Why is masculinity on the decline in the west?

Why is masculinity on the decline in the west?

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Who cares about hetero normitivity? Get out, you reactionary fash!


could this be the work of kultural marcks???

Because it's garbage. Shut up and put on the damn maid dress.

I don't get it. You're saying it's not?

Why can't we give xboxs and greater gibsmedats checks to the negros in exchange for a vasectomy?

rlly spooky m8tey


we're saying we don't care you literal reverse-SJW

your parents were siblings and you have the mental capacity of a boiled chestnut

Not an argument.

could say that for literally any works of """race realist""" theory tbqh

Because of post-industrialism. During Agrarian and Industrial societies most jobs involved hard physical labor, something men were better at then women. Now with post-industrialism we have female dominated service sector jobs. Because of this women are now the driving force of the economy instead of men. This is leading to a feminization of men and a masculinization of women. Also thanks to added hormones in food people now consume more estrogen while eating.

Nigga please

late capitalist deindustrialization killed off the traditionally masculine jobs in America while favoring the service sector jobs that typically favor women.
It's not even that masculinity is disappearing, It's just changing. You can't get rid of an abstract concept like that.

What is race realism? Do you mean biology?

But women used to work the fields too.

You probably could, just hide it under the guise environmentalism and sustainability.
One could argue the democrats are already doing it.

Seriously, all you need to do is get one rich-fag Holla Forumsyp to do an NGO to "Save the earth" and tell everyone else to fund him with bitcoin.
The government gives no oversight to this kind of thing.
The hard part is you'd have to be actually convincing for the people you're sterilizing not to feel coerced and report you to the authorities. And you'd have to interact with niggers.

and you've brought enough attention to yourselves at this point that some lurking CNN reporter would do a news article and make it backfire hard on you.


Yeah, it's "the sickle cell" why negros are shunned. Yes indeed.

Women didn’t work in the fields nearly as much. Also if race realist just cared about “biology” then you’d be trying to help blacks become smarter.

exactly mr nazi, the negro is shunned because of "muh outgroup"-feels first and then a 'genetic' reason is sought to justify that belief
well done, did you work that out yourself?

Kek why? What utopian nonsense informs that decision?

You don't uplift the rats infesting your home.

heh you're fucking hilarious

They are shunned because they are dumb violent chimpanzees.

That sounds like you.


Am I a bad leftist if I think this is really weird? It's like complete infantilization "get the snip and I'll let you play vidya!" It just feels really dirty.

(Assuming race realism is correct the blacks are less smart then whites) then so what. We don’t kill stupid white people, we try to make them smarter.

Also temporary blockers to the deferens are coming soon so vasectomy should be mostly stopped, along with hormone pills to girls.

I don't know how predominant vasectomies are but the gaming shit isn't really unusual. The whole "man cave," "boys' toys" shit has been spread everywhere. It's inescapable.

What's your opinion on right-wingers generally having lower Autism Levels than left-wingers? It's just biology, after all.

keep your reddit-tier replies on reddit.

history is LIBERAL, read only writings of tov. STALIN

masculinity is a spook, good riddance