Redpill me on North Korea. Is everything I know just imperialist propaganda?
Redpill me on North Korea. Is everything I know just imperialist propaganda?
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no. Shit was real back in the 90s. For some reason American still spew that 30-year-old information about the country.
Still haven't figured out Warmbier though, I think he was just an incident of really shitty counterintelligence.
It's a shitty impoverished dictatorship. Nevertheless, a lot of the shit you hear about it is obvious propaganda and it pisses me off how people just believe anything the media tells them.
Probably. But the norks havent done a great job of convincing us that they arent a shitty dictatorial country, which really shouldnt be that hard in an age of internet and peer to peer sharing.
That said you shouldnt support the invation of that country because 1. Its an invasion by america and 2. it is a net loss for everybody. It will result in massive numbers of casualties.
Based NK fight against ( ( ( them ) ) ) by refusing the Rothschild banking system.
I hope they try an invasion to be honest. A nuclear war in the pacific would leave the other half of the planet free.
While a nuclear winter and mass death in china and america would be nice to stop climate change, I dont think I like the fallout that much.
Fallout is an overrated problem. Nuclear winter could be survived, and I like the cold anyway.
I have friends in South Korea. They've met people who have come from the North and it's a shit hole. However, it is their shit hole which is why I'm personally against invading. Let them do what they want and suffer in filth. As pointed out this would be part of the end goal. The North Korean government is retarded though because they keep threatening nuclear strikes against everyone. If they just shut the fuck up there probably wouldn't be as big an issue as there is now. Anyways, their master plan is to develop their missiles until they have enough of a deterrent that they can just march into the South and take the whole thing. What is anyone gonna do about it? If anyone steps in then millions will die. From there they'll have vast amounts of resources and military gear and also the factories required to create computers and military vehicles, since Samsung makes those. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if the US goes to war in the next 6 months.
You have no idea what you're talking about. North korea needs those nukes to get some breathing room, south korea and japan are buttbudies with the US and are filled with US military bases.
All of it. I went to North Korea recently and brought Korean translations of the communist manifesto with me and had some great theoretical discussions with the people there on anti-imperialism and class struggle.
All I can say is, see for yourself, take some leftist literature with you as a conversation starter and you will be amazed at how well versed the north koreans are in marxism. The only reason Jason Unruhe hasn't done this yet is because the people there are so revolutionary that they have nothing to learn from him.
Given that the country is pretty much shut down, odds are the only information you can get is either NK or US propaganda.
NK rulers are not completely stupid, they know the US can invade any country if they can get away with it. Nuclear dissuasion is a matter of survival for North Korea's regimeā¦
It can also lead to the whole country reduced to a nuclear wasteland, but not doing it would lead to a guaranteed US invasion.
Sounds like quite an experience. If this is true, you should make a AMA thread about it.
I thought they completely purged all traces of Marxism from their official ideology?
It's a shitty authoritarian state but Westerners tend to downplay what the Americans did to them in the Korean War while grossly exaggerating their status as a contemporary threat.
They haven't. They never had references to Marxism in their constitution in the first place. Juche, as described by Kim Il Sung is the Korean application of Marxism-Leninism to the Korean conditions. Their official stance is that communism can't be achieved as long as imperialist aggression exists. Pic related is Pyongyang.
How much of America's depiction of the country-re: totalitarianism and famine- is pure propaganda?
Depends on how you define it. It's a pretty vague term with a hundred definitions. There are definitions of totalitarianism by which you could define the US as a totalitarian state. If you ask about civil liberties: Freedom of assembly is probably non-existent. Freedom of speech is probably restricted.
Happened in the 90s, they are gone now. Nobody starves in North Korea, although I'd expect the rural worker to have a less balanced diet than a citizen of Pyongyang. However, famine in North Korea has become a meme. Western propaganda pretends its still 1994, when North Korea had a food shortage due to the import stop of fertilizers and pesticides from the USSR. Farmland in North Korea isn't very good so they have to use a lot of fertilizers. Similar thing happened to Cuba btw, on a smaller scale. This is all part of history now. The "people eating grass" meme from the 90s is a defector story and they are lying all the time. Probably some guy went really hungry in 1994 and ate some grass and now everybody think in the year 2017 people it grass in the DPRK. If that's even true.
it's the duty of every communist to march zionist frat boys off to the camps
Yes let's believe the word of the fascist scum they kicked out.
Search dprk 360 on YouTube.
Yeah, suddenly Yurop feels really comfy. Unless putin gets more expansionist ideas i guess.
Those crops don't, motherfucker
We don't know much about it as besides Pyongyang it's almost entirely closed off. I'd be wary of anyone trying to say they know how it is there.
also this is good to watch