Just curious how many people here use a VPN, since we all know that our communications are being monitored and being considered a leftist probably puts you on a watchlist.
Do you use a VPN?
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I mean, some of the time. Mostly when I think there's an actual risk. Which isn't very much.
Sometimes, but I assume I'm already on a watchlist for googling Marx in high school.
I'm not part of any organization so I think I'm safe
Most VPNs are compromised tho and will deliver all your data to authorities if asked to do so, even if they claim that they don't save any logs they actually do.
True, but isn't it better than nothing?
Or I guess there's Tor.
I go bareback both on the internet and pussae
Jesus christ you are a retard.
Mullvad is entirely safe, but you need bitcoins
So you enjoy pegging.
To be fair who doesn't, honestly?
I don't, a finger in my ass is nice but pegging is awkward and I'm not a sub so it doesn't appeal to me. Now dping a girl with a qt using a strapon is pretty hot.
That sounds fun too, you need to learn to surrender authority to somebody you trust sometimes.
…although that means trusting somebody so maybe i'm actually with you, because tbh i'm a khv
And you got the guts to call me fag?
It's not so much about surrendering as it is tapping your prostate, if a girl knows what she's doing she'll do that during head and it's the best you'll ever have.
Just because your inchworm is the size of a woman's finger doesn't mean having a woman poke your pooper is gay.
Fuck off idiot.
This is your brain on hapa crypto-nazbol
Yeah, good like thinking about cock while you are with a girl
You must be very small.
Keep calling my cock names, you probably want it in your ass faggot
I doubt anyone would even know if your dick was in them. I guess that's why you're paying alimony and your wife is taking big cocks now hapa.
t. I can't see my cock unless i'm in front of a mirror because I'm a fat fuck american
Guess the finger into the ass is the only you can't feel pleause haing your dick covered in fat
You seem very interested in my cock, did your wife leave because you were too small or because you liked to watch her get fucked by other men?
Come on user, this is an anonymous board. You don't have to pretend not to be gay. We promise we won't bully you.
Stop bullYing people ni🅱🅱 a
I'm not having sex with a male so it isn't gay.
Dicklets deserve to be bullied.
bully me instead
Over what? Hapastalin brings it on himself for being a massive and easily recognizable faggot, the best I could hit you with is telling you Assad is a liberal and that arab nationalism with socdem characteristics is gay.
This is my garbageposting flag, I'm openly ancom but secretly anarcho-techno-primitivist
Hit me with that good bullying my man
Anprim is idiotic faggotry and techno is retarded, that you've managed to soil Anarchism with both makes you more of a cunt than n1x could ever hope to be.
Nice delusion faggot. You are gay, it is a fact. Stop being butthurt over your inherent nature, or you might get a hernia the next time your "girfriend" fucks you in the ass.
Are you guys so small your dicks are on par with a woman's finger?
I'm an american faggot like you? Nope. I'm not into cuckholding and shit like that. Also no, in europe there are real women that are not in that kind of stuff (not that you'd know being american and all you are probably used to fuck some ugly liberal slag)
Don't be so upset user. Just because you are more female than male doesn't mean its wrong. You are literally too small to pleasure a woman, so you have to do it the other way around. Have a drink and get started on that HRT so you can get fucked in three holes instead of two!
Ever heard of mustafà? Il cane che lo prende en culo e pensa de stà a scopà
I always use incognito mode.
So your wife left you because you were too small for her.
Your euro girls are really nothing special and if you think they're not perverts I assume the best you've gotten is drunken slags that got passed over in bars. Which is frankly better than I expect you to do Hapa Reeves.
I'm sorry user, you'll have to look elsewhere for trannies. Surprisingly Holla Forums has enough of them, why don't you check there?
I'm vaguely aware of the turk, but I don't see how he's relevant to the dumbfuck idea that having sex with women is gay.
I am confident that I am already on a watchlist so I don't worry about it. My family has been involved the US left for a long time. They've been arrested many times, had interviews in the news, and have stories about the FBI going through their trash back in the COINTELPRO days. I get "randomly" selected 4 / 5 times I go through airport security.
It's an italian joke
I could fuck her, what you? Right, you get finger in the ass fucking sissy
wew lad
Don't be ashamed of yourself girl. There is no discrimination against homosexuals like you here.
I don't think she could tell that, maybe if you used a finger she could have felt something.
While I'm getting my dick sucked by a woman. You should try it, no one thinks hapas are masculine so it's not like you have any reputation to lose. Maybe you'll be able to keep your dick up long enough to fit into a condom.
Yes girls in America are hot, especially in the cities and coast.
If I was a homosexual and a girl that would make me a lesbian. Take a deep breath after blowing your load to some tranny porn and try to be coherent.
You are a massive fucking fag who gets hard by having a finger in your ass.
Real women outside of you McState are not that much into those kind of spooks, just the minum necessary so that I can steal them from american manchild sissies like you.
Don't die from AIDS on me boygirl. I am sorry for misgendering you. Please share your proper pronouns.
No I can easily get hard without that. At least I can put a bag on you std riddled twat.
Every euro slag I've fucked has been a pervert. That you can only get them when they're too drunk to do anything but lay there says more about you than them.
No you can't, you're a beta hapa who can't even handle an ass.
Sure thing bucko.
It's ok to be small user, but that's not really how it works. I'm sure you and hapastalin can find a support group to deal with your little problem.
Oh my. What a delightful thread this turned out to be.
Ah! the enigma of anal penetration.
I see that you are still extremely upset that I misgendered you. I understand that you are the sensitive type, so I will wait for you to come out on your own. But you are going to have to come to terms with being gay sometime in your life. Denying it will only make you more miserable than you already are.
Thanks for the kind words user, but I'm afraid your sympathy isn't needed nor do I care about spooks. However if I may repay your kindness, I found something that may help with your finger sized penis. experienceproject.com
I hope you find their words help with you tiny problem.
But user, I'm not the one with the masculinity problem. Your homosexual tendencies are clearly a way of coping with other inadequacies. I have several healthier options for you.
I'm glad you don't feel ashamed of your differently sized manhood.
I certainly appreciate your concern over my appreciation for prostate poking, but I am afraid I'm not so distressed I require pills or religion. However if you know a girl willing to put her finger in my ass while deepthroating about 7 or 8 inches, that would be great.
I don't know of any girl who wants to fuck a femboy like you, but I do I know of several men who will be willing to put 9-10 inches in your butt. Don't hesitate if you are interested!
Maybe if I had money. Holla Forums tells me the free ones are a bad idea.
I'm afraid I don't like men and it's a shane you don't know any girls. Thanks anyways my little friend.
what the fuck am i reading. you're both faggots so hard you're faggoting up the whole world
Being gay is genetic. If you like being penetrated, you will come around to loving men. Unchain yourself, you lovely degenerate.
His faggotry seeps into everyone's words. None can escape his sexual narcissism.
I've had too much to drink and am bored. You should also post shitty text mekes that aren't for ants user.
user I'm sorry but I'm not going to be your bf and certainly wouldn't bottom. If you're looking for that you'll have better luck on Holla Forums oddly enough.
too spooky for me, it's just flesh rubbing on flesh when it comes down to it so what's your problem. you believe in a spook called masculinity?
See. Sexual narcissism. You literally cannot stop thinking everyone wants that prolapsed cum toilet of yours. I am starting to fear that you may be unreformable. Get help for your condition soon.
Well you do seem awfully eager to frame my sexual activities with women as gay, if not out of your own interest why would you be so concerned over what goes on with me and a woman? If you're interested in a threesome I'm afraid I wouldn't feel comfortable dwarfing your fingersized cock.
Don't be so offended over simple facts. Males getting penetrated is gay. Traps are gay. You are therefore gay.
But since you are such a narc, you deliberately invited this upon yourself. Don't. Either grow back your pair or change yourself to fit society better. Your choice.
You better sort yourself out before you die of AIDS somewhere. Period. I am telling you point blank that this is what you need to do to save yourself. If you can't handle it….
Why even live?
On topic: Have any of you looked into I2P? IPFS should be getting support for it and it seems pretty nifty. (Also it's mostly public domain, which is really cool)
What VPN's do any of you prefer?
They're so straight they can't even stand themselves being male.
I'm afraid you and facts are far removed.
So prostate exams are now gay? How about colonoscopy?
And traps have nothing to do with this, I don't know why you keep bringing them up.
So having sex with females is gay. Your definition of gay is stretched too far to have any coherent meaning so much so that a medical patient becomes gay.
I'm afraid I have sorted myself out, I am a straight male who enjoys oral sex with females, occasionaoy with the female putting her finger up my ass. Another male doesn't factor in here and seeing as I use condoms am not at a high risk of AIDS. Your obsession with a small kink is rather amusing, so I must assume that you would like some cock or that your penis is small enough to be comparable to a female finger, possibly even both. I suggest seeing a Lacanian or hiring a hooker to sort these issues out.
I use on. Only a forward from a VPS tho, so It spoof my IP adress but if they want, alphabet letter agencies can find me.
Daily reminder that a VPN vith Windows or OSX is totally useless. Use linux if you fear government agencies. (and you should fear them).
Im not planning any attacks and I dont live in a country where what I do is illegal.
If they wanted to know about what I do, a VPN wouldnt help.
AIR is probably the "safest" one, I know a lot of smalltime money launderers, online drug dealers gamblers and the like that use it so they at least dont snitch to the national authorities, yet. also not located in burgerland and they dont have any fake "hurr you can totes trust us" scams like a "canary", if any VPN says they have a canary avoid them like the plague, always pay in btc
LOL, might as well put on a little red hat on your head and send a picture of yourself+mouth swab to the federales
shut the fuck up youre both faggots nobody cares
it helps a bit even with wangblows, they arent wasting exploits on our sorry asses, yet.
Youre not hiding from the dragnet or anything but it makes it harder for them and almost impossible for anything below federal
german here, i was once involved in an antifa protest against a local nazi party
we drove to the location as a group of vans and as soon as we left the highway we got stopped by the police, every one of us was film, our i.d.´s were checked and our cars were searched.
I think it´s safe to say that i am already on some watchlist
dont worry too much about it bruh, antifa is an arm of the state in DE just like the NPD, you are on the useful idiot list and for the most part safe so long as you dont do anything too illegal
top lel
ich bin grösstenteils Deutsch du Transe, Antifa ist komplett unterwandert, warum glaubst du wurdet ihr so präzise rausgefischt
weil wir die demo angemeldet haben du otto
hue was für gefährliche Freie Radikale ihr seid, hast du nicht erwähnt du Jockel aber es unterstützt destotrotz meine Aussage, Antifa und NPD sind beides nützliche Idioten, tanz weiter den tanz mein Neger falls du nicht jetzt schon klamme Eier bekommen hast
ihr seid alle so herrlich gleichgeschaltet
digga wir sind nocht nach hamburg gefahren oder so wir sind mit insgesammt 50 leuten zu einer größeren gegendemo gefahren bei der 3500 polizisten anwesend waren was hätte es also für einen sinn gemacht wenn wir es nicht angemeldet hätten und einfach alle verhaftet worden wären?
man kann nicht jeden tag die große revolution ausrufen aber wir haben einen nazi aufmarsch blokiert
immer noch besser als so ein dickes kind das im internet denkt es könnte leute mit kenfm mäßigen antifa ev. verschwörungstheorien zu diskreditieren
völliger Schwachsinn, jede Straßenratte hier weiß dass Antifa&friends komplett unterwandert sind, 3 wurden neulich erwischt und ihre Gesichter wurden an die Flora gemalt, die Polizei tauchte auf um 0500 mit farbroller um das ganze überzupinseln, herrlich, dieser Spasti hier ist auch ein Bulle der LANGE operiert hat in der Szene, vor ein paar Jahren haben ein paar "reale" Linke sich vorm großen Polizeipräsidium gestellt und mit Kamera observiert wer da durchs Haupttor kommt, eine AP nachm anderen, es waren ne menge Dreadlocks zu sehen sagen wirs mal so, jede bekannte..anti-staatliche Gruppe ob links oder Rechts ist völlig suspekt besonders in der BRD weil es so Geostrategisch wichtig ist dass wir ein Vasallenstaat bleiben. Das Ganze ist keine neue MO, Joseph fucking Conrad schrieb bereits über diese Scheisse, so funktioniert das nun mal, du stellst artifizielle Lager auf und spielst sie gegen einander aus, so behälst du die Kontrolle und marginalisierst die Menschen weil die meisten irgendwann merken dass das ganze zu nichts führt, aussteigen und komplett apolitisch werden
Bei der deutschen antifa kann es sogar sein dass sie doppelt/dreifach unterwandert ist, die "antideutsche" Bewegung z.b. ist ganz klar ein Israelischer proxy, es wird kaum verheimlicht, die sogenannten anti-rassisten die vom Ethnostaat unterstützt werden und auch kein problem haben mal tief in die anti-araber Kiste zu greifen, diese ganze Kacke ist ein Tanz und mann kann es sogar..platonisch wahrnehmen ohne sich in die Lange und verwirrende Geschichte der infiltration zu stürzen
Die Antifa hat kein Programm. Punkt. es ist lifestylism, manche meinen es gut aber sie sind verblendet, gefangen im spektakel, Antifa will noch nicht mal zugeben, dass ihre "Feinde" vom Staat unterstützt werden. erwähn mal so ein antifag gegenüber den berüchtigten nicht-urteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichts über ein NPD-verbot, oder sprich mal mit denen seriös uber den NSU clusterfuck, sie wollen es nicht wahrnehmen dass der deutsche(sprich anglo) deep state das ganze leitet weil es deutlich machen würde wie sinnlos es ist mit irgendwelchen hirnis auf der Strasse zu kloppen
Wenn Antifa wirklich den aufschäumenden nazismus bekämpfen wollte würden sie sich die haare schneiden, sich wie ein normalo anziehen und sich mit diesen ganzen Dumpfbacken unterhalten und denen zeigen dass sie für die gottverdammte BRDgmbh arbeiten, es wäre so dermaßen leicht mistrauen und zweifel bei denen anzupflanzen aber damit kann man sich ja nicht profilieren
lmao ich liebe dass ihr ganzen kiddies jetzt denkt hamburg ist derbe der Smashie hochburg, ist es überhaupt nicht, antifags anderswo können sich wenigstens prügeln, die spastis hier sind zu 90% yuppie kinder aus Pinneberg vorallem die "ultras". Smashietechnisch ist die Hansestadt ein LARP hochburg, nichts anderes, die show die du gesehen hast G20 waren hauptsächlich franzosen und spanier, ich mag manche smashies aber die meisten Jungs hier sind extrem Panne
du wirst sowieso denken ich spinne aber behalt es im Hinterkopf, irgendwann wird es dir auch offensichtlich sein, das ganze gerät bereits jetzt schon aus den Fugen
religiousfag spotted
Riveting discussion, lads.
Not yet, things are safe in HUEHUEHUE for now. It's that curious tendency where the internet tends to stay more free for longer in poorr countries.
Anyway, I'll probably have to get a VPN soon anyways when I start buying dudedrugslmao