Is it happening? Is it finally here? Will the entire West Coast fall into the pits of hell?
8.1 Earthquake In MEXICO
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They STILL have to go back.
well fuck
My family is in California. I am going to try to convince them that they should get out, or at least prepare. What about you guys?
Buddy hell would probably be an improvement
Why? California is nowhere near where the earthquakes happened.
Have you ever been to California? Everyone there is annoying af
I live in Cali. Stop generalizing.
Because California is long overdue for a massive earthquake. This may be the first of many.
I just said my family lived there you dingus.
Wow, rude.
Shit, another one. 5.7 in same location.
How long until right-wingers start blaming the earthquakes on socialism?
The bad news:
Shit's on fire yo
The good news:
Fortunately Mexican buildings and houses aren't made of cardboard.
Is a culture thing I believe.
Also earthquake training is common in here because of that one time our capital got "JUST" so don't worry.
It's already being blamed on (Trumps refusal to tackle) global warming on twitter.
well it worked for the Sandinistas.
How fuckin retarded do you got to be
¿De dónde eres en México? ¿Están jodidos los Zapatistas? ;_;
people found bodies under a bridge, because of the quake I believe
Could be wrong, I get my sources from the "bro-science-thinktank"
fucking kek
I found a thread about chiapas.
I can translate but It will take me a fat sec
Oh, I thought it would be worse than that.
Ok so here is the full info so far
And yes, he got fat.
Oh Jesus.
Also I guess I have to get a Mexican proxy now.
Apparently there were some weird lightnings on the skies of Mexico City just before and during the earthquake.
Could it possibly be that ayyliuns are behind all the recent "natural" catastrophes?
Is our lord and savior Posadas finally coming back to save us?
Also why are the ayys angry at spics in specific? first the Caribbean, now Mexico.
I never thought Marcos would reach the "retired old guy with big belly" stage.
Marcos kinda looks like me now, oddly.
I can do a better job in Adobe After Effects
r8 my meem
Sweet Arizona Bay coming, baby!
Fugg, this shit seems pretty serious, tsunami warnings all over Central America too.
Btw, compañeros mexicanos, I'm from Denmark and might be going to study in Mexico City next year, could you give me a quick rundown on nice areas to live and stuff and general tips on how to not getting kidnapped by los Zetas?
This tbh, quakes tend to move up a faultline. Not sure it will be in the immediate term but it in the next few years.
If you stay in the urban areas and away from the slums you'll be fine. They say not to get into independent cabs there but I did with no hassle. Smog is bad though.
Visit Trotsky's house!
Try looking at a map once and awhile.
Between this and the hurricanes, what would be an estimate of the Burger death toll?
Hotter climates tend to have stone buildings
Earthquake lights are a natural phenomenon. Although not completely understood, the most recent model suggests that the generation of earthquake lights involves the ionization of oxygen to oxygen anions by breaking of peroxy bonds in some types of rocks by the high stress before and during an earthquake. After the initial shock the ions built in during the chemical reaction release into the atmosphere, causing ionization of pockets of air.
There's even been research on the angle of a fault causing, more or less depending, earthquake lights.
Another common phenomenon with Earthquakes, for the same reason, is ball lightning.
So I'm afraid to say, no ayy lmaos. Just chemistry.
They are 97% liberals. The other 3% are Dodgers. Good riddance, I say
As opposed to the American right, which isn't cancerous
Fuck you materialist.
This is ==CLEARLY== a work of sorcery, socialist sorcery casted by the NWO.
Never suggested otherwise. But there's a difference between them and the "American right". While both are right.
Nah it's just Earthquake ionization. It's happened before actually. It's just never been video taped this well to my knowledge. But it's the same phenomenon.
Also while angle of the fault is also a good degree of if there will be Earthquake lights (depending on severity of the quake), another good hint is what local rock is made of. If it would give off ionization more or less, etc.
I wanna post this but i dont want to get called chairo
There also rude. Remember that Californians gave Adorno a heart attack.
This wouldn't be happening if they had seized the means of plate tectonics!
what a waste of talent
thanks fam, what did you think of the city yourself?
Looks like the heat lighting I used to see when I lived in rural Missouri.
why is that exactly?
probably so that it doesn't get hot inside.