'm not going to shit on them like a lot of other people in this thread, because it's true that Japan adapted extremely well to these circumstances and while Japanese lifestyles likely contributes to suicide, I'm not anti-suicide and in many ways Japan is socially not that much more repressed than the west. I wouldn't want to live in such a society, but certain aspects of it (homophobia and the like) are exaggerated.
Japan also reaps some benefits from its traditionalism, both culturally and legally. I'm not in favor of arms bans in the west, but Japan's long history of anti-weapons policy and post-WWII pacifism made it much easier for them to successfully restrict weapons in the present in a way which benefits the country's peace. Worthy of some praise regardless of where you stand on the issue, I think, though many leftypolers would disagree since this policy stands in the way of resistance.
I don't think anyone has actually addressed the OP at all.
I think they just like women, but they're way in over their heads to make themselves look good so they try to hormone themselves into them.
That doesn't explain cheating though.
You're not wrong. Juche was founded on the idea of amassing the military strength to destroy japan.
Nothing in the screencap you posted is exploitation.
You just havent tried the right stuff, yet.
Injecting heroin and cocaine at the exact perfect moment you start cumming into a girls butthole while getting fucked in the ass by a tranny on mdma/lsd taking a whippet with a noose around your neck listening to ASMR getting a hand massage by an asian lady.
If you do that youre life will finally have meaning.
Yes, let the female rapist, abuses, or child porn artist go, sine they/she is a woman. she exploit other woman, children and people; but that's ok sine she a woman, that's changes so much.
getout weeaboo
/a/ became nothing more then weeaboo shits and i'm debating if the weeb community is more worse then the furry community.
We can't have a fine ol'd discussions of japan's problems with you /a/ weeaboo faggots shit up the thread and defending everything that's japan does even if in the wrong while crying, like fucking weeaboos. None of you fuckers care about japan, all you care about is that is they made underage child porn or they made animu and sine japan does that, they ok or best conncy becuz they made mi child porn animu and the country doesn't have broblems :DDDD at all thanks to that.
you have no idea how westernized the japanese youth is
Sex work is only exploitative under capitalism.
Even then, legally sectioned sex worked tends to be no more exploitative then any other form of capitalist exploitation of workers.
Sex work is not inherently exploitative and should not be opposed universally, certainly not under a post-capitalist system.
Do you know anything of Japan outside of animu, friend?
Japan has in a continuous economic down-turn since the 90s and is under a mountain of debt; it's hardly a beacon of prosperity.
Like-wise traditional Japanese culture has been dying a slow death since the end of WW2.
The last hope that Japan had of a cultural restoration died with Yukio Mishima, decades ago.
Modern Japan is little more then your average neo-liberal state.
Only really notable for both for its status as a puppet state and for just how advanced the neo-liberal decay is.
Japan is not a Technocracy.
Hell, the end of Confucianism ensured that modern Japan is not even a Meritocracy.
I do love the inherent humour of the Juche ideology.
Kim Il-sung was so butt-hurt that modern education, medicine, infrastructure etc was introduced to Korea by the Japanese (rather then Koreans inventing such things).
That he came up with his own political philosophy.
Hell, the sad reality of the situation is that the entire region would likely be better off if Korea had remained a Japanese territory.
My favourite weeaboo claim is that Japan is not racist, that all of the horror stories of westerners going to japan and being treated like second class citizens are all lies.
To be fair to Kim Il Sung words I never thought I'd say Japan governed Korea about as brutally as King Leopoldo governed the Congo.
It's easy to understand why someone would be reluctant to praise a power that killed and enslaved millions of Koreans.
Prostitutes are a necessity regardless of economic system
Theirs is a culture of betas who wouldn't be able to have sex with them any other way.
Well firstly, I would consider that an unfair comparison.
King Leopold seemed to govern the Congo with a genuine malevolence.
However Japan governed it's territories in much the same way that imperial powers have since Rome and the Qin.
Keep in mind that an advanced culture developing a less advanced culture is always a destructive process.
The best metric to judge such actions, should always be a combination of overall benefit to the native peoples and current stability.
While they obviously did not do so for any humanitarian reasons, Japan did introduce modern education, medicine and culture to the people within it's territories (obviously I'm talking about pre-WW2 japan here), improving their overall quality of life.
Like-wise, since the end of Imperial Japan.
Taiwan has become an international hot-spot that may erupt into conflict at any moment.
The Manchurian people have been the victims of ethnic cleansing to the point that their traditional culture is pretty much extinct.
And Korea is a partitioned nation, divided between a dystopic north and a neo-liberal puppet south.
When one imagines what those territories would look like today under an Imperial Japan.
I think one would struggle to argue that they are better off now.
Japan is a good example of what happens to birth rates and the family under late stage capitalism and what alienation and long work schedules can do to people. Add on a culture steeped in values regarding respect for authority and honor integrated deep into the capitalist structure and you have a society open for a lot of problems in the near future.
Daily reminder to watch the story of comrade Naoki:
(try to ignore annoying narrator and opening)
I really don't think it is. Its estimated that around 6 million Koreans were taken slaves by the Japanese over the course of colonial rule. The country was looted of cultural artifacts and material wealth and the Korean language itself was banned. After taking over Korea they instituted their own reign of terror killing over 20,000 people at least I've heard numbers as high as 200,00 to say nothing of how the coup d'etat in Korea actually occurred. Japanese agents actually busted into the Royal Chamber of the Korean monarchy raped the Korean Queen and set her on fire because she leaned closer to Russia than Japan.
Secondly, even if you can argue that it still wasn't as bad as Leopold's Congo it wasn't like Japan was bringing civilization to a bunch of primitive tribes. Korea, while backwards, probably could have made a transition to capitalism on its own. Moving away from counterfactuals, I'd say the Soviets and Americans should get the most credit for modernizing Korea than Japan considering the underdeveloped state of the country after WWII.
There's a reason why South Koreans hate Japan more than American tbqh
I think one would struggle to argue that they are better off now.
Considering that the Japanese did as much or more damage to those regions as the Nazis did in Europe, I would say you'd be hard pressed to say Asia would be better off under Japanese fascism. Even Japan itself did much better after being forced to get rid of their fascist regime then they were doing when they had it.
In addition to the mass-killings and (including sexual) enslavement in China and elsewhere the Japanese used biological weapons on China killing between 600,00-1,000,000 people from these weapons alone. Even the Nazis never went that far, whether it was from fear of world opinion, retaliation, or a German predilection for efficiency it is hard to say.
meant for
Who /comtrepreneur/ here?
It isn't even necessarily just the prostitution why I made this thread but the fact that they have all kinds of sexual exploitation in Japan: strip clubs, porn, compensated dating etc.
Even the whole hostess culture where married men come to drink and feel flattered by some kind of female affection they don't get at home is a rather perverse late-capitalist exploitation of the human desire for socialization.
Japanese cultural media often features the sexual exploitation of women and/or eroticization of young girls. I didn't make this thread just to hate on Japan for having prostitutes but it seems that there's a high-level of objectification of women even by Western standards but really the fact that they have basically legal prostitution substantiates the claim.
I don't know why leftists these days are so in love with sex-work, Marx and Engels opposed it and so did most of the other great revolutionaries.
nice meme
Japan is a utopia.
It's not a very good example then. The social situation is seriously concerning.
That is quite literally an oxymoron.
They wouldn't want you over there anyways.
Kill yourself nigger.
A society that expect you to work yourself to death for a faceless corporation that don't give the slightest shit about you to the point a growing chunck of population choose to entirely opt out of it is not exactly an utopia.
But i guess a meaningless shitty life is OK as long as you don't see any scary brown people in the streets…
I gladly work hard to have my family safe from the browns and blacks
They aren't an inherent danger to you. Their material needs are the same.
Statistically false.
No blacks and browns puts Japan head and shoulders above everyone else. Because everything you can complain about Japan you can complain about here…with the added bonus of being inundated with hordes of blacks and browns.
t. I Take My Statistics From The Gestapo Of A Nation With More Prisoners Than China
not an argument, blacks and browns are shit elsewhere too though
It is an argument.
even if america is prison happy blacks still cause a tone of crime and japan is objectively better because they don't have to deal with it.
So because the conditions created by those who actually have power to cause criminality is inherent to their genetics? They are not an inherent danger to you because they are black or brown. You conclusions from the statistics you wank to have been twisted to fit your worldview. Keep blaming the powerless, their material needs are the same. While the law of the land attempts to make racism illegal you cannot change minds through legislation. They still face a bias even if they aren't criminal, as demonstrated by you. You aren't in danger because a brown person is near you, just like not every white person is an undialectical nazi such as yourself.
That is an infantile analysis of statistics.
It turns out capitalism attracts crime? I'm shocked
Japan is the most socialist society on earth. The ignorance on the left is astounding.
'Race realists' BTFO
Again, statistically false. White people in the presence of brown people ARE usually in danger.
Japan's declining birthrate and other strange cultural issues are caused by the late-stage capitalist culture of overworking and forced politeness, leading to alienation and a desire for escapism and releasing whatever other feelings are suppressed in mainstream japanese society, if you blame it on "muh anime" or "muh soggyny" you are probably a liberal and do not belong here.
The flanderisation of anime as an example is a symptom of this alienation.
anime is not that bad I just like bullying weebs
From my understanding salarymen in Japan live for the corporation but in return the corporation takes care of them, it isn't like our corps who don't think twice before firing someone for saying something not PC. I do think japs take their overworking too far, but you're misrepresenting the deal.
Extreme politeness is part of their culture. It's ridiculous for us, but it predates capitalism by a long shot.
What's funny is that right-wingers tend to blame it on GUTTERAL MARXISTS and/or feminism for some strange reason. Like it's impossible to be a feminist and also want children or something.
Well either way the eccentricities of late-stage capitalism mixed with that extreme politeness has produced cultural side-effects.
What possible definition of exploitation are you using whereby japanese women are uniquely put upon by their society in comparison to men?
Because they can. It's free/cheaper labor.